Soldiers Are Often Accused of Things They Didn’t Do

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Military news…

In the latest bad news to come out of Fort Jackson, South Carolina, an Army trainee was arrested for allegedly hijacking a bus full of school children on Thursday while armed with a rifle, Jeff Schogol reports. None of the children were physically harmed, and neither was the bus driver, or the trainee, who was “arrested without incident” after abandoning the vehicle and leaving his weapon behind.

“Soldiers must be confident” that they can report sexual assault or harassment and get the protection, dignity and respect they need, said Acting Army Secretary John Whitley after his branch announced it would put a civilian in charge of its Criminal Investigations Command, Haley Britzky reports. The change is meant to address glaring holes in the Army’s criminal investigative system which were revealed by a recent review of Fort Hood’s bungled response to the disappearance and death of Spc. Vanessa Guillén last year.

Connecticut Legion Family: $17,000 raised for hospitalized children

For more than 25 years, the Department of Connecticut American Legion Family has conducted a Kids Walk and other fundraisers to benefit the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (CCMC) in Hartford. The department’s seven districts host the events in April for Children & Youth Month with all donations supporting CCMC.

Department Children & Youth Chairman Louie Robinson has now tallied the donations from the seven districts, whether they hosted a walk or conducted other fundraising efforts for the medical center. He will present a $17,000 check to CCMC in the coming weeks.

“This cause to support the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center is very rewarding, and we are very proud of it,” Robinson said.

The 3rd District hosted a Kids Walk April 24 at Great Hallow Lake in Monroe with the Legion Family and community. T-shirts were awarded to walkers with $25 or more in donations.

The district raised $1,500.

During the Kids Walk, “people come up to us and say ‘Hi. What are you doing? Oh that sounds fun’ and they jump in and walk with us,” said Victor Yanosy, commander of American Legion Sippin-Winspur Post 176 in Monroe. “Some read about it in the local Monroe newspaper, and they bring their families just as a way to get out and meet the community. It’s for a really good cause.”

The mission of CCMC is to “improve the physical and emotional health of all children.” Every donation that the Department Connecticut Legion Family raises for CCMC helps provide resources to support this mission.

“In the 3rd District the Kids Walk has almost become a rite of spring,” said Mike Kellet, 3rd District executive committeeman. “We get out together and chat, enjoy each other’s company. You have all that enjoyment plus you’re raising money for a children’s medical center. You can’t beat it.”

The 3rd District was unable to hold its Kids Walk last April due to the pandemic. They hosted a fundraiser in September and raised $2,700 for CCMC. 


One of the negative things I went through while in the military was at FT Bragg, NC. I was riding with a buddy in a jeep going through some of the forest area of Fayetteville, NC, on base.

We came across three guys who seemed to be washing one of the guys car. We were very wrong. They were chiphening gas out of the jeep that was there and putting into their car.

We stopped and watched them. Suddenly the MP’s came barreling up and went to the three guys vichale.

They arrested all three of them. They saw us, and made us come with them as well.

On the way to the MP headquarters all five of us were in the back of a truck. We whispered what we should be saying when questioned.

I wondered why my buddy and I needed to play the game. We had not done anything wrong.

They took in one man at a time and took us in too. Apparently each soldier told the exact same story, and we all were released.

I was very embarrassed to even be a part of that, but we didn’t mean to drive there in the first place.


Have you had a similar incident while in the service? Did you get accused of something you didn’t do?


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