Veteran News and Updates.

Some good veteran news to start with:

  1. Complaint Line for Veterans: President Trump started a veterans complaint line. It opened June 1st of last year, and fully functional by August. It is 24/7. This is where you can share your concerns about the VA. The number to call is: 1-855-948-2311.
  2. Comics Made by Veterans: There are veterans are putting together comic books. These book about war and military issues. They are no nonsense comics that are pretty graphic at times. Not sure how you are able to read some of them, but go to: You may get some help there.
  3. Physical Activity Pays Off: A study shows that if we keep active in our senior years we have a much better change of living longer. They study was for those 60 years or older. It showed if you had high levels activity you had a 35% better chance of not dying than those who had low activity. Even if you have only medium levels of activity you still have 28% chance of longevity. get out there and walk!!


My book, Signs of Hope for the MIlitary: In and Out of the Trenches of Life,” Is nearly finished. I will be adding a countdown clock to this site when it is getting close. Just a few more interviews to go to make this the most comprehensive book for veterans ever. I am not trying to brag. Let me share an endorsement by General Jim Jaeger:

Most of us are fortunate not to have experienced the stress of combat.  Words cannot adequately define the grinding daily pressure of knowing that every time you step outside the gate the enemy will try to kill you and your buddies.  You are constantly alert, on point; but how can you protect your team from the instantaneous blast of the IED?  You are part of a highly-trained team poised to execute, but what has prepared you for the mental toll of being on edge every moment.  The skills that helped you survive….have taken a toll and are now working against you when you return home.  What do you do now; where do you turn?  Whether you are dealing with PTSD, TBI, depression, homelessness, or recovering from wounds; Doug Bolton has answers…..this book has answers!

Jim Jaeger

Brigadier General, USAF, ret

San Antonio, TX

Member of the Board, Victory for Veterans

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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…Never, ever, give up!

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