Border’s Books Claims Bankruptcy

I just had some bad news today. Borders Books is claiming bankruptcy. I did a signing at my local Borders store in Salem, Oregon on November 6th. I have not received payment for  the books I sold there yet. It has been over ninety days.

The manager told me on the phone that another company has taken over paying the bills, and I will have to fill out a claim to try to get my payment from Borders. It doesn’t look good, but God is in charge, and what ever happens, it was meant to be.

I will keep you posted each day on the progress of this continuing saga.  


Think on this:

  • All things work to the good to those who believe.
  • Life will go on if something happens in your life that is devastating. God has a plan , even through this storm.
  • Those who persevere, are the ones who will have many crowns when they are in heaven.
  • It is always darkest just before the morning dawn.
  • Wait on the LORD, because He is with you always.

Signs of Hope was on Talk Radio

I just finished a radio talk show interview, and Maxine Marsolini,  the person who interviewed me, reminded me that I don’t have  information on how you can have your story written in a future book I am working on that will have true stores of Signs of Hope that some of you have had in your lives.

What you do is share your moment where God did some miracle, or changed your life in some way.

Just send your stories to and if they are chosen you will have your “15 minutes” of fame writing in the up coming book. You will get credit at the end of the story.

What a wonderful interview today. I was able to share a great deal to reach out to those who are suffering in this economy, and talk about my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to survive in an Unfriendly World.”

You can buy the book right here on this site by clicking on “bookstore,” on the tabs above.

It is also available at, barnes and Noble .com, and at any Rainbow West Christian bookstores in Oregon and Washington.

I have signings coming up at:

Borders Bookstore, 2235 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem, Oregon.  It will be held on November 6th, from 2-4 p.m.


I will be at the State Capital Building in Salem, Oregon doing a signing, on December 8th, starting at 4:00 p.m.


I also have a signing coming at Eola Hills Winery in Rickreal, Oregon on December 10th from 6-9 p.m. Google Eola Hills Winery, and you should find a map there.


I have another signing at “Wings of the Soul,” Christian Bookstore, on December 11th from 2-4 p.m. It is at 345 Owens Ave. Google it, and you can get a map there as well.


There will be many more signings as time goes by. Stay tuned, and they will be posted on this site.