When We’re lost in a Storm, God makes it a Beautiful Sunset

There is a huge happening on my blog at www.dailysignsofhope.com.  In the last four days over 700 people have signed up for the RSS feed. There is no concrete reason for it happening except for a lady friend of my partner and I suggested we use more of our SEO capabilities, and that is all she said. We are thinking that since she is an expert, she did something to help us by backtracking, or pinging back our site to her own site which has thousands of followers. What ever happened, God certainly has some kind of plan ahead. Stand by and see what that may be.

BTW…. You could do two things on this site as well.. You could also click on the RSS feed area at the top of this page and sign-up to get feeds directly to your mail box from this site. I would honored if you did.

You can also go over to the right side bar, and click on “Follow this blog,” at the NetworkedBlogs icon. You can see that there are already many people doing that there.


I went to a workshop last night, and I had a pleasant surprise. The guest speaker was Sean Jones, who is the person who is the acquisition editor at Inkwater Press.

I met with him afterwards, and mentioned that I am looking for a traditional publisher to publish my self published book.

He was very open to the idea, and told me to send him a copy of my book.

Now, that would have never happen if I didn’t go to that workshop. I almost didn’t. I was tired and had a slight fever. I went anyway, and a door opened!!


That brings to mind that we never now when God may open a door for us. It may seem like we are sinking in the muck and mire, but God still may have plans for us. We need to keep praying and asking God for guidance.

Just when we feel all is lost in the storm, God changes the whole horizon into  a beautiful sunset.

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