The Hardest People to Talk to About God, is Our Own family

Thanks to those of you who have been subscribing through the RSS feed. It helps us growing on the Google Search Rankings. Help us to continue to grow by signing up today if you haven’t already. Just click o the icon right after the title to do that.


There are new things to look at on the site.

  1. The is a new trailer of the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” It is on the right side under the Amazon icon. Click on it to see what the book is all about.
  2. There is a new page forming called, “All About Writing.” That page will talk about publishing; have guest authors share, and discuss writing trends. It is in a baby stage, so bear with me as I slowly develop it to my and your liking.
  3. I have posted two 5 star reviews of my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” on the “All About Writing” page. I will be add others as the days go by. Click on the All About Writing tab to also see all my other places you can connect with me.
  4. There is a new page called, “Publishing News.” This page will bring you news from around the world on trends, latest news on publishing, and any other things that may be interesting. Check it every time you come here. There is a new post there today that is very interesting. Just click on the “publishing,” tab above, to read the latest news on publishing.


Another shocking announcement! ( That got your attention!) “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, ” is now out in eBook form. I You can acquire it at all the eBook outlets. It is only $4.99. Help it climb the best selling list.


I have a podcast here that I did with John Kremer, the marketing guru. He invited me to share unusual places to sell books. Take a listen and hit those streets running:


Thoughts just for you…

As Christians, we are told we need to share our beliefs with others. We may do that amongst our friends, and acquaintances, but what about our own family?

Do you have a brother, or sister, that isn’t a believer? Does your parents scoff at you about your faith? What about your grandparents. Think ever further about you Uncles, Aunts, or even your nieces and nephews?

How sad it would be if you didn’t do your part in telling those who are close to you, and they lost their souls.

I know, it is much harder to talk to our loved ones. It is much harder to think of the right things to say, because if the fear that they will reject you, and cause a wall between you and them.

However, if we use that excuse for ever, we may lose some loved ones who never were challenged and were lost.

We don’t need to release fire and hail on our loved ones. We can share what a change it made for us to turn our lives over to God, and that we want them to feel the same love.

Then we need to pray. We need to pray daily that the seed we just planted will grow into a new soul. believe me they will remember the little you said each time they see you. You never have to “hound,” them about it ever again.

Prayer takes over. Pray without ceasing, and the outcome will be a blessed event of that love one eventually submitting themselves to God.

I am not an authority on this except that too have some close loved ones who are not willing to accept the Christian life as yet. I will not stop my quest to keep praying daily for them. My reward is eternal life for those who eventually give their hearts to God.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

How do We Properly Pray to God?

Thanks to those of you who have been subscribing through the RSS feed. It helps us growing on the Google Search Rankings. Help us to continue to grow by signing up today if you haven’t already. Just click o the icon right after the title to do that.


There are new things to look at on the site.

  1. The is a new trailer of the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” It is on the right side under the Amazon icon. Click on it to see what the book is all about.
  2. There is a new page forming called, “All About Writing.” That page will talk about publishing; have guest authors share, and discuss writing trends. It is in a baby stage, so bear with me as I slowly develop it to my and your liking.
  3. I have posted two 5 star reviews of my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” on the “All About Writing” page. I will be add others as the days go by. Click on the All About Writing tab to also see all my other places you can connect with me.
  4. There is a new page called, “Publishing News.” This page will bring you news from around the world on trends, latest news on publishing, and any other things that may be interesting. Check it every time you come here. There is a new post there today that is very interesting. Just click on the “publishing,” tab above, to read the latest news on publishing.


Another shocking announcement! ( That got your attention!) “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, ” is now out in eBook form. I You can acquire it at all the eBook outlets. It is only $4.99. Help it climb the best selling list.


I have a podcast here that I did with John Kremer, the marketing guru. He invited me to share unusual places to sell books. Take a listen and hit those streets running:


How do we pray properly to God? Some people come to God with their heads hung low, afraid to ask Him to meet their needs. Others pray flippantly, never giving any thought of what they are actually saying.

We need to come with reverence, because God is our King! But, we need to also come with bold assurance because God is our friend and Counselor.

We also can bee bold when we know that Jesus is with us during our prayers. He intercedes for us. He pleads for us to God.

Jesus chose to obey His heavenly Father, and through that, we have a faithful Son that god loves, and will listen to.

Our prayers are important enough to sue evey day. It says ib the Bible to prayer without ceasing. That means we need to be talking to God all the time. When ever we feel a need, we should stop immediately and call on god for help.

Prayer is very powerful. Don’t take it lightly. Use it often, and know that God is listening.

 God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we want them answered. He will answer them the way He thinks is best for us.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

Above all…never, ever, give up!

Social Networking Can Change Your Future in Writing

Facebook is an Outstanding way for Authors to get Known.

Social networking wasn’t very will known as few as five years ago, as far as authors using it to promote their books.

Now there are thousands of authors using this approach to reaching out to readers.

My Space, Twitter, You Tube, Friendster, Linkedin, etc, have become an important part of an author’s publicity kit.

On Facebook you can show videos, pictures, images, audio, and media, that will give the “friends,” plenty of information  on the author’s book.

On Twitter, you reach millions of people with one push of a key.  You can also promote your book there, but many use it more for social contact, and then “lure,” the contacts into their websites, or onto Facebook.

If you can build each of your Facebook, Twitter, Blog subscribers, My Space lists to over 2,000, you will do very well when your book finally comes out.

Having these many “followers” on each of these avenues, will also impress agents and publishers.

If you haven’t started working with these promotional techniques, I strongly suggest you look into each of these channels and see if they are for you.


There are six more days left on the latest book give away, of the book, Moments This Good: The Softer Side of Alzheimer’s, Written by Bonnie Nester. Bonnie wrote about her mother Ruth.

Here is a review about the book:

“Nester offers the reader a path to gentle acceptance, and even moments of playfulness and joy-and always, always models profound love and respect for her mother.”

                                                                                                        Ellen Waterson

                                                                                           Author of the award-winning memoir, Then There was No Mountain and I am Madagascar.

Bonnie has many examples for caregivers on how to be loving, and understanding at the same time.

I know the need for that as I have a 92 year old mother that battles dementia.

I highly recommend her book, and Bonnie has autographed it along with a personal note to the reader.


To have a chance to win this book, go to the right side bar and click on the icon that talks about subscribing to my free newsletter, Signs of Hope Press. Notice that it also says that you will be able to download a free eBook I have written called, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World. You can down load it when you receive the first newsletter.

So you get a free newsletter with several pages of good information. A free eBook with ways to cope, and chances to win free top selling books with many them having the author’s autograph, and personal note in them.

Go ahead and try. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.