Updates on the Marketing Plan for Signs of Hope

I have started a new marketing plan for 2011. I am now “hitting,” all the bookstores, and gift shops in Oregon that I can, in person, to see if I can place, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” in them.

If you are a store owner, or know someone who is ine in the Northwest area, please make a comment and let me know the contact information.

I will offer a 40% discount just for the store, and even go on consignment. That means no money out of the store owners pocket unless the books sell.

I placed two books in the Oregon State Capital Building gift shop this last week, and I have 24 books placed at the Women’s Assistance league gift shop at the Daue House location in Salem.

I have books in all of the Rainbow West Christian bookstores, which are in Albany, Salem, Gresham, and Oregon City in Oregon, and two locations in Vancouver, Washington. One store is at the Vancouver mall.

There are books at the Eola Hills Winery in Rickreall, Oregon.

On the Oregon Coast, there are book in Newport at the Canyon Way book store, and in Waldport at the New Creations Beauty Salon.

You can order it online at www.barnesandnoble.com, www.amazon.com, www.christinabooks.com, and on this website at: www.dougbolton.com.

On my site, I will be changing the price, in the next week. I will let you know when it has been changed. The price will be lowered from $19.99 to $15.99. A four dollar savings.

The books ordered from my website will have a personal note and an autograph.

I will have some exciting news in a future post about a contest for self published books I am entering. (News at 11:00 Pm. 🙂 )


Also check back for updates on new signing  times and locations I will doing this year. One is already scheduled at Border’s Bookstore In Salem, Oregon on April 16th, from 2-4 P.M. The location of the store is on Lancaster.

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