Vietnam Veterans Can’t Open up About their Time There

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Military news…

US, South Korea and Japan flex missile-defense muscles after North’s latest ICBM test

The United States, South Korea and Japan rehearsed their seaborne missile defense in international


Navy sends destroyer through Taiwan Strait less than a week after Chinese exercises

A Navy guided-missile destroyer steamed through the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, less than a week after Chinese forces concluded a three-day exercise in the area to protest meetings between Taiwan’s president and U.S. politicians.


Sweden announces arrival of US Marines taking part in huge NATO partner exercise

U.S. Marines crossed the Norwegian border into Sweden on Tuesday to join one of Scandinavia’s largest military drills in decades, involving troops from more than a dozen countries.


Are US special operations forces in Ukraine? Yes, but not in combat
Details are sparse


One of the Most Prolific Pro-Russia Propaganda Channels Is Run by a US Navy Veteran Living in Washington

Sarah Bils is a 37-year-old woman in Oak Harbor, Washington, who served at the U.S. Naval Air Station on Whidbey Island until November of 2022. Bils’ identity was first uncovered by users on Twitter and Reddit, and first reported by an advocacy site mainly posting about the war known as Malcontent News.


The hardest people for me to interview for my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life, are the Vietnam soldiers. They bury their thoughts and refuse to share them.

I had a few open up a little, but it was very difficult to pry it out of them.

Many soldiers lost buddies and that broke them down immensely. They talk about how they shouldn’t be here, because their buddies are not.


I have an interview coming up in the book that will knock your socks off. He is a Vietnam veteran and had openly fully to his time in vietnam. This one interview should be enough for you to buy the book.

He was wounded three times, and still went back to more times to Vietnam. You only had to go one time, and he went three.


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1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



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Vietnam Veterans Still Feel the Sting of Duty There. Most Have lost Many Friends.

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Military news…

Top US general says the fight in Syria is “important” for security after surprise visit
Milley believes an “enduring defeat” of ISIS is possible, but didn’t say how far away that is.


What chance do military movies like ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ and ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ have at the Oscars?
Actually a pretty solid one, given how many other war films have come out on top.


Zelenskyy vows not to retreat from Ukrainian city of Bakhmut

Ukraine military leaders are determined to hold onto Bakhmut, Kyiv officials said Monday, even as Russian forces continued to encroach on the devastated eastern Ukrainian city that they have sought to capture for six months at the cost of thousands of lives.


North Korean missiles continue to cause tension

South Korean and American officials are expecting North Korea to continue missile launches — and potentially a seventh nuclear test — amid a tense regional standoff.


US, South Korea to kick off Freedom Shield exercise amid warnings from North

The U.S. and South Korean militaries have set the date for large-scaled joint exercises with the U.N. and Combined Forces commands that North Korea last month likened to a declaration of war.


I have a good friend who is a Vietnam veteran. I have coffee with him twice a week, and we are going to lunch today.

I have tried to talk to him about his time there, and he just doesn’t want to talk. I asked him why.

He was wounded by shrapnel. I said he should get a Purple Heart for that. He thoughts are, “I lost too many friends. They deserve the Purple Heart, not me. I am still alive.”


There are many Vietnam veterans that have that attitude. They have lost too many buddies, and don’t feel they deserve any medals since they are still alive. I can understand that, but they are still heroes in my book.


The military seems to be losing good soldiers. The recruitment is going slowly. Not many young men feel they need to serve their country. I hope they are able to come up with ideas to overcome that.


I had the privilege to meet a Vietnam veteran while shopping for groceries. I seem to have the knack to find them. This guy is a true hero. His name is Milt Hoch. He had three tours in Vietnam. He didn’t have to. He chose to.

He was in intense fighting, even face to face fighting. He was once stabbed through both legs at once with a bayonet. He was still able to kill the enemy and survive.

I have an interview with him in my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. It is riveting.

Keep coming back to hear about other heroes. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.


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1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



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There Are Actually Happy Stories Coming From Vietnam Veterans

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Military news…

Army’s top civilian defends Russian deterrence program, predicts more US troops could deploy to Europe
Army Secretary Christine Wormuth told House lawmakers that the European Deterrence Initiative might not have stopped Russian President Vladimir Putin from ordering a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February, but it positioned the U.S. military to respond quickly to it.


US soldiers model river crossing in contrast to Russians’ Donbas disaster

Days after dozens of Russian armored vehicles were obliterated during an attempted river crossing in eastern Ukraine, US and allied soldiers launched a training version of a similar maneuver.


Air Force successfully fires hypersonic weapon after multiple failures last year

The service said the weapon traveled five times faster than the speed of sound.


US Navy ship makes $39 million meth bust in Middle East waters

A Navy destroyer patrolling in the Gulf of Oman this week seized $39 million in methamphetamine from a fishing ship in waters used to smuggle people, weapons and narcotics, U.S. 5th Fleet said Tuesday.


A Lesser-Known Group At Risk of Suicide—Children of Servicemembers

Military kids can suffer from emotional stressors, that left unaddressed, can increase their risk of taking their own lives.


US Left Behind $7 Billion of Military Equipment in Afghanistan After 2021 Withdrawal, Pentagon Report Says

About $7 billion of military equipment the U.S. government provided to the Afghan government over the course of 16 years was left behind in Afghanistan after the military withdrew from the country in August.


Western Artillery Surging Into Ukraine Will Reshape War With Russia

Ukraine is receiving artillery and training from Western allies that will likely set off a deadly battle of long-range weapons as fighting intensifies in the Donbas.


Here is another interview with combat veterans. This is a rare one with a Vietnam veteran. It was extremely hard to get Vietnam veterans to talk.

I know you are not willing to say too much about your experiences in Nam, what can you Share?

I will share a happy time while I was there. Me and a buddy were sitting in an opening in the jungle. I looked up and saw hundreds of monkeys playing in the trees. I told my buddy if I could just have one of those guys for a pet, I would be very happy.

He said he knew what to do to make that happen. He got a coconut and cut a whole in it. He put a shiny quarter in there and sat it the middle of the opening. He said, “Now Watch.”

Sure enough the monkeys started gathering around the coconut. They were curious about the shiny thing in the coconut. One finally put his hand in there to try to pull the quarter out. His hand got stuck and we went and picked up the monkey.

I loved the little guy. I even made a home for him. It had an area to sleep. Food readily available, and limbs to climb on.

The monkey loved his new home. I didn’t keep good track of what he was doing in the cage, and he dug a hole big enough for him to get out.

He went into the other soldiers tents and stole goodies from them. One of the soldiers caught him doing it and complained to me. I tried to find how the monkey could get out, but apparently the hole was so small I couldn’t find it.

This went on for a few days. The monkey would be in his cage with new goodies he had stolen for the guys.

One soldier had enough. He made a miniature parachute; caught the money and attached to him. He then took the monkey to a near cliff and threw him over it.

I couldn’t find my monkey and got very upset. The soldier finally told me what he had done. I was very mad at him.

Then a couple days later I looked at a path that went through the jungle and here comes my monkey with the chut still attached to him. He came right up to me. We had many months of joy with my monkey.


It made me feel so good to interview someone from the Vietnam war that had some happy moments. Come back often to read some more interviews. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on Subscribe. When you do all future posts will come directly to you inbox.


My next interview will be with another Vietnam veteran that was not such a happy story. Don’t miss it.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Is everything going OK, or are you struggling?


There are over 14,745 veterans on this site who have your back.

Here is what I am asking you to do…please share this site with as many other veterans as you can. It has helped so many.


If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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