Asked God What he is Doing With Your Life? Wrong Approach

I had a very good day today with promoting my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

I left six at Rainbow West, a christian bookstore in Salem, OR.  I happened to actually meet with the owner (Dave Adams) of not only that store, but six other stores he owns in the Northwest.

He gave me all the managers names, and told me to contact them using his name as a reference.

I had lunch with a friend and he bought a book.

Got a check in the mail for the books I sold at the Oregon Christian Writer’s Conference last weekend.

Sold another one to friend that emailed me. I will give it to her tonight at a dinner.

Eight books in one day. I can accept that.

You can order one right now from this site. The books are selling for $23.95 in the Christian Bookstores, but you can have it for $19.99 plus $4.50 shipping which is just a little higher than  what the stores are charging.

Just go to the tab at the top and click on “Boostore,” and go from there.

If you order from this site, you will get a personal note and an autograph.


Have you ever asked God what He is going to do with your life? That’s not the right approach. God knows what He is doing. You and I don’t. God will lead us to do the right thing.

We need to be willing to go where ever God needs us, and trust Him Completely.

Worrying about what you are to do next is dishonoring God. We need to trust Him and go out to do what ever He calls us to do without fear.

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