Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World is in Print

There is a new and exciting page added to the author page. You can now order the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” right on this site. Just go to the “Bookstore,” and get one.

It won’t be available for another few days, so keep checking for the announcement that it is available.

It has been a long struggle to get to this point. I have been working on the book since 2001. It will be ten years next March.

It is worth every second. If the book can help one person then my times was not wasted.

Sorry this is such a short post. I have to post yet tonight on my blog, I will have it ready in about an hour. Please check it out. The blog has been getting great reviews in that it has added 355 followers in just one year of existence. It also has been reaching out to those who suffer from anxiety, fear, self-doubt, depression, and the many other usual suspects.

God has blessed me a great deal since my days of having pity parties. I was pulled out of the muck and mire by our heavenly Father, and He has been holding my hand ever since.

Again, please keep checking back here for the latest on the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

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