New Ideas on Marketing for Authors

It has been a while since I last posted. I have been busier than that famous cat on a hot tin roof. I had 6 signings; placed books in over twenty outlets, and sold about 200 books, in the first two months.

Can’t complain about that since a report says that a first time author is very lucky if he sells 100 books in his first published effort.

My marketing plan is going right on schedule. After things settle down I will be sharing why I did so well out of the gate.

I will be sharing excerpts from my new book, “Becoming Famous Before you are Famous.”  

It is about the things an author needs to do before they even approach a publisher, to get their name out there.

Check back often to see many ideas on how to market your book.

Since you are here, please subscribe to this site, and keep up on the postings. Just go to the networked blog icon, and click on the bottom.

You can also sign-up for a RSS feed near the top.

Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World is in Print

There is a new and exciting page added to the author page. You can now order the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” right on this site. Just go to the “Bookstore,” and get one.

It won’t be available for another few days, so keep checking for the announcement that it is available.

It has been a long struggle to get to this point. I have been working on the book since 2001. It will be ten years next March.

It is worth every second. If the book can help one person then my times was not wasted.

Sorry this is such a short post. I have to post yet tonight on my blog, I will have it ready in about an hour. Please check it out. The blog has been getting great reviews in that it has added 355 followers in just one year of existence. It also has been reaching out to those who suffer from anxiety, fear, self-doubt, depression, and the many other usual suspects.

God has blessed me a great deal since my days of having pity parties. I was pulled out of the muck and mire by our heavenly Father, and He has been holding my hand ever since.

Again, please keep checking back here for the latest on the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

A Funny Thing Happened to me on my way to be photographed.

Today was a big day for me! I met with Hillary Lodge who is a photographer, to get my photos done of me for my blog, and this website. I won’t see them for a few days until Hillary sends them to me. I must say that Hillary is an outstanding photographer, and anyone that needs author shots for their site or book should contact her. You can see her blog at

As we were walking through beautiful Hendricks Park in Eugene, Oregon we saw an amazing sight! Walking ahead of us were six wild turkeys in a gaggle, flock, herd, (I don’t know!!!) They didn’t seem to care that we were there. They just kept feeding and chasing each other around.

Now, as a person who looks for meaning in life, I am not sure if I want to know the meaning of this happening. I will just marvel at it happening, and let the turkeys move on.

I am excited about the photography session with Hillary. She had me standing in front of trees, sitting on benches, and smelling the flowers. Actually, there was one shot where we weren’t sure what the plant was that I was next to, but it looked like one of those creatures from the movie, where everyone was getting swallowed up by a huge man eating plant. I tried to stay as far away from it as I could!!

I have now gotten a few subscribers. I will be sending out over a thousand invitations to subscribe, as soon as I know that the site is at its top form. Then after that I will begin sending out the newsletter for those that have subscribed on the newsletter page.

You can look at some of my previous posts to see what else I will be putting in the newsletter. I do not want to be repeating myself.

I have been sending out submissions to magazines and newspapers for about three weeks now. I have ten submissions out. It takes time to get a reply, so I will wait patiently, chewing my fingers to nubbins!!

Let me know what you think of my posts, and website in general. Just make a comment to any post you read. Don’t be too harsh, I cry easily.
