We Have Winner for the “What’s so Great About Christianity Book!”

The time has past for our second giveaway! A winner has been selected, and they will be notified.


Now I have another free book to give away! The book is called, How to Win Over Worry. It is written by John Edmund Haggai. He is the founder of Haggai Institute for Advanced leadership Training. He has written eleven other books. This particular book is very timely, because of the situations you and I have to go through because of the economy. It is very easy to fall into self doubt, anxiety, low self esteem, fear, depression, etc.

How to Win Over Worry, Has over 2 million copies in print. This shows us many people are getting it to help them cope in their lives.

You can have it free! Just sign up for my free newsletter by going over to the right sidebar, and click on “Sign up of my free newsletter,” and your name will be put in a drawing for the book. For every new person you get to sign up, you have another chance in the drawing. So if you get ten people to sign-up you will have eleven chances.

If for some reason you do not like the newsletter when it starts coming to you, there is an opt out spot at the bottom of the newsletter. You have nothing to lose and you can have this timely book for yourself.


I have some exciting news about my book, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Life beyond Bumper Stickers. People are starting to endorse the book. That is why I just added the endorsement tab at the top of this site for you to check them out as they come in.

I have eight people reading the manuscript, and I am hoping they all like the book. I can’t tell you the names of the people who are considering endorsing the book because that would be wrong. They wouldn’t want me to falsely claim they endorsed the book.

You can read excerpts from the book when you sign-up for my free newsletter. I will have a chapter in each newsletter.

I have also signed up for Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Friendster, and My Space.

I am up and running on Facebook, so if you want to be my friend and follow what is happening each day with the book, invite me to join you. I am doing many reports on Twitter lately. If you want to follow me there sign-up now!

I will soon have some free eBooks for those new people that subscribe. All you will have to do to get the free eBook, is to sign-up for my free newsletter on the right side bar. You will then be able to download the eBooks for free.

I am loving this!! I haven’t had so much fun since I first realized I could walk as a little child. A whole new world happened to me back then, and a whole new world has opened up for me now. I hope you will join me on this adventure. Give me feedback when you start receiving excerpts from the book in the newsletter. My email address is at the bottom of the newsletter.

You can email me right now at: doug@dougbolton.com and let me know how you like this site, and ask me any questions you may have. I will read evey email, and try to answer them all.


Why did I write a Book on such depressing afflictions?

* A side bar minute…. If you want more information about the many afflcitions we face each day in our lives like: self doubt, anxiety, fear of failure, depression, and even hopelessness, go to the top of this site and click on my other site, www.depressionsuprressed.com. There are many articles there on how to cope with these crippling demons. Go back and forth between the two sites and receive more information than you ever dared to ask for.

Now that I am posting excerpts from, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Through BumpersStickers on my new free online newsletter I have been asked by several readers as to why would I write this type of book? It is about depression, self doubt, anxiety and fear.

It is because I went through depression, self doubt, anxiety, fear, and even considered suicide. I have been in the trenches! I know what it is like. Who better to ask, than one that has been there and done that.

I looked for any books written by laymen who also had been in the trenches. You know what I found? Very few books are written by anyone but pastors, ministers, religious “experts,” counselors, etc. I do not think many of them can relate. They were taught how to help people with these afflcitions, but many have no idea how the person actually feels. Wouldn’t you want someone that is talking about your problem with you to at least have gone through the muck and mire like you have?

I decided that after I turned my life over to God, that I needed to share with others how I got out of the quicksand. I wanted to share my low spots so they could see I was there with them at one time.

I sent my manuscript out to several knowlegable people on this type of subject, and they like the honesty , and the sincere compassion I share with my readers. They feel that this will reach more people than having them read a book from someone like Sigmund Frued.

Many of the people can not afford to go to a counselor, or a psychiatrist. Therefore they are looking at the shelves to find help. I think more people will want to read a book that is on their level.

Sooooo. Sign up for my free newsletter by going over to the right side bar, and clicking on “Join my free email newsletter.” Then put in your email address and you too will receive excerpts free of charge. If you know anyone that may need help with their emotions, or are going through mental stress, show them how to sign up on this site.


I have had many comments on the other pages of the newsletter too. The travel page is getting the most comments. I posted yesterday on the travel page and here are some comments I received:

1. What a hoot!!

2. I couldn’t stop laughing.

3. You need a babysitter when you travel.

4. My wife and I loved your humor, and your interesting comments on your travels.

Let me give you a clue as to why they are all saying what they are saying. I went on a trip to El Paso, Texas around New Years Eve. (AND I came back alive) I had a horror level adventure at the Portland, Oregon airport. Would you believe I left my ID in the airport parking lot, and didn’t have time to go back and get it? Holy moley Batman, I had quite an adventure trying to get through the security. You will have to sign up to find out further happenings on the same trip. That newsletter will come out in a few days.

I also have a resource page that has articles from newspapers from all over the world that discuss the same afflictions we have been mentioning. People really seek out that page.

Finally, I have a sports page. It is soooo much fun to write. I am mostly an Oregon State University fan. Most of my postings will be on their sports programs, but I am a open to what ever any of you may send me. I will look at it and decide if it is worth printing.

Time to hit that famous pile of hay. It is eight minutes after midnight, and I am slowly melting like in the Wizard of OZ.

Please comment on any things I say. I need feedback from you to let me know there are live people out there.


Why Did I Write a Book? To Save My Life!!

(If you are looking for the Beaver Path Finder, you will need to go over to the side bar on the right and click on the “Subcribe to my newsletter,” icon, and then put in your email address. The first Path Finder will come out by Friday.)

This heading may seem a little sensational. It may look like I made the title up to get you hooked to read further. I did not. I wrote a book, and it did save my life. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to find out why the book saved my life, and read what it is about.

It is not for the faint of heart. It is uplifting, but it talks about self doubt, fear, hopelessness, depression, and anxiety.

I know, how could a book be uplifting when the topics are self doubt, fear, hopelessness, depression, and anxiety?

To give a one sentence synopsis of the book:

I was on the verge of suicide, and God showed me a way to overcome it.

I do hope you will subscribe to the newsletter. It only takes a second. There will be other pages/links in the newsletter.

There will be a sports page/link where I share news from Oregon State University sports. There will be other sports discussed too. The very first newsletter will be coming out this week. The wait is over. I am putting the fnal touches on it, and it should be out before Friday of this week.

There will be a page/link where I talk about all of my travels. I have been all over Asia, and traveled many of the United States following the Beaver’s football team. There are some very outstanding views in this country. There are some very funny stories. There will be thoughts on what I saw and how I felt when I stood on the actual last big battle ground of the Civil War.

Other discussions will be of countries like: Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan.

I was able to pet one of the most famous winning Kentucky Derby horses of racing history; meet some wonderful people in Louisville, Kentucky; thought I was going to die riding a bus along highway 101; walked through Hearst Castle; watched a football game with a huge crowd of 109,529 people; had people yell at me that I was tiger bait; walked down Bourbon Street in New Orleans with beads being thrown down to me; had a hot springs for a swimming pool; almost got thrown off a dock for not wanted to pay the dock fee, and was amazed at all the history in Boston, Mass.

This is just the top of the iceberg of what the traveling page/link will have. I have many good memories, and some bad memories to share with you. Subscribe, and the adventure will begin.

There will be a resource page/link that I will use to post actual articles from newspapers from all over the world, pertaining to your mental health.

This is finally a reality of a long time dream of mine. I have wanted to write a book about my afflictions, share my travel adventures, AND be able to talk about OSU all at the same time. This website, and my newsletter are doing just that.

This area will slowly be transfered over to discussion of the book, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind Through Bumper Stickers.

Yes, there will many times when I discuss other things. I have some articles I have written. Some have been published in magazines. The title of my latest artice in, The Christain Journal Magazine, was called, Stop the World and Let me off, I am Tired of Going Round and Round. It told the story of the lowest time in my life. I will be posting that article here soon.

I suggest you also sign up for the RSS feed. When you do you will get notices of when I have posted on this site. Then you can come here and read what I have written. The RSS feed is at the beginning of any post including this one. You just click on it and follow the directions. Your notices will come at the head of your Explorer or Explorer Express Favorites on your email page. It will just to the right of the word “Favorites.” It may come from other places if you do not have Explorer.

Some of the other articles that I will be posting are very timely with the Holidays coming up:

  1. The top 5 ways to Face the Dark Side.
  2. The Top 10 Ways to Turn That Frown Upside Down.
  3. The Top 5 Ways to Always get up After you Fall.
  4. The Top 5 Ways That Success Does Not Guarantee Happiness.
  5. The Top 5 Ways to Support Someone in Need.
  6. The Top 5 Ways to Eliminate Negative Thoughts.
  7. The Top 5 Ways to Stop Tearing Yourself and Others Down.
  8. The Top 5 Ways to Relieve Stress.
  9. Showing Sympathy Can Uplift Even the Most Downtrodden,
  10. How to Move From Your Home of Depression.

I have many other articles to share.

Be sure to subscribe!  Do it now, along with the over 200 hundred people who have done so far in the first month of existence. The first newsletter will come out this week, and if you haven’t subscribed you will miss out on the very first exclusive newsletter.

Beaver fans!!! Do not walk away because you are uncomfortable with what the topics could be on the website or newsletter. When you subscribe you have the choice of immediately going to what ever page you want. There are links there. You also have the choice to opt out anytime you want.

First of all, the website or newsletter will not bite you! It is good stuff to help you and others that you feel will benefit from it. If you know of someone who needs reassuring, tell them to come to this site. I have had people email me at my blog at, www.depressionsuppressed.com and tell me that what I shared was just what they needed.

Got to run…. I have a busy day ahead of me putting the finishing touches on the first newsletter. Sign up now!!