Join the Rat Race? Even Rats Rest Once and a While

I want to again thank those of you who have been signing up for the RSS feed on this site. It is a good way to keep up on what is going on. When you sign-up you are notified every time I post.


I am pretty excited about being able to be one of the authors who will be signing their books at the Oregon State Fair, in Salem Oregon this year. It is a great opportunity to meet new people, and get the word out about my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

The fair runs from August 26th-September 5th. I will be there 12 hours  a day, every day. If I live through it alive I will be blessed. (I will be blessed even if I don’t live through it! 🙂

If you live close, please drop by and say hello. Above all, if you would be so kind, could you tell a couple thousand of your closest friends that I will be there?


I had a high school class reunion on Saturday. It was good to see so many of my classmates there. Had dinner with two of them. I even sold two books. That was a nice bonus.


Why is it is so hard for people to be submissive? That seems to be a dirty word with a lot of people, because they have to give up something. They are not willing to stop their sins, or so called freedoms, and submit to God.

Is it so hard to give up that fancy boat, or car? Do you need to live in that mansion?

I have felt I would like to live the “better,” life many times. I see a house on the top of a hill that has six bedrooms, and a four car garage, and wonder how nice that might be?

The I wonder if I would really be happy? Wouldn’t I then want an even bigger house, because the neighbors down the road build a house with one more bedroom? Maybe they had a fancier car? I may want to go  and buy a better one just to say I had the best car in the neighborhood.

It gets crazy. It like we all are in a rat race to out do each other. Well, think on this…. even rats rest once and a while!  

I have decided that I am “okey dokey” with what I have. I can be happy with what God has given me.

As a matter of fact, Joshua said it for me… “For me and my house, We will serve the LORD.”

Remember: Never, ever, give up!


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