Do You go Through Life Wondering Why me?

We have had a big increase in subscribers lately! We have had 350 new people since the first of 2013. We now have a total of 565, and rising fast! This is wonderful for our site. I wonder if we can make it to 200 by January 1, 2014? You can make that happen. Please help us to continue to grow by also subscribing. You can do this by clicking on the icon right after the title.


Exciting news! We have a new book on the way that I am writing with Dennis Booth, from New South Wales, Australia. It will be called, “Signs of Hope: For the Weak Days.” (Working Title.) It is a compiling of posts that Dennis and I have been doing on my blog at: There are 45,900 followers on that site, and it is because so many people are seeking hope and it is provided there.

*Update: 10-25-13. I have about one half of my share of the book done. Dennis is rolling in the devotions now after a computer break down. We still don’t have a publishing date yet, but stay tuned to see what is happening. I will try to have an update often. 


It has been a while since I last posted. I have had some health issues, and have been spending the bulk of my time on my blog at, that has over 44,000 followers. I plan to spend much more time here now, because I am free to talk about my books, and other subjects I think you will enjoy.

The book I mentioned above, “Signs of Hope: For the Weak Days,” (Working title) reaches out to those who are battling anxiety, depression, self-doubt, fear, hopelessness, addictions, and the many other usual suspects. My co-author Dennis Booth, and I have been there and done that. We have been through the same storms that you have been through. We can relate, and share our thoughts on how to cope in this not so friendly world.


Do You go Through Life Wondering Why Me?


One of the many things I have faced are many illnesses. I am sure some of you have been there as well. I have had seven surgeries; some of them serious. I have another one coming up on October 7th for a bone spur in my neck.

It is hard, at best to keep going sometimes, when all this mounts up on us. We wonder if God cares. We question, “WHY ME!”

I can’t say I have the perfect answers. I can just share with you how I am able to cope.

When I first started having the many different ailments, including quadruple by-pass surgery on my heart, I was depressed. I was full of anger. I didn’t understand why such a loving God would allow so much pain.

Then as I made it through each storm I started gaining mental strength and stopped having the pity parties that no one wanted to come to.

I finally woke up and realized that God was using me to glorify His name through my afflictions. Each time I had another ailment, I was able to help others who were going through the same thing. They found comfort knowing that there was some one there who had been there and done that.

So I smile when something new comes up. I know that God has a new adventure for me to go on and use it to comfort others. Does this sound like a sadistic view on life? Maybe to some, but I am humbled that God would directly use me to help others through my own problems.

Think on this:

  • God loves you
  • Here considers you His child.
  • He created you in His own image. If He would go that far don’t you think he would want the best for you, even if it means being an example.
  • With God on your side, who can be against you?


I encourage you to go back up to the top and click on the icon right after the title so you can come back and read more thoughts on how to cope in a troubled world.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

I Find Joy in All The Thorns I Receive

We have had a big increase in subscribers lately! We have had 95 since the first of this year. We now have a total of 298, and rising fast. That is close to 300. We will have a celebration when that happens! This is wonderful for our site. Please help us to continue to grow by also subscribing. You can do this by clicking on the icon right after the title. 


We have a huge announcement to make. The book “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is now in eBook form.  That’s not all! We just lowered the price of the eBook from $4.99 to $2.99! This won’t last very long. Check it out by clicking on the Amazon icon on the right. You can also buy it at any eBook outlets! You can order the hard copy at the Amazon site there as well.


Be sure to check out the book trailer for “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” It is on the right side right below the Amazon icon. It gives you a clear picture of what the book is about.


How much can a person take? What is the breaking point?

I have been asking myself that lately. Since 2004 I have had many afflictions. In 2004 it was quadruple by-pass surgery. Then what followed over the years were two back surgeries, a gall bladder surgery, an Achilles tendon surgery, pace maker surgery, and a partridge in a pear tree. 🙂

It hasn’t stopped. Just a month ago I started having strong AFIB action with my heart. I became very tired quickly. I had an angiogram done, and it was decided that not only had I had a heart attack in the last few years, but my AFIB was out of control. It was active 90% of the time. They will be doing a “Flutter Ablasion,” on May 1st.

Then I started having tremors in my left arms. I can’t even hold a glass without spilling the contents. I found out that I may need surgery on my neck vertebrates to correct it.

So, I am a walking medical gem. The doctors know me by my first name! They may name a ward of the hospital named after me. I support a lot of people.

How could I be so cheery? How could I find humor in all of these afflictions I have had in the past and continue to have?

This may be hard to comprehend, but I find joy in using all these “thorns,” to witness to others who are going through the same things.  I use my afflictions to comfort others.

God doesn’t promise us a rose garden. He knows that there will be storms in our lives. Sometimes He will allow the storms to help us grow in strength when we overcome the storm. God won’t stop the storms, but He will help calm them.

God loves us and doesn’t really like seeing us going through pain, or hardships, but think on this:

He sent his only Son to die for us. What pain that must have caused Him! What agony He went through seeing His Son hanging on that cross, and yet He allowed it. Why? Because He loves us so much He felt He had to sacrifice His only Son to save our lives.

For those who believe, it is easy to understand why we go through some of the storms we go through. All we have to do is think of the pain and agony that Jesus went through so that we may have eternal life.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Serving in Tennis with Only One Arm Can be Difficult

We have had a big increase in subscribers lately! We have had 90 since the first of this year. We now have a total of 293, and rising fast. This is wonderful for our site. Please help us to continue to grow by also subscribing. You can do this by clicking on the icon right after the title. 


We have a huge announcement to make. The book “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is now in eBook form.  That’s not all! We just lowered the price of the eBook from $4.99 to $2.99! This won’t last very long. Check it out by clicking on the Amazon icon on the right. You can also buy it at any eBook outlets! You can order the hard copy at the Amazon site there as well.


Be sure to check out the book trailer for “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” It is on the right side right below the Amazon icon. It gives you a clear picture of what the book is about.


Yesterday was a special day for me. I went to watch my granddaughter play tennis for her high school. It was very cold, and we were told that my granddaughter and her partner would be the last ones to play. I waited in the cold, and I wondered if I should be there freezing.

I was also told that non one wanted to play with her doubles partner. My granddaughter was chosen to do it. At first I was feeling like my granddaughter may not like it, but I was very wrong!

The match was an 8 game set, with the winner need to win 8 games and lead by two.

The match went back and forth. It was 3-2; them 4-4, and then it was 6-6. My granddaughter’s team broke the other team’s serve and it was now 7-6. To make the story more dramatic, my granddaughter was the one serving to win the match.  She won her game without out any problems.

Katie’s partner wasn’t able to win any of her serves. As a matter of fact she only got a couple of her serves in the right court.

Katie’s partner fought hard, and helped when she wasn’t serving.

This girl was getting applause every time she returned a ball to the other court. How could that be, when no one wanted to play with her? This girl only had one arm. Her right arm was gone from just below the elbow.

When the final point was made, the fans around the court all stood up and started applauding. Even the players from the other team applauded. My granddaughter and her partner did the impossible. They beat their opponent even though one of the members wasn’t able to win any of her serves.

As I watched Katie’s partner toss the ball high into the air, switch her racquet from under her right short arm to her left, and still get even a piece of the ball, I was amazed.

You see, this young lady didn’t see the handicap she had. She was participating in a sport where two hands were needed. She won the respect of not only the rest of her team, but all who was there.

My granddaughter was also my hero, because she agreed to play with this girl, and not only did they did well, they won!

You too can overcome obstacles if you really have the desire, and perseverance.

Don’ let any handicap slow you down. Use it to battle adversity, and conquer the walls you face.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!