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Another shocking announcement! ( That got your attention!) “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, ” is now out in eBook form. I You can acquire it at all the eBook outlets. It is only $4.99 compared to $19.99 in the bookstores. Help it climb the best selling list. You can even order it right from this site by clicking on the Amazon icon on the right.
I have a podcast here that I did with John Kremer, the marketing guru. He invited me to share unusual places to sell books. Take a listen and hit those streets running:
Just a little over a week, and I will be signing books at the Oregon State Fair. It is being held August 24th-September 3rd.
I will be there everyday except Saturday the 1st of September from 10:00am-10:oopm.
Drop by and say hello any of those days. I would love to meet you.
Thoughts just for you….
We have all faced suffering. I have been through the wringer a few times myself. I could take a couple of hours of writing and share all I have been through, but I am not here to try to invite you to my pity party.
Why do we have to suffer? Why does God allow this to happen to us?
Would you believe me if I said that God allows it to happen on purpose? He often does this knowing that we as Christians will grow even more trough adversity, and therefore, be able to be a blessing to others who may be going through the same things.
I am blessed by having to do so much of this suffering. I am able to witness to others without trying to create thoughts. I can just relate my true story of adversity, and be able to truthfully say, ” I have been there and done that.”
I would be lying if I told you I love suffering. I don’t look forward to it, but I also don’t let it tear me down and make me curse God. I thank God for it, and ask how I can use it to help others.
If you fall into the muck and mire, and many storms come your way, try to focus on God and let Him show you how to use the storms to help others.
You are never alone.
You are never forsaken.
You are never unloved.
Above all…never, ever, give up!