Time to be Strong in a Not so Friendly World

It has been an interesting two months. I have been grounded in my home because of underlining problems with my health. Can’t go to a restaurant. Can’t meet friends and talk. Can”t hug my kids and grandchildren.

There are many other no, noes. However I am sure you know them.

So what can we do?

Some suggestions:

  1. Yes, you can watch TV all day.
  2. Go for walks. My wife and I went walking this afternoon. It was hot, and I struggled, but I am glad I went.
  3. Call ALL your family and friends and see how they are doing. Yes, this may take several days. Here’s what happens: You put a smile on their face, and because of that you have one too.
  4. Read! What a perfect time to sit in your favorite chair and read. I can recommend my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. I am sold out, but it is on Amazon as an e-book. I also suggest the Bible. Lots of drama, happy endings, sad endings, and lots of hope.
  5. Get creative around your house. I took on cleaning out two cupboards in the bathroom. They both were a mess. When I was done they were well organized, and I felt proud.

As a veteran what is happening is very hard on me. I am use to structure, but not this bad. I would rather be able to go where I want to when I want to.

How are you doing?

Are you climbing the walls? Is your temper a little loose? Do you want to stay in bed instead of facing the day. You aren’t alone. There are many other veterans in the same boat with you.

Stay Strong!

Be an asset to your family not a hindrance. Show leadership and keep your family happy.

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You are never alone.

You are never unloved.

You are forsaken.

And above all…Never, ever, give up!

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