When Darkness Comes Into Your Life, What do You do?

There is been a steady surge in subscribers to our RSS feed lately. We now have 220 subscribers. That is wonderful. We have had 28 new subscribers in the last month. We also set a new record recently with 5,099 hits for one day. There have been some dynamic posts the last few weeks. Be sure to subscribe to know when they are coming. Keep up the great work by helping us climb up in the Google Search Rankings. Just click on the icon right after the title to do that. __________________________________________________________

Another shocking announcement! ( That got your attention!) “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, ” is now out in eBook form. You can acquire it at all the eBook outlets. It is only $4.99 compared to $19.99 in the bookstores. You can even order it right from this site by clicking on the Amazon icon on the right. If you want a hard copy, with the autograph of the author on it, just click on the bookstore tab at the top of this page to order one. It is only $15.99 plus shipping compared to the $19.99 price in the retail stores. _________________________________________________________

When the darkness comes from life’s heavy burdens what do you do? Some go into deep depression. Others stay strong and always see the bright side of everything.

I have been in deep depression, but now I know everything is for the good of those who believe.

That verse in the bible is hard for some who wonder, “If that is true, what good did I receive from my loved one’s death?

Well, a little further in that same verse, it says for those who believe. That means belief in God.

When we believe, we also learn to trust God. We learn from our storms and trials. Sometimes we need to be put to the fire of life, to fine tune us like a sword has to be put to the fire to sharpen and shape to its maximum  potential.

I am now looking at everything on the bright side. I have learned that God has a plan. I have learned that He loves me, and will help calm the storms in my life.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

Do you worry when the End Times or the Rapture is Coming?

I just read some comments by some people who were wondering when the rapture will be coming or who the anti Christ will be and when he will come?

Is that part of your worrying process? Do you wonder when things will happen?

God often moves powerfully in ways that are not understood for a long time. Look at the Middle East. The whole area is in a state of Chaos. Dictators who have been in power for decades, are either being threatened, or are gone.

Is this God’s plan? Of course it is, but what it all means may not be known in our lifetime.

We do need to understand that all His ways are right.

God’s knows all the peoples of this earth distress and manages all events for their good. They may not see the good in their situation at this time. They must remember, however that all nations are under God’s control. he allowed those dictators to get into power, and now He has other plans.

Our God is the God of the past, present and the future. All we need to do is trust Him, and not worry about tomorrow.


I had a good week of selling my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.  A friend stopped by yesterday and bought one. She got home, and her husband saw the book and started reading it. He called me, and said that the book was written just for him. he had been through many of the storms I had been through.

The State of Oregon bought two books this week to put into their gift shop at the State Capital Building.

House of Representative Andy Olson, was given a free book, and he is sharing it with many of his colleagues.

You can order a book right from this site as well. Just click on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top, and go from there. Whe you order, you will get an autographed copy mailed to you.

The cost has just been lowered, this week, from $19.99 to $15.99, and the shipping cost has been cut in half as well. A savings of over $6.00 for you. Hope you check it out.





Asked God What he is Doing With Your Life? Wrong Approach

I had a very good day today with promoting my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

I left six at Rainbow West, a christian bookstore in Salem, OR.  I happened to actually meet with the owner (Dave Adams) of not only that store, but six other stores he owns in the Northwest.

He gave me all the managers names, and told me to contact them using his name as a reference.

I had lunch with a friend and he bought a book.

Got a check in the mail for the books I sold at the Oregon Christian Writer’s Conference last weekend.

Sold another one to friend that emailed me. I will give it to her tonight at a dinner.

Eight books in one day. I can accept that.

You can order one right now from this site. The books are selling for $23.95 in the Christian Bookstores, but you can have it for $19.99 plus $4.50 shipping which is just a little higher than  what the stores are charging.

Just go to the tab at the top and click on “Boostore,” and go from there.

If you order from this site, you will get a personal note and an autograph.


Have you ever asked God what He is going to do with your life? That’s not the right approach. God knows what He is doing. You and I don’t. God will lead us to do the right thing.

We need to be willing to go where ever God needs us, and trust Him Completely.

Worrying about what you are to do next is dishonoring God. We need to trust Him and go out to do what ever He calls us to do without fear.