It is Extremely Hard to Lose a Buddy in the Military

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What a horrible day we had on Wednesday of this week. I was ashamed to say I was an American when I sat and watched what was going on.

I am 100% against what happened.

They accomplished nothing, and it put a stain on our country.

This kind of terrorism has to stop and it has to stop now.


I thought I would share a couple of excerpts from my up coming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

This is actually two stories of where I lost a buudy.

The first one is when three of us buddies decided to enlist in the military together. We were in basic together. We were in MOS training, and we were sent to Korea. Three of us together, but only two came back alive.

One of my friends came down with some local crude and died. No real answers there, but a huge loss to me.

The second buudy I lost was while I was deployed to Korea. One of the Signal Corp guys and became good friends. We worked together and played together.

One morning when we had formation, I noticed he was missing. The officer in charge announced that my buddy had “drowned,” in a honey bucket. A Honey Bucket is a spot where all the farmers bring their human waste to be used to fertilize the crops.

I found out later that my friend got seriously drunk and was staggering back to our camp in the dark. He stumbled into the honey bucket and suffocated. He did drown.

That broke my spirit for a long time. Two buddies gone in one year. ___________________________________

Have you lost a buddy? Does it still cause you pain? I hear you clearly!!

Don’t forget that there are 10,800 fellow veterans on this site who have been on the same boat. They have your back.


If it come to you overwhelmed and lost, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number for you to call that is free. Even the counseling is free. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK

1-800-273-8255 Option 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

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This is the Day We Should Never, Ever, Forget

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It is September 11, 2020. 19 years ago today our nation was attacked. Many lives were lost. There were many heroes created on that day and the days after. Flight 93 was a plane load of heroes who gave up their lives to save many others.

I remember that day very clearly. My wife and I were at my son’s home in LaPine, Oregon. We had the TV on. It was inturrupted with the shocking news about the deadly attack. We both were stunned. We had a boy in the service and we feared he would be put in harm’s way. We couldn’t do anything, but leave and go home, even though we were supposed to be there several days.

We should never, ever, forget that day. It changed our lives forever.


I pray that you didn’t lose a loved one on that day. Many families did. We as a nation came together quickly after that day. Young men and women inlisted in the military to help fight the dangers that these events can cause.


i am watching on TV right now a soldier receiving the Medal of Honor. He saved over 70 lives in one operation. His courage and determination was far beyond the call of dutry.

There are so many other stories like this. Our veterans, and current military do not fear for their lives. They fear for those loved ones back home who may be in danger.


How you doing my friend? Were you part of that terrible day? Did you lose loved ones on that day? I am so sorry if you did. My heart is aching for you.

This world can be pretty overwhelming these days. There are so many things to worry about. The Pandemic, rioting, wild fires everywhere, and people on the edge of giving up.

I need to remind you that this month is suicide preverntion month. Please get help if you are at that stage. Here is a toll free number to call right now. It is open 24/7.


There are very qualified counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. You may be saving a life. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Three Fascinating Stores About WWII Veterans

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Update on the disaster in Portland, Oregon.

Governor Brown asked the Sheriff’s Department to come help with the rioting. They have said no, because the arrested people are turned loose and not prosecuted.

She asked the State Police to do the same. They have to because she is the boss, but they had the Feds deputize them so when they made an arrest they will have Federal charges.

She doesn’t have much control over anything.

The Mayor of Portland had to move out of his home because rioters found where he lived, and started fires. He thought they loved him. Wrong!!!

I am getting tired of having to report about Portland. But it is from my home state and I am extremely upset with the lack of force there is to clear this mess up.


I see that the military has backed off of promoting black people to Generals. What’s up with that!??You should promote because of being merited, not the color of your skin. Got to stop.


I have been sharing interviews of veterans for my up coming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life.

Today I am going to share three short stories about members of my own family:

I had three Uncles who fought in WWII. One was a Seabee; another was an infantry man, and the third was a tanker.

I tried to interview two of them, but they were so shell shocked, (PTSD) they didn’t want to share much.

So I was share what I know about each of them:

My Uncle Claude, was a Seabee. They were critical people in WWII. They went in before the troops and built brides, and roads. They made the traveling much better for the troops. They were very much in harms way, and I am proud to be related to him..

My Uncle Norton, was in the infantry. One day he was on the battle field in France. His unit was over run by the Germans. Many men were killed. My uncle was wounded, but he “played dead,” while the Germans came through to finish killing anyone who was still alive. He made it even through one German was very close. He received the Purple Heart.

My Uncle Dwight was a tanker. He was the head man in a three man crew. They decided to stop and rest one day on the battle field. He opened the hatch to let some fresh air in. That was a big mistake. A Japanese soldier, climbed up on that tank and threw a grenade in to the tank. My uncle’s best friend was killed instantly, and my uncle and the other soldier were injured. Uncle Dwight, did not want to talk about it, because he had his buddy killed because of his decision. He received the Purple Heart.

Those three men are my personal heroes. They gave me the thoughts of joining the Army. I wanted to honor them.


How are you doing? Did you get wounded while deployed? Did you lose a buddy during your time in the military?

You are certainly not alone!! There are over 9,200 fellow veterans on this site. Many of them have been through what you have been through. They have your six.

If it has become too overwhelming for you, please get help! There is a toll free number to call for help. The counselors there are excellent. Here is that number:


Call now if you need it.


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You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!