Border’s Books Claims Bankruptcy

I just had some bad news today. Borders Books is claiming bankruptcy. I did a signing at my local Borders store in Salem, Oregon on November 6th. I have not received payment for  the books I sold there yet. It has been over ninety days.

The manager told me on the phone that another company has taken over paying the bills, and I will have to fill out a claim to try to get my payment from Borders. It doesn’t look good, but God is in charge, and what ever happens, it was meant to be.

I will keep you posted each day on the progress of this continuing saga.  


Think on this:

  • All things work to the good to those who believe.
  • Life will go on if something happens in your life that is devastating. God has a plan , even through this storm.
  • Those who persevere, are the ones who will have many crowns when they are in heaven.
  • It is always darkest just before the morning dawn.
  • Wait on the LORD, because He is with you always.

God Doesn’t Make Mistakes. He created you for a Purpose

I see it has been a month today since I last posted on this site. I have been spending most of my time posting at: That is my blog. The response there has been tremendous. In just a little over one year the followers have grown to over 1380. Hope you check that out.

I hope you will start joining me here as well,  because I am back here spending much more time.

Just go the to the  “Networked Blogs,” icon and click on “Follow me,” below it. You will then be able to keep up with what is going on with my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, and my new book, “Signs of Hope: In Sports.” (Title may change)

Let me tell you a little bit about the new book. It is still floating in my head. (It is giving me a headache!)

I have grown weary of all the negative press that sports has been getting. Just this last week there was a national  news items about a Washington Red Skins lineman who was arrested for assault. Now I certainly don’t condon what he did, but I have heard about many more assault in my own home town and they don’t even make the local newspaper.

I prayed about this, and God seems to be leading me towards putting together a book that speaks to the positive side of sports. I want to talk to some Christian athletes in pro sports. I want to interview them, and let them tell their side of what it is like to be  a Christian in a not so friendly world of sports. There will be a chapter for each person written about.

God is opening some doors that I can’t mention yet, but for a teaser, there is a NBA retired player who has two championship rings that is interested in working with me on this, and I have a connection with a chaplain for a pro baseball team.

There are several other possiblities, that just happen to become known to me in just the last few days. I think that is God at work, and I look forward to working on this, all for His glory.

If you know of any pro athletes who are Chrisiatns and may be willing to share their story to help others who may be struggling in the sports world, please let me know, by commenting to this post.

Think on this:

  • God doesn’t make any mistakes. He created you for a purpose.
  • He made you in His own image. You are His son/daughter.
  • Never let Satan plant negative thoughts into your head. It’s time for selective hearing.

New Ideas on Marketing for Authors

It has been a while since I last posted. I have been busier than that famous cat on a hot tin roof. I had 6 signings; placed books in over twenty outlets, and sold about 200 books, in the first two months.

Can’t complain about that since a report says that a first time author is very lucky if he sells 100 books in his first published effort.

My marketing plan is going right on schedule. After things settle down I will be sharing why I did so well out of the gate.

I will be sharing excerpts from my new book, “Becoming Famous Before you are Famous.”  

It is about the things an author needs to do before they even approach a publisher, to get their name out there.

Check back often to see many ideas on how to market your book.

Since you are here, please subscribe to this site, and keep up on the postings. Just go to the networked blog icon, and click on the bottom.

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