Death Has no Calendar. It comes in the Night When you Least Expect it

                            Death Where is Your Sting? 


This last Monday I went to a BSF Bible study. BSF stands for Bible Study Fellowship. We were in a group of men that discuss the previous week’s lesson. At the end of our discussion one of the members said, “My friend who has been coming here with me each week has died.” The group was stunned. The man seemed to be in good health. It was very sudden. 

This incident reminded me of one of the chapters from my book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. This is chapter 6.

I hope that you will find some comfort from this post:


Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.

1 Corinthians 15:55–56


As believers, we have the comfort of knowing we have eternal life. According to Romans 5:12, death comes to all of us. We have to go through the process that all living things must go through. However, we can be reassured that we will have new bodies, and be in heaven with God.

It is also hard to lose loved ones and friends. God doesn’t explain to us why He takes some people earlier than others. It is not for us to decide who should stay. God chooses and we should thank Him for each day we have with our loved ones.

In May of 2001 my father was on his deathbed, dying from a stroke. On this day, I had a close encounter with God. I wanted to make sure that he was right with the Lord. I decided that I was going to talk to him when I was with him at the hospital. I went out into the hall to gather myself and pray.

I looked to my right. Coming down the hall was the pastor from the church I had been attending. He was coming to visit another member of the church. I stopped him and said I needed him to come in and talk to my father. The pastor did come in and talk to my father, and we were sure then that he had the Lord in his heart. I was overjoyed that the Lord had sent the pastor just at the time I was getting up the courage to talk to my father.

He just happened to be coming to the hospital? He just happened to be on the right floor? He just happened to be in the right wing, and he just happened to be coming down the hall when I went out into the hall? I don’t think so!! God sent my pastor on a mission to talk to my father that morning. My father died two days later.

It is all right to grieve for your loved ones and friends, but if you know they are Christians, you have tremendous comfort. You know you will see them again some day.  

If they are not a Christian, take time to share with them the love of God. You could also have the hospital chaplain talk to them, or have your church’s pastor talk to them. You may even go out into the hall, and have a pastor coming toward you to talk to them!

I also have had the privilege of having many friends that were very dear to me. They each made an impact in my life. In just the last few years, I’ve had to say good-bye to several of them. Physical death took them from us, but spiritually they live on. I am only sharing this to let you know that I will be able to see each of them when it is my turn to walk the walk.

Arlene Corn was probably the best Detroit Tiger fan in the whole world. She lived in our cul-de-sac. She also was also a wonderful Christian. When she went to be with the Lord we all sang “Take Me out to the Ball Game” at her packed memorial service. There was not a dry eye at the service. She was an instant friend in the neighborhood. You felt you knew her from day one. Cancer took her from us.

My neighbor, who lived across the street, was one of the toughest women I have ever met. She called a spade a spade, and wouldn’t hesitate to let you know if you needed to be corrected. When someone mentioned that a friend had “passed away,” she scolded, “They didn’t pass away; they died!” She did pass away, and she will be greatly missed by all of her neighbors. She loved dogs, and the neighborhood dogs seemed to have known it. They lined up at her home for treats. Cancer took her from us.

A teacher friend of mine was a single parent of two sons that she loved very much. She also loved teaching kindergarten children, and they loved her. My wife and I took her for many of her chemotherapy sessions because her sons needed to be in school. She wanted to look special for everyone, so she wore a wig and made sure she was dressed well for her doctor visits. She remained positive to the very end. She passed away in her sleep. Cancer took her from us.

Another friend of ours was very tough woman. She could bite the head off a pit bull, but she was a person who spread her love as far as she could reach. She loved the “boys” who came to visit her. They were high school kids who needed someone to talk to. She had them over almost every night. They would sit around and talk to her and her husband. It was a place for them to unload.

She unloaded on my wife and her husband one time at a doctor’s appointment they had gone to with her. They started to break down at something the doctor said. “Quit being wimps!” she scolded. She didn’t want anyone feeling sorry for her. At her memorial service no one was allowed to say anything sad about her. Cancer took her from us.

Another teacher friend was a very proud woman. She refused to dwell on her illness. She always felt she was going to beat cancer. She was a woman that fought for the right to have an assisted suicide in Oregon, the first state to allow it. She felt that we all should be able to die with dignity. She even spoke before Congress on the issue. She passed away before she was able to have assistance. Cancer took her from us.

Howard Girod and I met about six years ago when we moved next door to him and his wife. He was the kind of person you were not sure you would be friends with. He once jokingly called me the village idiot. But as I got to know him, I found out that he was the most loving man I had met in a long time.

I almost fell off a ladder he was holding for me, and he scolded me like I was his son. “Be careful!” he shouted. Another time just before his death, when he was very weak, he whispered to me from his hospital bed, “If I could start over again … I wouldn’t!”

His favorite line at the end was, “God bless you.” That meant so much to me, especially since he had once called me the village idiot. Howard was a strong Christian who said a strong word once in awhile, but his love for you made you know that he was going to have a seat close to God when he passed. Leukemia took him from us.

God took all these people the same way. They all died from some form of cancer, except my father who died from a stroke. There is not an answer why they had to leave us so soon, but God has His reasons. I thank Him for sharing these people with me for the time we had together. A father or a friend is a precious person that you should cherish each day you have them. You never know when they will not be with you anymore.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

Psalm 23:4


I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.

John 8:51


Further adventures

You never know when your signs of hope will be. I have had many that I know of, but I probably had many more I didn’t know about. Try to keep track of when you have signs of hope and let me know about them by sending your story to me.


S0mething to ponder

Isn’t it funny that our children can’t read the Bible in school, but they can in prison?

(This is an excerpt from: Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World) Chapter 6




Moussavi and Ahmadinejad in Power Struggle

What does this power struggle in Iran mean? Why does the government in control not want the rest of the world know what is going on? Who will be the leader when the dust settles?

The world is watching with sharp eyes on what is unfolding in Iran. Could this be a revolt that spreads to other Mid-East countries? Is this just a tip of the iceberg?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is on the verge of being one of the first Mid-East leaders to be ousted in distant memory by his own people because of his type of government. This is a government that does not allow women rights; a government that will execute a person for saying a negative word about the leadership; a government that is defiant against the world and is still making nuclear bombs.

Hossein Moussavi is still putting pressure on the government to straighten out the voting errors that the officials already admitted had more votes cast then there were voters.

The riots, defiance, and determination of the people show a new path in the Mid-East that could change the history of our world.

Could God have a hand in this? Are these nations that are under oppression waking up to realize that they have rights that they should be able to use?

There are hundreds of questions in a troubled world. Doesn’t the Bible talk directly of this? It says there will wars and rumor of wars. It says neighbors, husbands and wives, brothers, fathers and sons, will all be fighting against each other. It mentions there will be famine through-out the land. It goes on to say the there will be mighty earthquakes.

Time for a wake up call? All of these things are happening right now in our world. A tsunami killed thousands of people in one day. There people killing each other in Iraq, Afghanistan. In Iraq 80 people were killed by one suicide bomber.

Whose history is this? Who? Look at the word history: his story. It is God’s story! God and man living in this world. One (God) trying to love and reach out. The other (man) turning his back on God, and trying to look significant within himself without God.

Almost everything you see in the world as far as violence is caused by one person who seeks power, or wants attention drawn to him. Khomeini is a man that is seeking power. He is trying to draw attention to himself. Mousavi is a man that is trying to help his country and its people.

Two opposite views. One is destructive. The other is trying to help the way his people live.

The bottom line is that Iran is a country that at this time wants power not only with nuclear weapons, but through dictatorship over its people. This can not and will not prevail. The people of Iran are letting the leaders know they will not let that happen anymore. People are dying for what they believe.

I saw a video that was awful. It was of a very young man taking his last breaths because of a bullet that went through his heart. It turns out he was an innocent by stander, but the bullets flew and he was in the line of fire.

We will all keep our eyes and ears focused on this uprising. We will hope the people will prevail. God is watching, and He already knows the outcome. Let’s hope He is merciful and allows the people to have a voice, and win.

It is hard to write this because there is no happy ending I can write for you. It is an on going drama. I am a writer that likes a beginning a middle and an end. It is not happening. I will pray for a good outcome.

I now want to tell you about one of the new books that will be given away free in a drawing coming up on July 15th. The book is called, Three Cups of Tea. It has been the # 1 selling book for 150 weeks straight. It is written by David Relin for Greg Mortenson. Greg had an incredible story to tell about his quest to help the women of Afghanistan and Pakistan. He had to figure a way to get past the Taliban warriors. They had control, and didn’t want the children to learn anything, but what they brain washed them to learn. The Taliban were also teaching the young boys to become soldiers to kill the enemy.

Greg’s story is a must read, and was written with extreme accuracy by David Relin. The story is about bravery. It is about victories. It is about sadness. It is about passion for others. Greg Mortenson not only found a way to get around the Taliban, but he built hundreds of schools for the children of those two countries, and changed their future forever.

All you have to do to have a chance to receive this book, that is autographed by David Relin, is to subscribe to the great free newsletter that comes out about twice a month. You can do that by going to the right side bar and click on the icon that says, Sign up for my free newsletter and get the free eBook, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World.

That’s right, not only do you have a chance to win the great book, Three Cups of Tea, but just for subscribing you will be able to download, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a troubled World, instantly! There will also be a drawing for Three Cups of Tea.

Do it now. I can’t tell you how many people later told me that they were going to subscribe to try to win, but forgot! Don’t be sorry you missed out. Even if you do not win, Three Cups of tea, you will have the eBook that has many ways to cope in a not so friendly world.