He Who Kneels Before God Can Stand Before Anyone.

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Thanksgiving was last Thursday. Black Friday followed that day, and now Cyber Monday is now upon us. Did I miss something? Aren’t we suppose to bring in the holidays with joy and excitement as to what they really mean?

The excitement seems to be on how cheap you can buy something before someone else gets their hands on it.

A true story emerged from Black Friday. A woman outside a Walmart store, just before they opened for Black Friday, pepper sprayed everyone around her so she could get in ahead of them. I have to hope that the police came soon after that and put her in a place where there are no bargains.


The excerpt I have for today from the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,”  is about the rat race we live in. It is about getting caught up in the frenzy that we allow ourselves to be in.  It tells us to slow down and know that God is near.

_________________________________________________________ Just A reminder that there are only 27 shopping days until Christmas. It is Cyber Monday, and I want you to have a quiet time of ordering right from your computer. No rush; no fuss. The book, ” Signs of hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is on a special Christmas sale. In the stores it is $19.99, but on this site it is only $15.99. The shipping has been cut in half as well. A total savings of over $6.00. You need to order by December 17th to make sure the book will get to in time for Christmas. Just go to the top of this page and click on “Bookstore.”



Chapter 18


He Who Kneels Before God Can Stand Before Anyone


I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.

Psalm 17:6


It seems that everyone is on the fast track these days. You get passed by cars even though you are going the speed limit. The commuter trains are jammed full. Everyone you see has a cell phone up to their ear.

Some call it the “rat race.” However, even rats stop whenever they want to.

We feel like we need to climb the ladder of success. Some do it in such a way that anyone in their way will be stepped on. They don’t realize that each step on the ladder is made of paper, and although they may make it up to the top, the trip back down is very fast! You can be king of the mountain today, but you could be a has-been in the valley tomorrow.

I think back to a time when things weren’t so frantic—to a time when you could lie in your front yard and watch the clouds go by; a time when you could play with your dog; a time when you had a leisurely barbeque in the backyard and everyone in the neighborhood was there; a time when there was just your wife and you and no children.

Those were the days, my friend, and you thought they would never end. And they weren’t just the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer—much of life went at that pace. Then you noticed you didn’t have time to lie in the front yard. You were too busy mowing it and trying to keep it looking better than the neighbors’ lawn. You stopped having pets around because no one was home long enough to care for them. And the barbeque was long ago replaced by a quick wave to our neighbors and food from the drive-through. What’s a barbeque???

You now have three children—and they are very costly. Two are in college, and the other needs new equipment to be able to play on the school football team.

Are you on the fast track? Instead of a racing on an oval track, are you simply going in circles? Is there no end to the cycle?

Did you know that the oceans even stop to rest? They flow back and forth every day, but there is a short time when they reach their peak and do not flow anywhere. They stay still for about half an hour and then they start to flow the other direction. It is called high tide.

When you go crabbing (a sport, not an attitude!), you see the rope line to your trap going one direction and then at high tide the rope slacks and even disappears down into the water. Then when the ocean starts up again, the rope does a complete turn and heads the other direction.

I know how it is to feel we can’t take the time for even a short pause like the ocean does each day. It seems we feel we have to keep going no matter what. We feel driven—we are driven.

I know what that’s like. I’ve been there. I have wanted to be near the top. I have wanted to be more important. I have wanted; I have wanted; I have wanted.

Then one day I read this in the Bible: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). That hit me right between my “wanting to be important” eyes. God cares more about my spending quiet time with Him in prayer than He does about how important I am.

Think about this: A thousand years from now, will it matter how important you were in this world? Will it matter what title you were given? How hard you worked for that title? Nope. The meek (not the “top bananas”) will inherit the earth. Your success and your money do not go with you to the cemetery.

Instead of fame and fortune to pass on to our children, God wants our legacy to be a quiet and humble spirit that waits on Him.

When I really understood Psalm 46:10 for the first time, I realized that I needed to slow down, take time for prayer, and spend more time with God. I needed less time in the rat race.

“But I don’t know how to pray; I don’t know what to pray for,” is a common lament. Romans8:26says, “We do not know what we ought to pray for” and that “the Spirit himself intercedes for us.” Paul was talking about people who feel just like us. And in other places, Paul says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6) and “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians5:17).

You can pray for your children, your parents, your church and your neighbors (even the one with the dog who barks all day!). How about something unique? Pray for yourself. God doesn’t think we’re being selfish when we pray for ourselves. He wants to hear about our hurts and our concerns.

God doesn’t turn anyone away. He didn’t turn away Moses. He didn’t turn David away. He listened to Job. He listened to Sarah. He listened to Doug. He will listen to you.

God listened to me. I learned what a comforting feeling it was to have my heavenly Father listening to my cries. He spent hours with me helping me through some very tough times. The times I thought I wasn’t going to live to my next breath, He was there to help me through the storm.

Asking God to be on our side is like living in a muddy polluted river and suddenly having fresh water flow into it. It may take awhile for it to completely clear up, but with God’s help and our prayers, it can be a rich productive river again.


Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

Ephesians 6:18


Further Adventures

I remember when I first started coming out of the web of fear and anxiety I had been stuck in for many years. The web kept pulling on me, trying to keep me from getting away. I struggled because I wanted to finally be free. It was an exhausting hard-fought battle. Little by little I was able to get my arms free, and then my legs. Finally I was able finally able to leap into the loving arms of God.

You can do the same thing. It will not be easy to rid yourself of the poisonous bite of the spider (Satan.) He will try to suck all the energy out of you even though you are struggling to free yourself. Turn to God, and let Him stamp the life out of the spider. Once you are free and strong again, He will continue to be there to protect you from all enemies for the rest of your life on earth.


Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny that the faster we go the more behind we get?


We are All Disciples Once we Accept Christ into our Hearts

Where Did all the People Go?

We had 2,500 people at my home church this last Easter Sunday. Many of the people were visitors. I always wonder where the people are the rest of the year? There a is great number of people in the world that only go to church at Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter.

Some people think the church isn’t reaching out enough the other Sundays of the year. The members talk about Christ on Sundays, and about Duke beating Butler on Mondays.

We as Christians have been giving the title of disciples as soon as we accept Jesus into our hearts. Agreed that it takes a while to grow enough to speak to others about Christ, but we face people everyday that may be searching for the word we will be telling them about our journey to becoming a Christian.

It could be the mailman, the appliance salesman at Sears; your next door neighbor, or the person waiting with you for the bus.

God provides us with the opportunities, and we should use them as a vessel to share.

Many don’t. They feel uncomfortable talking about a man that was put to death, and then rose again. Who could believe that?

I placed a post on Facebook this week that said this, “People are upset because the stores are all closed. Some are putting jokes on that say have a nice hare day. Am I missing something… HE HAS RISEN!!!””

The second response I got from a woman said that I needed to know that there are many people on Facebook that do not believe like I do. The myth of Jesus’ resurrection comes from the word Easter meaning a day of egg hunts, and hares being celebrated.

I was very blessed by over 31 people responding to her remarks with, “Yes indeed, He has Risen!” Many supported my statement and went on further to praise God.

I made another post at the end saying, ” We all have a right to our own opinions, and I will use my right here. If you feel that Jesus is a myth, then there are choices to make. If He is a myth then you can live your life any way you please. But, if He really did rise from the dead, then you may want to seek atonement, and find ways to ask for forgiveness.”

I hope that wasn’t a slam of the woman that made her point. Like I said she had that right to speak, but when she said Jesus was a myth, I couldn’t  let it ride. That is when I stood up and gave my witness. I took the extra step to defend my belief, and hopefully helped others to see the truth.

What about you? Have you been faced with ridicule, and harassment? How did you handle it? Did you clam up right on the spot, or did you stand up for Jesus and share your beliefs with even more vigor?

When the next opportunity comes up, put on the armor of God, and be strong in your faith. God will reward you for each time you have had to “defend,” your beliefs. I put the word defend in parentheses because we aren’t really defending anything. We are sharing the truth, and it is up to the listener to discard or accept our thoughts.

March on Christian soldier!


We are all being Poisoned at the Pity Party

 Why is There so Much Pain and Agony?


Today is Thanksgiving. Do we have anything to be thankful for? There are wars going on; floods  killing people; the economy is stagnate. What do we have to be thankful for in this troubled world?

Clear your mind of all of the garbage and think “little.”  What I mean about that is think about the little things that are important in your life.

Not all of us are blessed with each of these  gifts from God, but if you are, then you should have a wonderful Thanksgiving:

  • If you can walk, write letters, sing in the choir, lift a child, or drive a car, be thankful.
  • If you have a home; paid all the bills this month; are having many loved ones meeting together today, be thankful.
  • If you have children, a job, health insurance, be thankful.
  • If you can climb a stairs, swim, ride a bike, be thankful.
  • If you was able to go to college, have a great job, or are married, be thankful.
  • If you are comfortably retired, traveling, and hugging grand children, be thankful.

I think you get the picture. We have so many things to be thankful for. We take them for granted. We see the horrible events in the world and get caught up in the massive pity party that is going on. You can over dose on the poison from that party.

When you sit down at the table to share food with all of your family, look around. Think about each person. What do they bring in your life to be thankful for? Look at the food. Be thankful that you have a table full of delicious food. Enjoy the whole day of laughter, watching football, eating pumpkin pie, and sipping a glass of wine.

Then sit back in a comfortable chair at the end of the day, and thank God for all the blessings you have!!

May God bless you this day and all the days of your life!!___________________________________________________

Just a reminder of the free book giveaway. November 30th at 6:00 P.M. there will be a drawing for the book,  Eyes of Elisha, Written by the top selling author Brandilyn Collins. She was even gracious enough to autograph it.

To have a change to win it,  go to the right side bar and sign up for the free newsletter, and you will not only be in this drawing, but all future ones as well.

You also will be able to download a free eBook when you sign up.

Free eBook, free books, free newsletter. Not bad!