There Are Over 22 Military Suicides in the Military Everyday. Has to stop.

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Military news…

Russia Says Some Troops Are Returning to Their Bases, But Other Large-Scale Military Drills Continue.

Some Russian troops deployed from military districts bordering Ukraine were being loaded onto trains and trucks and sent back to their garrisons, Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday, signaling that Russia could be stepping away from an invasive posture.


Veterans Groups Asking Congress to Prevent Afghan Evacuees from Being Kicked Out of US

Some Afghans evacuated by the U.S. military last year could lose their legal status in the U.S. in six months and veterans groups are pushing Congress to find a permanent solution and guarantee their allies’ safety.


Pentagon Orders US Soldiers Out of Ukraine as War Fears Mount

U.S. Army National Guard troops on a training mission in Ukraine were repositioned in Europe amid escalating signals of a possible Russian invasion, the Pentagon said Saturday.


Biden Approves Pentagon Plan to Help Americans Fleeing Ukraine if Russia Invades

The White House approved a Pentagon plan to send 1,700 paratroopers with the 82nd Airborne Division to Poland to bolster that ally and assist with safeguarding Americans directed to leave Ukraine, U.S. officials said.


Number of Veterans Living in Homeless Shelters Declined During Pandemic, Report Finds

Fewer veterans lived in homeless shelters or transitional housing last year, but officials say the pandemic’s real impacts on the homeless in America won’t be known until a new batch of surveys of those living on the streets.


Americans Were Promised an ‘Orderly and Safe’ Withdrawal From Afghanistan. US Troops Say it Was Anything But

Several Marines provided investigators with visceral accounts of the chaos at Abbey Gate at Hamid Karzai International Airport in the hours leading up to a suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. service members and as many as 170 Afghans.


Here is the last chapter of my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life

Let’s Start a Ripple Effect

Have you ever thrown a pebble into a lake? Did you notice the circles that form and slowly spread out away from where the pebble went into the water? This is called the ripple effect.

Well, this can happen in your own life.

Every time you offer your hand to pick someone up; every time you share your strength and ability to persevere and every time you fight for your own recovery and help someone else with theirs, the ripple grows.

I have seen it so many times in my many years of going around the block.

A close friend of mine, who was a veteran, was given only six months to live. He used those six months to give hundreds of other people hope. He was never negative. He never blamed God for his demise. He used his impending death as a tool to help others to feel comfort in their own battles. His ripple effect reached out to all of his close friends, and through those friends it spread to many other who needed a friend.

How about you? Do you have some buddies or friends in the military that are hurting? Do they seem too quiet, or distant? They often do not seek help because of the mental attitude of the military. It is the “tough it out,” attitude. This is the time for you need to sit with them to get them to talk. You don’t have to be forceful, just be a friend, and they will open up.

Since 1999 there have been over 128,000 suicides in the military, and the veterans who are out on the private sector. We all need to do what we can to help stop this epidemic.

Twenty-two veterans end their lives every day. This is not acceptable. This needs to stop.

Hopefully you have come up with some strategies from reading this book. Use them to help those hurting around you. 

Ripple effects can begin with you. You have faced many trials in your life. What did you do when you did? Was it a poor me pity party, or did you use it to help others?  

Through your one ailment, disappointment, or failure, you can spread hope to others around you. The ripple effect will grow and continue to grow far further than you will ever know.


Check in on all of your friends and neighbors. I may have said this many times in this book, but just checking in with them cheers them up. By doing this you will brighten their day and they will in turn want to reach out to someone else.

I hope this book has been beneficial for you. Thank you for your service. As Lt. Lynn Buck Compton said when he wrote an autograph for me in his book, “All my best to an American hero.” That would be you.

Think about this

Isn’t it sad how we think about reaching out to someone, but often never do it?


There will be more excerpts coming so come back aften. Better yet… go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your in box.


Checking in on you…How are you doing? Are you struggling with memories?


There are over 13,880 fellow veterans here who have your back.

If you are battling mentally, because of your love for others, but it isn’t working, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will no hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.

I will start repeating some of the more popular chapters for you to see, so keep coming back. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.


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There Are Many Great Stories About Our Heroes Who Fought in WWII.

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Military news…

“We’re under great pressure. We’re crumbling. We’re being overrun,” Retired Army Ranger Col. Ralph Puckett recalls saying in November, 1950, when he and a small force of other Rangers and Korean soldiers held off hundreds of Chinese soldiers during a battle near Unsan, Korea. 70 years later, Haley Britzky was among the first to report on Wednesday that Puckett will receive the Medal of Honor for his conspicuous gallantry that day. 

It might be obvious that drinking and samurai swords don’t mix, but, as they say about a lot of things, ‘tell it to the Marines.’ One Marine told me about his unfortunate experience with the two for a story I wrote rounding up reader submissions of the dumbest things they did in uniform. Other readers talked about picking up forklifts with bigger forklifts, or shorting out the base power generator because they were trying to watch Power Rangers. 

It might be obvious that drinking and samurai swords don’t mix, but, as they say about a lot of things, ‘tell it to the Marines.’ One Marine told me about his unfortunate experience with the two for a story I wrote rounding up reader submissions of the dumbest things they did in uniform. Other readers talked about picking up forklifts with bigger forklifts, or shorting out the base power generator because they were trying to watch Power Rangers. 

“The job of a Corpsman is to go through hell and back for your Marines,” said Petty Officer 1st Class Luis Fonseca at his retirement ceremony last week.  Nobody knows that job better than Fonseca, who is the most decorated active-duty corpsman in the Navy and who first cut his teeth running through a wall of lead to save his buddies during the 2003 Battle of Nasiriyah. Fonseca was awarded the Navy Cross for valor for his actions that day, but it was only the beginning of a long career saving Marines on far-flung battlefields.
The Air Force has deployed its drone-killing microwave weapon to Africa
The Air Force is currently testing a prototype of its new drone-killing microwave weapon “in a real-world setting” in Africa, Breaking Defense reports, a major step forward for the service’s directed energy efforts.
Military spouses are the backbone of the military

The United States military is the finest fighting force in the world, ready to deploy anywhere within 48-hour notice. A combat-ready unit cannot operate without logistics, communications, and of course, family support. While they don’t wear uniforms, military spouses are fundamental in keeping our forces domestic and abroad focused, supported, and ready to go
The Air Force’s new drone-in-a-box is like ‘scramble the fighters’ for base security forces
New drones at Travis Air Force Base respond immediately to fence alarms or distress calls, giving security forces rapid eyes-in-the-sky.

Why did I enlist into the Army? (Thank you for asking.)

I had three uncles that fought in WWII. Two of them received the Purple Heart. They were brave and was able to come home. They told me stories of many that didn’t come home.

My brother went into the National Guard after I enlisted.

I was a freshman in college and my first term GPA was 0.76! I was having too much fun.

Myself and two other buddies sat down and had a talk. We decided to enlist under the buddy system. I was proud to join because I honored my uncles so much.

I have stories about my uncles in my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. Two of my uncles were in life threatening situations.

One uncle was a tanker. He was the man who was in charge of the tank with two other soldiers. One day he stopped the tank and told his buddies he was going to air out the tank by opening the top.

That turned out to be a mistake. A Japanese soldier came running up and tossed a grenade into the tank. It killed his best friend next to him, and he and the other tanker were wounded.

He never wanted to talk about that incident, because he felt it was his fault for having people killed and wounded.

Another uncle was in the infantry. He was fighting the Germans in France. He whole unit was attacked, and many of the soldiers were either killed or wounded.

Those that survived retreated. This left many man still alive, but wounded.

My Uncle could see the German soldiers coming through and checking to see if there were any soldiers still alive. If they were they killed them.

My uncle had to “Play dead.” He couldn’t move or even breath as one german came by him. They went on through and then the medics came back to rescue those who were still breathing. My was uncle one of them.

My third uncle was a SeaBee. They were vital to the war in that they built bridges across rivers for the soldiers to advance. This also helped with the equipment.

To me he was just as much as a hero as the others.

Stories about these three heroes are in my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Keep coming back to see what new things have happened.

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Were you wounded while in the military? Are you still suffering because of that?


There are over 12,010 fellow veterans subscribed to this site, and they all have your back.

If it is just too overwhelming for you right now. GET HELP!

There is a toll free number to call 24/7.

There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.

Never face the storms alone!

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Losing a Buddy in the Service is Very Hard to Face

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This old soldier is having surgery in his mouth tomorrow. Got to take two teeth out that infected. The infection is going down into my body. Not good.


Military News…

Black airmen 74% more likely than whites to get Article 15, report finds.
Dozens of West Point cadets caught in worst cheating scandal in decades.

Overweight troops are costing the Pentagon more than $1 billion a year.

Airman awarded for braving rocket fire to treat wounded troops during Camp Taji attack.

‘I don’t think I’m special’ says Marine who rescued a baby from a burning car.

Soldier and 16-year-old boy charged with murder of Fort Drum soldier.


One of the things I really enjoyed while serving, was to get to know some great Afro Americans. (They would rather be called black people.)

There were some during Basic Training, but we were too exhausted to get to know each other. We trained and slept.

During my training at FT Gordon, GA. I met a black man who was an instant friend. He had a mustache, and smoked a pipe during off time. We had some great discussions in the barracks, about racism, etc.

While in Korea I met specialist Jackson. He was black and looked like a linebacker.

One day he and a buddy of his come strolling in to my Quesant hut (Barricks) I was just unloading my gear. It was my first day at Camp Red Cloud.

I thought this may be pick on the new guy time so I was very nervous.

I was very wrong. They both shook my hand and welcomed me to Camp Red Cloud. I became instant friends with both of them. (They were big and strong. Can’t hurt having them on your side.)

Those same guys took me to the base bar. Bad things happened. there.

You will have to read my book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life, to find out what happen.


Did you meet some good buddies while in the service? Did some of them not come home? I lost two buddies. I know the feeling.

Not to worry!

There are 11.950 fellow veterans here that have your back.

If the losses for buddies is just too much GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number to cal 24/7.

There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are ok.

Never let the bad memories overcome you!

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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