How do I Know That Going to Church is Right for Me?

Why do I need to go to church? I have heard that question many times. I have an excerpt today from my book “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,”  that may give you some answers to that question.

This book also reaches out to those that suffer from anxiety, fear depression addictions, self-doubt and hopelessness. You can order this book by clicking on the “Bookstore,” icon and the top of this page.



Chapter 21

The Church Is Prayer-Conditioned


Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

Matthew 7:24–25


The church today is often at the center of controversy—from within and without. The far right has its agenda, but it isn’t always right. The far left’s agenda causes it to sometimes be left out of the mainstream. Lawsuits against churches run from those bordering on frivolous (zoning controversies) to more serious charges like those against clergy who have molested children.

We are told in the Bible that this kind of divisive behavior will increase so that brothers will be against brothers, fathers against sons, wives against husbands. Not only is the controversy from outside the church, it takes place right within its walls. That is one reason there are so many different denominations. When people agree to disagree, the easiest thing to do is leave and form a congregation more to their liking.

Why does this happen? Why do people allow their differences to separate them from the true purpose of the church—to worship God?


I see one glaring reason: the lack of prayer in the church. So many ministers are what some call “current-events” ministers. They do not preach from the Bible, and speak instead about issues of the day on which they have an opinion. In the process, they do not bathe their ministry in prayer. 

That is not about worship; it is leaning on a political agenda instead. That is not what God had in mind when He laid out plans for the early church in the book of Acts and throughout the epistles.

Without prayer, a church’s foundation is laid in sand, and it will topple and crumble as easily as Saddam Hussein’s statue did in theIraqwar or as easily as a sand castle, no matter how carefully it was engineered. The church will go over a cliff just like many sheep do when they are all running in the same direction. The leader of the church will do all he can to stop them, but they will run on without him to their death.

There is a way to do a U-turn in all of this. Pray without ceasing! Here are some crucial words from Paul the Apostle: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6–7).

Is that hard to understand? I’ve told my students that when they lose their way in their studies to go back to the basics. What is the basic foundation of your math problem? What is the basic idea behind a sentence structure? What is the basic thought about this culture? The basics! Stick with them and you’ll figure it out.

The basics of a church’s survival are prayer and more prayer. It is using prayer to seek God’s will. It is using prayer to plan for the next revival. It is using prayer to withstand the enemy, who wants your church to fail.

Two things should be happening within a church to make it a growing viable church: The minister needs to be preaching from the Bible, and there has to be powerful prayer support from within.

Having the church prayer-conditioned will make for cool summers and provide for lots of spiritual growth.

I have attended several churches over the years. I didn’t stay for much more than one sermon in those that weren’t built on the proper foundation—Bible preaching and prayer. They refuse to let God run the show and eventually find themselves with declining attendance. They didn’t realize they were worshipping in God’s house, not their own house.

Check out the foundation of your church. Is it prayer-conditioned? Does it have the Bible as its guide? Or do you hear about the latest best-selling book or about why gays shouldn’t be allowed to be part of the church? These issues are about opinions and have no place in the pulpit. Church is where we come to worship God. End of story!

Try to put God first in your church, and it will be as solid as a rock.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5–6



Further Adventures

We sometimes take prayer for granted. We say, “Help me through the day, Lord.” But do we really think about what we even said. You walk out the door and go to work, and ask God to help you through the day. That is way too broad of a request. There are hundreds of thing that could happen in one day.

We do this in the church too. We pray for the sick of the church. We pray that the members will donate more money. Those prayers are also too general and don’t let God know your specific needs.

When we pray for the sick, we need to name individuals and hold them up to God. When we pray for more giving, we should point out specific projects. Yes, it takes a lot longer, and you think God will know all of the sick and all of the needs of the church. But He listens to earnest, sincere and concentrated prayers with a deeper love and understanding.


Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny that if we trust God, we can build a foundation that will never fail

Anger Can Give you Great Power, or it Can Destroy you

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How do we deal with anger. Some get even by striking back at the person that made them angry. Others remain silent, but hold a grudge for years.

What do you do?

Some thoughts on Anger:

  • Anger can give you great power, or it can destroy you.
  • Anger usually only hurts the person feeling the anger.
  • Anger leads to a dead end in your life.
  • Anger can be dismantled by perseverance, and persistence, in your prayer life.

I have had to deal with anger in my own life. I have a short fuse that I learned to control through the prayer I mentioned above. When something doesn’t go right and I am frustrated, I ask God to take over my frustration and give me hope and peace.

Try to put your anger in perspective. Channel it into something positive, and use it to grow.


Just a reminder that we have a bookstore here that has the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

There have been many letters,  phone calls, and emails sent to me as to praise for the book.

One example is a mother who is paralyzed, and in a wheel chair. She actually called me, and said, “Your book is an inspiration to me. I thank God for being able to read it. It has given me hope.”

I received a note from a mother who bought the book right off of this site.  ” I am so pleased with your book. I gave it to my son who is battling depression. I pray it will bless him as much as it did me.”

The book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” helps those who may be suffering from anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.

I bet you can think of someone who fits in there somewhere. Help out others who may just need a little encouragement.  

There is a special sale going on now until Christmas. (Yes, it is only about 75 days until Christmas.)

Just click on the “Bookstore” tab above and see that the book is only $15.99. It is $19.99 in the retail stores. The shipping is cut in half as well. A total savings of over $6.00.


We Sometimes Wonder Where God is

I just received notice that I will be one of the authors doing signings at the Oregon State Fair this year. That should fun.

If you are in that area from August 26th- September 5th, drop by and say hello!


I told you that I was in eastern Oregon Visiting my daughter-in-law this week. It has been a wonderful experience. Spending time with her has been a blessing.

I was just outside to get some fresh air, and two quails walked right in front of me. They didn’t seem to be too afraid, as long as I didn’t make any sudden movements.

At night the skies here are incredible. There are no city lights here and the brilliance of the stars takes your breath away.

This reminds me that God created everything we see. The majesty of the snow capped mountains I’ve been seeing all this week are a good example.

Sometimes we wonder if God is there. We have times when everything seems to go wrong. The car won’t start and you are late for work. The illness you thought had gone away is back again with a vengence. That job you have had for years has disappeared.

This brings on the usual suspects we face: anxiety, depression, self-doubt, addictions, fear, etc.

I understand most of those afflictions. I have felt lost, and didn’t know what to do. Then I found that God was there and He has been there for me ever since. 


If you are having some of these difficulties, there is a new book that I had published called, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” It is full of examples that shares common sense ways to cope in a not so friendly world.

There is a special sale going on right now. In the stores the books is $19.99, but if you order directly from this site you will be paying only $15.99. the shipping is also cut in half. A total savings of over $6.00.

To take a look at the book, just go to the “bookstore,” tab at the top of this page. When you click on it, you will see a description, and picture of the cover.  There is aa “endorsement,” tab at the top that shows some wonderful endorsements. Check that out as well.

I hope you take a couple minutes to check it out. It could chnage your life, or someone you love.