I am really encouraged by the increase in people signing up for the RSS feed on this site. I mentioned that my blog: www.dailysignsofhope.com, was gaining about 100 people daily who are signing up for the RSS feed there. You might go there to see why.
I really would like that to be happening here as well. Just click on the RSS feed spot up above and receive notifications of when I post. I am trying to post more often here, and I will post some uplifting thoughts, and keep you caught up on the happenings with my latest book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”
You Were My Church
The young man seemed to be a loner. He didn’t make many friends. He was one of those guys who had spiked hair, black fingernails, and a chain hanging out of his pocket.
A local church started a new program where senior citizens were placed with teens to become their prayer partners at school.
One elderly couple decided that they wanted to take part in this mission. They came to the director and asked to be assigned a child. The director look at his list, frowned, and said, “We don’t have anymore kids to assign.
The couple was insistent, and finally the director said. ” I have one boy that no one seems to want. He is a loner at the school.
The elderly couple said they would take the young man.
The young man didn’t really want to be assigned, but the school liked the program, and insisted.
Things didn’t seem to be going well. The elderly gentleman tried everything he could to communicate with the boy. The boy didn’t even use complete sentences to reply. Here is one conversation.
Elderly man: Do you like school?
Young man: Yeah.
Elderly man: “Have you had any problems we could pray for?”
Elderly man: “Do you need any support for anything?”
Young Man: “Nope!”
You can imagine how it felt having every conversation one sided.
Th e couple stayed with the boy all the way through high school. The boy never really opened up much to them.
Then the husband died. There was a funeral, and the elderly lady was there greeting people.
One young man with slicked down hair and nice clothes came up and gave the woman a hug. She didn’t think much of it because she didn’t recognize him.
The boy said, “Don’t you know me? I was the guy you helped through high school.”
The elder lady looked astounded and said, We lost track of you, and you never came to church the whole time we were praying and talking to you.”
The boy only made one other statement and then he moved on. He said, “You were my church.”
You never know when you have made an impact on someone. Just being a good example and supporting someone who needs it can change lives.
(This was a true story!)