The American Legion is Reaching Out to Help

The American Legion, which I am a member of, does a lot of things that do not make the news. Here are some things I found about some Legion posts across our country.

  1. 5,300 diapers distributed by Post 760 in Oceanside California.
  2. 10,000 pairs of latex gloves and 1,000 masks. They also sent gallons of hand sanitizers and many surgical gowns at Post 1.
  3. Post 405 in Philadelphia set up a Zoom meeting for many veterans to connect and share their worries, and just having someone to talk to who cares.
  4. 100 pounds of food collected by children of Legionnaires to give to those in need.
  5. $5,000 dollars donated to the food bank in Pennsylvania, by post 104.
  6. 1,600 Buddy Checks made by Post 83 in Merced, California. This is a way to check on your veterans friends to make sure they are OK. Here is a link to see how it works.

I will be sharing more as I compile them from reading and searching the internet.


Active Older Veterans Fall More, Get Hurt Less.

Physically active veterans are more likely to fall, but less likely to get hurt, compared to inactive older people.

The take away from this is when you are more active you have less chances of getting hurt.


Joke of the day:

With High-Definition TV everything looks wider and bigger. Kind of like my 62nd class reunion. (My actual reunion time for me. Yes I am old, but I am good!)


I am excited to report that we have had 35 new subscriptions since I last posted. Welcome to all of you. We now have 8,324 subscribers. All veterans who are seeking hope, and wanting to stay up on what is happening for Veterans. This is the place for that.


How are you doing brother/sister? Everything going OK? I have heard from some that are not doing well. PTSD, has raised its ugly head, and trying to control some of you.

DO NOT let that happen.

Get help! You are not a sissy if you get help. I know, people think you need to be tough if you are a veteran. That is not true! I needed help and I got it. I WOULD NOT be here today if I didn’t get help! I was a breath away from checking out of this hotel called earth, and I was saved.

I am sure you have many other demons chasing you like, depression, anxiety, fear, self-doubt, etc.

Stop the madness and call for help. Here is the connection line to get that much needed help.

1-800-273-8255. call now if you need it!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken,

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

What Can We do to Reach Out to Our Hurting Veterans?

Today I will share some news about military, and add some of my own thoughts.

Quick thoughts:

  1. Walgreens now accepts Tricare.
  2. One in ten Vietnam veterans have Hepatitis C and don’t even know it. Get tested!
  3. Becoming a gardener helps a lot with PTSD.
  4. The American Legion web site is one of the top resources for job seekers.

What can we do to reach out to our fellow veterans who are in need?

This questions has come up many times. What can we really do? I have some thoughts and ideas.

  1. Check out your very own neighborhood and see how many veterans live near you. Get to know them and help where they may need help.
  2. When you are in a restaurant, don’t be bashful. If you see a veteran with a hat on saying what branch he was in. Go greet him and talk to him.
  3. I was shopping at a grocery store and saw a WWll veteran. I thanked him and it lead to a great interview for my new book , Signs of Hope for the Military: IN and Out of the Trenches of Life. We have become good friends.
  4. I was having coffee with several fellow heart disease men and women after our workout at cardiac rehab. Three of them were veterans. Got three interviews from that and kept them as new friends.
  5. At church, I have found there are many veterans who go there. I have connected with many of them who have become friends. They love to sit and talk.

What about you who are having your own struggles?

Need some help yourself? This is the right place to be my friend. There are over 7,000 followers here who are in the same boat. Make a comment at the end of this post. and I know many will read it and reach out.

If you want to be able to read these posts in your inbox, just go to the top of this page and click on Subscribe. When you do, every time there is a post it will go directly to your inbox.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never ,ever, give up!

It’s the New Year, and I am changing MY Approach

Starting today, I will be posting three times a week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Later on I may go five posts a week, depending how things go with my new book, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.”

I am really excited how the new book is causing a buzz. Many veterans can’t seem to wait until it comes out. Why is that?

This book will be reaching out to those veterans and families who may be suffering from PTSD, TBI, Anxiety, A lost loved one, or depression. There are many more problems a veterans face, and those will be discussed as well.

The part of the book I am most excited about, are the interviews with veterans who have been in the trenches. I will have a whole section dedicated to them. I have interviews with WWII, Korean, Afghanistan, and Iraq veterans

Some of the stories are very sad. Others are funny.

I will be sharing excerpts from time to time to get you hooked!

So starting tomorrow will be my first full post of the new year.

If you don’t want to miss any of the posts, just subscribe at the top of this page. Then whenever I post you will get the post sent directly to your inbox.

Just a side note to my brothers and sisters who may be hurting. I feel your pain. The upcoming posts should be giving you hope, and a meaning to your life. For personal help right now call:

(877-247-4645) 24/7. There are people there who will guide you to help and peace.

Happy New Year to each and every one of you.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…Never, ever, give up!