Help is There for Those Who Ask

Thanks to all of you who have been joining us here. The response has been wonderful.  We just past 3,800 new subscribers. That was a huge increase in 2016. We only had 1,000 two years ago. In 2017 help us to make it to 4,000.

We are only 200 away of reaching our goal.  We will be giving a prize to the person who is our 4,000th person to subscribe. 

Help us make it to 4,000 by subscribing today if you haven’t already. This shows you care for veterans. Just click on the icon right after the title of this post to do that, and the posts will come straight to your inbox.                            ____________________________________________________________

Doug Bolton, the founder of the blog, Signs of Hope, which is at, has written a new book, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.” It reaches out the many military and veterans who may be battling anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, rejections, and the many other usual suspects. There are 22 military connected suicides every day. That is almost one every hour. Doug wants to help stop those statistics.  


This is a new social network just for veterans. I joined it and made instant friendships with veterans who want to talk about what I want to talk about. Please check it out. You will be glad you did.


I have a guest blogger today. His name is Steve Durgin. He is the Founder and CEO of the Victory for Veterans Foundation. I have the honor of being on the board for that organization. What Steve shares here is what VFV is all about. Please join us in making this new nonprofit a huge success. 



Hi folks,

As I read through Bill and Melinda Gates Annual Newsletter 2017 for their Foundation I came away amazed and optimistic. Optimistic for our global future in eradicating disease, premature deaths, malnutrition, health issues and other major global concerns. My hat is off to all who participate alongside the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in this great work! If you haven’t read their newsletter it is an awesome read… Here’s a link to it:

I want to share a quote from them that “’All lives have equal value’ is not just a principal; it’s a strategy”. This is the premise that the poorest are equal to the richest. The diseased and infected are valued equally to the most healthy person alive. We believe our Veterans are of equal value to others as well.

Melinda Gates said, “Optimism is a huge asset. We can always use more of it. But optimism isn’t a belief that things will automatically get better; it’s a conviction that we can make things better.”

As we begin building the Victory For Veterans Foundation, I used the word hope in my founder video (coming soon). I think hope and optimism are close sisters! We are optimistic that all of us care enough to help tackle the problems our Veterans face when they are done with their service to our nation; to us for providing the freedom we have come to enjoy and rely on!

Like Bill Gates said, “We want to end our letter with the most magical number we know. It’s zero. … In our case, nothing would make us happier than going out of business because we’ve achieved our goals.”

At Victory For Veterans, we believe our magic number is also Zero. Zero suicides. Zero homeless. Zero untreated for PTSD, TBI, MST and other debilitating challenges. These are hard to accomplish but with optimism and hope – success is around the corner.

Finally I wanted to share how Victory For Veterans Foundation is different than other nonprofit organizations. As Melinda Gates wrote, “That’s why we have not used your money just to send a grant here and a grant there. We’ve been using it to build an ecosystem of partners that shares its genius to improve lives and end disease.”

We believe in building this “ecosystem of partners” that will bring the best of the best; best practices, best people together to meet our goal of zero. It is this development of partners we believe sets us apart from others and will be a formula for success.

We need your help to build this ecosystem of partners who will share their geniuses with others to save and improve the lives of our Veterans.

“They Fought for our Freedom, let’s Fight for Theirs!”

Please join us in this fight.

Steve Durgin, Founder

Victory For Veterans Foundation, Inc.



Steve Durgin, Founder



FaceBook: @VFVets (

Twitter: @VictoryVets (

LinkedIn: Victory For Veterans (

“They Fought for our Freedom, Let’s Fight for Theirs!”



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

There is always help for veterans at:  24/7 at: 1-800-273-8255

When Will The Storms Stop?

Thanks to all of you who have been joining us here. The response has been wonderful.  We just past 3,625 new subscribers. That is a huge increase in 2016. We only had 1,000 a year ago. Help us to make it to 4,000.  Could you be the one that puts us over the top? Our goal for the end of this year is 5,000.

Help us continue to grow by subscribing today if you haven’t already. Just click on the icon right after the title of this post to do that.


Doug Bolton, the founder of the blog, Signs of Hope, which is at, has written a new book, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.” It will be reaching out the many military and veterans who may be battling anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, rejections, and the many other usual suspects. There are 22 military connected suicides every day. That is almost one every hour. Doug wants to help stop those statistics.  


If you follow Twitter, join me by following @heavenencounter. Many veterans are starting to follow and we hope to have many more to share thoughts and ideas with. You can also connect with my on Facebook by putting my name in the search area.


I see it has been almost three months since I last posted here. I have spent my whole summer battling an infection in my spine. I am just starting to feel well enough to be able to stop the daily IV doses of antibiotics.

I missed so much because of this. My family went on summer trips, but I couldn’t go because of the IV treatments everyday.

I wasn’t able to drive because the effects of the antibiotics made me drowsy and sleepy. So, not only was I in severe pain, I also was grounded and sent to my bedroom like a disobedient child.  I spent three weeks staring out my bedroom window hoping some birds or squirrels might come by for me to see.

This is a pretty sad story so far.

I want you to know something. I never faltered. I never cursed God. I never gave up my positive attitude.

I could have given up and let the dark side have its way.

It reminds me of when I was in a huge battle with depression while in the military, and beyond. I spent many days wondering what the world was all about, and if I wanted to be a part of it.

In 2001 I actually was sitting in my Ford Explorer thinking of checking out of this hotel called earth.

God woke me up that day. He stopped me in my tracks. He had plans for me, and it wasn’t my time to leave this earth. So now I am writing this post to you to share hope.

I also share hope on my blog at As the title states, you get daily signs of hope. Check it out and join me there as well. Find out why 94,000 people are subscribers to the blog.

I have been labeled as the “hope whisper.”   I go to writer’s conferences and people address me with that name.

Why? Shouldn’t I be angry at the world? I had over ten years of serious ailments including five surgeries. This latest trial has been one of my hardest to accept.

I don’t feel anger. I don’t think this world is an awful place to be.

I have learned that we will all face trials and storms. Some will be raging storms. I have also learned that each time I make it through the storm I am a little stronger. I even learned that I can use my adversity, pain, and suffering to help others who may be going through the same things.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

More Military Veteran Interviews

Thanks to all of you who have been joining us here. The response has been wonderful.  We just past 3,300 new subscribers. That is a huge increase in 2015. We only had 1,000 a year ago. Help us to make it to 4,000.  Could you be the one that puts us over the top? Our goal for the end of this year is 6,000.

Help us continue to grow by subscribing today if you haven’t already. Just click on the icon right after the title of this post to do that.


Doug Bolton, the founder of the blog, Signs of Hope, which is at, has written a new book, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.” It will be reaching out the many military and veterans who may be battling anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, rejections, and the many other usual suspects. There are 22 military connected suicides every day. That is almost one every hour. Doug wants to help stop those statistics. Doug sent off his mini proposal to an agent who is very interested in his concept. We will update you when we hear more. 


On my last post below I started sharing a few of the interviews I am doing for my new book, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.”

This book is reaching out to all the veterans who may be suffering after or even during their time in the military. It covers PTSD, deployment, loneliness, depression, domestic violence, spouses left behind, etc. It even has some humor of when I was in the military.

Today I am going to share a couple more interviews. In the last post I said that I would only be sharing a little part of each interview. I will continue that here. To see the entire interviews you will need to get the book. (This is called a hook in the writing community.)

One interview I had was with a Vietnam veteran. It wasn’t planned interview. I happened to be at a fast food restaurant and saw him sitting alone staring out the window. I could tell he was a veteran by his Vietnam hat he had on.

He finally got up and I saw that he had a cane. He hobbled over to the trash bin and then started to leave.

I asked him if he would sit with me for a while. He hesitated until I told him I was a veteran as well. Here is the conversation we had. It really wasn’t an interview. I didn’t want it to sound that way.

Me- “What unit were you in?” Veteran-“I was on a ship off the coast of Vietnam, and we had a helicopter unit that went in to rescue soldiers, bring in supplies, and did humanitarian help for some of the starving people.” Me- “What was the worst moment you had in the military?” Veteran- “I saw my best friend and the rest of his crew take off in a helicopter and suddenly crash into the ocean. They never recovered the bodies because it was too deep.”

There was much more talked about, but this was the most heart breaking part.

Another interview I had was with a Vietnam medic. He had some horror stories which I won’t share here but will be in the book. Here are some highlights:

Me- “Was being a medic a tough job?” Veteran- “Of course it was. To see young men with their legs gone, or near their last breath was extremely hard.”  Me- “Did you have some special moments?” Veteran- “Yes, I was caring for a soldier who couldn’t have been much over eighteen. He asked me if I was scared. I said yes. That seemed to calm him down a lot knowing that someone felt the same way as he did, but was still trying to help him anyway.”

I will have many more interviews in the book, and the book will be full of hope, and showing veterans ways to cope in the world we have to live in after we hit the private sector.

A word to all veterans…

You are a special person. You went out of your way to serve you country. God loves as you are, warts and all. You are a hero to not only me, but many other people. Never be ashamed of what you did. Never feel your time was wasted. Never allow others to degrade you for what you have done for your country.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!