Discussions of Drugs, Alcohol, and Alzheimer’s

                             How to Face the Demons that Chase us

I am happy to announce that my blog, www.dailysignsofhope.com has a new partner. Michael Clark has joined me to share his battle with drugs and how he turned to God to help him conquer it.

I met Michael through Facebook. We built an instant friendship through sharing our hurts, defeats, and how we over came them. We are very similar, even though we went through a different channel. We both fought, anxiety, self doubt, low self esteem, depression, and even hopelessness.

I invite  you to mark www.dailysignsofhope.com as a favorite and check back often. Michael and I will be taking turns posting. Our different writing styles will reach out to different people, and hopefully help others to find help.


I have good/? news. I put the question mark there because it could be bad news, but not yet. I have been lucky enough to have an agent, and a publisher be interested enough in my work to have me send a proposal to them.

That was six weeks ago. I was told it takes up to three months before they answer back. Patience is not my best virtue, and this waiting game is hard.

You will be the first to know when I find out the results.


Today I am launching another free book give away. The new book to be given away is called, Moments This Good: The Softer Side of Alzheimer’s, by Bonnie Nester. I have read the book, and it tears at your heat and makes you laugh at the same time.  Moments This Good: The Softer Side of Alzheimer’s, is somewhat like a diary of special moments in the lives of  Bonnie and her mother Ruth. It will help the many people of today who have aging parents who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s. I know because I have a 92 year old mother who is still with me that battles dementia, but she is still my loving mother.

Moments This Good: The Softer Side of Alzheimer’s is autographed by Bonnie. I met Bonnie at a Northwest writer’s conference. I have enjoyed her friendship a great deal.

To have a chance to win this wonderful book, you just go to the sidebar, and look for the icon that talks about subscribing to my newsletter.

When you get there, notice that you will also be able to download my free eBook called, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World. It is a very timely book that shows ways to cope in this not so friendly world.

So….. You get a free newsletter-free eBook- and a chance to win a free autographed book,  just for signing up for the newsletter. It won’t give you hives, and you gain a lot.

You can opt out of the newsletter any time you want at the bottom, and still keep the eBook.

Have a blessed day!!


You Have Asked Many Questions about the Newsletter

 You Have Asked many Questions about the Newsletter


It seems that many of you are still on edge about the topic of the book, or what can you do if you do not like the newsletter.  Let me repeat some of the questions I am receiving, and answer them the best I can.


1.     Why should I have to read the excerpts from your book?


·        You do not have to! This is an online newsletter. That means that I have links on the newsletter which you can click on immediately if you want to by-pass any page.

2.      What are on your other pages?


·        There are three other pages. I am still in the planning stage for a couple of the pages, but one is written in cement. There is one page that will be nothing but sports. Mostly OSU sports, but I will also discuss any sport that I think should be discussed.

·        Another page will be a log of all of my travels. I have been on many trips. I have shared some of them with you already, but I haven’t even touched on my four or five trips to Asia.

·        The last page is my question mark. I am leaning on a resource page where I post actual newspaper articles from all over the world on subjects pertaining to having a better outlook on life.

·        Somewhere in those pages I hope to share some pictures of my travels, sporting events, and just plain beautiful shots of the environment.


3.     What is the book about?


·        It is about my own personal struggles with self doubt, fear of failure, anxiety, depression, battling many illnesses, and even hopelessness. It starts out a little dark, because I have to share why I had all those afflictions. But it progresses into a very happy ending. (I love happy endings.)

·        Yes, it uses the Bible as a reference on to how to battle those afflictions, and I do share how God has helped me.

·        If this bothers you, click on another link. However, I really hope you will read it because, I can’t think of too many people that hasn’t faced some of those afflictions.


4.     Does it cost anything to subscribe?


·        Nope!


5.     How often will I be getting newsletters in my email box?


·        They will come about once a week, or three times a month.

·        The front page may not always be about the book. I may add one of my famous, The top Five Ways to….., that are on how to stop feeling sorry for yourself; ways to get up after you fall, or ways to turn that frown upside down into a smile, etc.  It may be an article that I have had published in a magazine like, The Christian Journal, which they published an article called, Stop the World and let me off, I am Tired of Going Round and Round.

6.     What if I no longer want to get your newsletter?


·        There is an opt out clause at the bottom of each newsletter. However, I hope you won’t choose that route.


I hope this helps you. If you have some friends that walked away because they had too may questions unanswered, have them come back just one more time, so that they can see the answers that may help them understand.


As a matter of fact….this site will only be a success if you tell others about it. I have run out of email addresses to invite people. I have been pretty successful with the addresses I have. Out of the first 47 days of existence, there have been 210 people subscribed. My goal is still 1,000 by the first of the year. I have a lot of work to do to make that goal. You can help me!






The first official Prize has been given!!!

I have the great pleasure in announcing that we have our first prize awarded. I decided that the first official subcriber to this site would receive a free book. I will not name the person until I have permission.

The prize is a Book called, “Out of Darkness,” By Alicia Peterson. It is a fiction story about a young Roman beggar that is blind from birth, and a Jewish boy, anxious about his mother’s health.

This will be the begining of many prizes and awards for the future. So you need to subscribe and join in on the excitement. Only subscribers will have a change at the prizes.

The one award I really would love to give out is, the best comments of the week. I haven’t had many comments, so I am not implementing this award yet. Subscribe, and make some comments. You may be the next person to have a freebee that will very enjoyable.

I had my picture taken on the 15th. I will be posting it as soon as I get the CD. So hurry up and subscribe. I fear that once you see the picture you will run away in fear.

I will be having a professional company sending out the newsletter you are subcribing to. They are called, Constant Contact. They have newsletter templates, and I have found one that is perfect for fitting the theme we have on both sites.

I am a newbie on how to place things in the newsletter, so it could be a few days yet before I publish the first one.

Before you make comments be sure to read the rules for making comments that I have on the side bar. It will help make the comments a pleasant experience.
