Another Day to do Something Special

* I would like to invite you to sign-up for the RSS feed here. People have started doing that now that I am trying to post everyday.

I have been busy with my blog at: The RSS feed there is growning at a tremendous rate. We are now over 4,200 subsribers, and adding about 10 more every day.

I would like that to happen here as well. Just click on the RSS feed above and join me. When you do, every time I post you will be notified.


Another day to do something special for the LORD.

We should be getting up each day and praying for guidance as to what we can do to glorify God. We don’t need to get up and wonder what we can do to better ourselves. If we serve God properly, we will better ourselves through serving Him.


I may have announced this before, but I will be at the Oregon State Fair in Salem, Oregon, from August 26th-September 5th signing my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” I hope to see you there if you live near.


I wonder if we really believed in ourselves what we could really accomplish. I have had several ideas, through my life, where if I had really tried I may have done something great. I stopped short many times, because I felt I wasn’t capable of completing the task.

Have you done the same? Have you had something you have always wanted to try, but put it on the back burner, only to have it die out?

Don’t let it happen again. I’ve  learned to listen to God when He is suggesting something, and see it through. It may take a few twists and turns, but if you stay with it you will be pleased of the outcome.

I never, ever, dreamed I would someday have a published book. That wasn’t even on my radar.

I was a teacher for 22 years, and then retired. I searched for what I should do next. I floundered in failure trying several things. Why? Because they weren’t what God wanted me to do. He had plans for me, and I was trying to wing it on my own.

God wanted me to write, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”  It came about in a shocking way considering I had to get to the end of my rope, and was considering checking out of the hotel called earth before God finally woke me up.

I won’t go into details, but God stopped me from checking out, and directed me to write. I did, and I have been very blessed from the many people who have thanked me after they bought the book, and they say it helped them cope.


You can take a look at the book right here on this site. Just go up to the tab at the top of this page and click on “Bookstore.” You will see a description of the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” There will also be a copy of the cover for you to see.

If you want to read some great endorsements, you can click on, “Endorsements,” at the top as well.

There is a special sale going on right now. In the retail stores the book is selling for $19.99. If you order off of this site, it is only $15.99. The shipping cost is cut in half too. A total savings of over $6.00.

I hope you will check it out. Think of someone who may be hurting. This would be a wonderful gift for them.

I Never Thought I Could Accomplish Anything

I woud like to invite you to sign-up for my RSS feed. More people have started doing that now that I am posting more on this site. If you do, you will get an instant notification that I have posted. ________________________________________________

Yesterday I talked about worry. I suggested we stop wasting time worrying, because with God on our side, who can be against us?

Today, I am suggesting that we stop letting worry sway us from our dreams. If our dreams are in God’s plan all we have to do is have at it, and God will guide us through the process.

I am a living example of that. I was once a weak, poor me, kind of guy. I never thought I would accomplish much in the eyes of my family and friends.

I was a successful teacher with 22 years of teaching elementary kids. That should be considered a success in many people’s minds, but I was seeking more. After I retired, I wondered what was left? What else could I do?

I got so depressed that on March 31st 2001, I was parked in a high school parking lot considering if I want to check out of this hotel called earth.

God put a dramatic stop to that by calming me down in my Explorer. I knew He was in my presence. The air even seemed to be fresher, and I could feel the love surrounding me.

My life changed that day, and I eventually knew that God had a plan for me to write the book, ” Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” 

It is a book that reaches out to others that may have gone as far as I did with my pain of depression, anxiety, fear, self-doubt, and even hopelessness.

The book is selling well, and the people who are buying it have let me know that the book has helped them cope.

You can also have this book by ordering it right from this site.

“Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is selling for $19.99 in the retail stores, but if you order from this site it is only $15.99. The shipping has been cut in half as well. A total savings of over $6.00.

We live in a world that seems to pull us down like a huge magnate into the muck and mire of life.

There is the mother who lost her job, and has children who will not have any health insurance. How about the elderly man who is just given some bad news from the doctor?

There are so many stories in this bad economy, and world situation.

“Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, ” addresses these issues and many others.

If you click on, “Bookstore,” at the top of this page, you will read a description of the book. If you also want to see some wonderful endorsements, click on “Endorsements,” at the top as well.

I wish you the best in your life, and if you are struggling, I hope you will check out the book, and see how it can help you cope.

Finding Victory in the Jaws of defeat

The amazing ride we are having over at:, has been wonderful. Since June 9th, we have increased our RSS feed subscribers by nearly 4,000.

I would love it if you would take the time to do that here as well. There are 550 hits here a day, and if all of you signed up for my RSS feed here just once. It would increase the count by over 500.

What does a RSS feed do? It lets you know when a post has been recorded so you can  read it. No more going back and checking many times. You will know instantly.

So click on the RSS feed icon at the top of this page and join me. I would be very honored if you do.


I remember the saying, “Victory in the jaws of defeat.” It was  a slogan for some sports program.

It is telling us that we never know when we may pull out a last minute victory.

Well…what about those of us who haven’t found that victory? What about you? Have you tried many time to claim victory, but the walls were to high, and many doors slammed in your face?

You certainly aren’t alone. I have talked to many people at my book signings who have faced depression, anxiety, fear, hopelessness, self-doubt, addictions, and many more demons they face each day.

Some of the people are repeat buyers of the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” They have come back to share their testimony and buy the book for other people who are suffering as well.

One lady said, ” I bought your book and started reading it. I had to come back and get three more for my children. It is a much needed book for today’s world.”

Another person sent me a note with her payment for the book that she ordered right from this site. She said, ” My son is going through some hard times, and I know this book will reach out to him and give him strength, as it has me.”

I would like you to check out why I am getting so many re-sales, and comments likes these for the book.

Go to the top of this page and click on “bookstore. ” When you do, you will see a description of the book, and a picture of the cover. If you like what you read and see, please order a book. Hopefully you will be sending me a comment as well.

The price of the book in the retail stores is $19.99 and above. If you order from this site you will only pay $15.99. The shipping has been cut in half as well. A total savings of over $4.00.

Take a minute to see why some many people are ordering the book.