It is Hard to Cope When we Are Rejected

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the Oregon State Fair, where I will be doing a signing for my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

The fair will be in Salem, Oregon and runs from August 26th-September 5th. I will be there everyday, except the last day, from 10:00am-10:00pm. I will take a meal break sometime during each day.

This is a great opportunity for me. I hope you will drop by and say hello if you are in the area.


When we have so many rejections in our lives, it is hard to keep our heads up and face the world. It is hard enough when we live in the economy we live in now.

So many people out of work. So many people losing their homes. So may people dealing with anxiety, fear, depression, self-doubt, hopelessness, addictions, etc.

Do you fit in there somewhere, or you do you have another affliction I didn’t mention? 

The book I have written, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” talks directly about all of these usual suspects. It covers ways to cope, and to climb over those walls that stop us.

The book has a special price on this site right now. In the retail stores it is $19.99, but on this site it is only $15.99. The shipping has been cut in half as well. A total savings of over $6.00.

If you or someone you know is dealing with the burdens of this world, and need thoughts and ideas to help you cope this is a must read.

There have many people who have already bought the book who say that it seemed to be written just for them and that it helped them cope.

I hope you will at least take a look at the book by clicking on the “Bookstore,” tabd at the top of this page.

It will have a description of the book, and a copy of the cover for you to see.

If you also want to see some outstanding endorsements, click on, “endorsements,” at the top as well.

If you have a minute I also encourage you to sign-up for the RSS feed of this site. If you do, you will be notified every time there is a post.

Remember: Never, ever, give up!

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