My New Book Is Ready to go to the Publisher!

Excitement is getting high around here! The book Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Life Beyond Bumper Stickers, (Title may change a little) is ready to go!! It has been professionally edited by Sue Miholer of Picky, Picky, Ink. The book proposal has been evaluated by another professional editor/evaluator, Sally Stuart. Now it is in my pea picken hands wanting to be presented to publishers!!

It has been a long eight years to get this book where it is today.

I have stopped working on it several times because of doubt. I have thought I wasn’t good enough to write it. I got tired of the hours it took each day. The people that did some proof reading for me weren’t too excited about my first attempts.

BUT! I never gave up!! I kept at it a little at a time. I went to writing conferences. Joined a writing group. Started submitting articles to magazines, etc.

It is fitting that I will hopefully have the book in a publishers hands by the end of March. That just happens to be the month I was at the lowest time in my life back in 2001. It now can be the highest point in my life. (To this point.)

Please join me in reading some of the excerpts from the book. You can do this by clicking the icon on the right side bar that says “Join my free newsletter.” After you have done that, all you have to do is put in your email address. You will then start receiving my online newsletter that will have actual excerpts from the book, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Life Beyond Bumper Stickers.

Take time to start getting the book excerpts free. It will give you a good feel of the book. If you don’t like it or the online newsletter I am sending you, put it in your round file called, “trash.”

There are many other things in the newsletter like:

  • Reports on my travels. Many of the people that have read this page before have really enjoyed it. That is because I have so many mishaps, and interesting things happen to me.
  • There is a sports page that talks mostly about Oregon State University Sports. It may have some other sports coming in from time to time.
  • There also is a resource page that has newspapers from all over the world giving information about afflictions we face like: self doubt, anxiety, fear, low self esteem, and depression.
  • The front page will be about the book, and have the free excerpts.

So help me in my excitement by signing up for the newsletter. Help the subscription numbers grow fast. That way when the book is ready for the market, as many people as possible will have an idea of what the book is about. They, of course, will want to buy at least one, or maybe many more books for friends and family.


Why did I write a Book on such depressing afflictions?

* A side bar minute…. If you want more information about the many afflcitions we face each day in our lives like: self doubt, anxiety, fear of failure, depression, and even hopelessness, go to the top of this site and click on my other site, There are many articles there on how to cope with these crippling demons. Go back and forth between the two sites and receive more information than you ever dared to ask for.

Now that I am posting excerpts from, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Through BumpersStickers on my new free online newsletter I have been asked by several readers as to why would I write this type of book? It is about depression, self doubt, anxiety and fear.

It is because I went through depression, self doubt, anxiety, fear, and even considered suicide. I have been in the trenches! I know what it is like. Who better to ask, than one that has been there and done that.

I looked for any books written by laymen who also had been in the trenches. You know what I found? Very few books are written by anyone but pastors, ministers, religious “experts,” counselors, etc. I do not think many of them can relate. They were taught how to help people with these afflcitions, but many have no idea how the person actually feels. Wouldn’t you want someone that is talking about your problem with you to at least have gone through the muck and mire like you have?

I decided that after I turned my life over to God, that I needed to share with others how I got out of the quicksand. I wanted to share my low spots so they could see I was there with them at one time.

I sent my manuscript out to several knowlegable people on this type of subject, and they like the honesty , and the sincere compassion I share with my readers. They feel that this will reach more people than having them read a book from someone like Sigmund Frued.

Many of the people can not afford to go to a counselor, or a psychiatrist. Therefore they are looking at the shelves to find help. I think more people will want to read a book that is on their level.

Sooooo. Sign up for my free newsletter by going over to the right side bar, and clicking on “Join my free email newsletter.” Then put in your email address and you too will receive excerpts free of charge. If you know anyone that may need help with their emotions, or are going through mental stress, show them how to sign up on this site.


I have had many comments on the other pages of the newsletter too. The travel page is getting the most comments. I posted yesterday on the travel page and here are some comments I received:

1. What a hoot!!

2. I couldn’t stop laughing.

3. You need a babysitter when you travel.

4. My wife and I loved your humor, and your interesting comments on your travels.

Let me give you a clue as to why they are all saying what they are saying. I went on a trip to El Paso, Texas around New Years Eve. (AND I came back alive) I had a horror level adventure at the Portland, Oregon airport. Would you believe I left my ID in the airport parking lot, and didn’t have time to go back and get it? Holy moley Batman, I had quite an adventure trying to get through the security. You will have to sign up to find out further happenings on the same trip. That newsletter will come out in a few days.

I also have a resource page that has articles from newspapers from all over the world that discuss the same afflictions we have been mentioning. People really seek out that page.

Finally, I have a sports page. It is soooo much fun to write. I am mostly an Oregon State University fan. Most of my postings will be on their sports programs, but I am a open to what ever any of you may send me. I will look at it and decide if it is worth printing.

Time to hit that famous pile of hay. It is eight minutes after midnight, and I am slowly melting like in the Wizard of OZ.

Please comment on any things I say. I need feedback from you to let me know there are live people out there.


You Have Asked Many Questions about the Newsletter

 You Have Asked many Questions about the Newsletter


It seems that many of you are still on edge about the topic of the book, or what can you do if you do not like the newsletter.  Let me repeat some of the questions I am receiving, and answer them the best I can.


1.     Why should I have to read the excerpts from your book?


·        You do not have to! This is an online newsletter. That means that I have links on the newsletter which you can click on immediately if you want to by-pass any page.

2.      What are on your other pages?


·        There are three other pages. I am still in the planning stage for a couple of the pages, but one is written in cement. There is one page that will be nothing but sports. Mostly OSU sports, but I will also discuss any sport that I think should be discussed.

·        Another page will be a log of all of my travels. I have been on many trips. I have shared some of them with you already, but I haven’t even touched on my four or five trips to Asia.

·        The last page is my question mark. I am leaning on a resource page where I post actual newspaper articles from all over the world on subjects pertaining to having a better outlook on life.

·        Somewhere in those pages I hope to share some pictures of my travels, sporting events, and just plain beautiful shots of the environment.


3.     What is the book about?


·        It is about my own personal struggles with self doubt, fear of failure, anxiety, depression, battling many illnesses, and even hopelessness. It starts out a little dark, because I have to share why I had all those afflictions. But it progresses into a very happy ending. (I love happy endings.)

·        Yes, it uses the Bible as a reference on to how to battle those afflictions, and I do share how God has helped me.

·        If this bothers you, click on another link. However, I really hope you will read it because, I can’t think of too many people that hasn’t faced some of those afflictions.


4.     Does it cost anything to subscribe?


·        Nope!


5.     How often will I be getting newsletters in my email box?


·        They will come about once a week, or three times a month.

·        The front page may not always be about the book. I may add one of my famous, The top Five Ways to….., that are on how to stop feeling sorry for yourself; ways to get up after you fall, or ways to turn that frown upside down into a smile, etc.  It may be an article that I have had published in a magazine like, The Christian Journal, which they published an article called, Stop the World and let me off, I am Tired of Going Round and Round.

6.     What if I no longer want to get your newsletter?


·        There is an opt out clause at the bottom of each newsletter. However, I hope you won’t choose that route.


I hope this helps you. If you have some friends that walked away because they had too may questions unanswered, have them come back just one more time, so that they can see the answers that may help them understand.


As a matter of fact….this site will only be a success if you tell others about it. I have run out of email addresses to invite people. I have been pretty successful with the addresses I have. Out of the first 47 days of existence, there have been 210 people subscribed. My goal is still 1,000 by the first of the year. I have a lot of work to do to make that goal. You can help me!