Well… we are slowly moving to a new format on this site. I hope you like it, and will come back often. While you are here we would love it if you would sign-up for the RSS feed. That helps us climb up in the Google Search Rankings. That means we move up the page when people are searching for us.
Please sign-up right now if you haven’t already. Just click on the icon right after the title to do that.
The new format we are changing to will be about writing. We will have guest writers, author interviews, trends in publishing, etc. Let me know if you would like to be be interviewed, or would like to do a guest article on writing. I will schedule you in and let you know ahead of time when your time is near.
One of the things that always seemed to give me problems was to figure out where to try to sell my books. We all have the online outlets working for us like, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon, but what about in the real world.
I did an interview with none other than John Kremer about month ago. I will be having that podcast right here on this sight shortly. John asked me about unusual places to sells books.
I hope you come back to hear that podcast.
I also have a book trailer that will be downloaded to this sight. You can see it right now by going to You Tube, and typing in, “Signs of Hope-Doug Bolton.” It is a very well done trailer by Apex Reviews.
My book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is on a special sale right now in the bookstore. This book reaches out to those who may be suffering from anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects. Just click on the “bookstore,” tab at the top of this page.
My thoughts for today…
We all have faced trials and storms. They will not go away, and let us live in a dream world. Many times we feel like we are being dragged down by a huge magnate. We seem to be drowning in the muck and mire.
How can we survive in all of this turmoil?
WE need to rely on God to hold us by the hand and walk the paths we take with us. He is always there anyway, we just need to ask him for help.
He will still allow the storms, but He will help calm them. Many times adversity helps us grow.
In closing..
You are not forsaken.
Above all… Never, ever, give up!