The GPS System with God = God’s Prophetic Signs.

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The book “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” just received a five star rating from Reader’s Favorite Books website. Check it out at: You have to go down a little to find it. You can order this book right here on this site for a nice savings.

In the retail stores it is $19.99. But if you order from this site it is only $15.99 plus the shipping is cut in half as well. A total savings of  over $6.00.


Today I have an actual chapter from the book. We often get lost when we travel and need a GPS to help us find our way. God is also our GPS.


Chapter 47


Need Directions?


The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; He is their stronghold in time of trouble.

Psalm 37:39


Charlotte and I were riding home from the airport with some friends after traveling with them. My friend had aGPS(Global Positioning Satellite) system in his car. Among the hundreds of satellites orbiting the earth (do they have traffic cops up there directing all of these satellites?), at least 24 of them are used just for this purpose.

GPSis the most amazing technology I’ve ever seen. My friend had his set to show every inch we traveled—I mean every inch. You could see the car moving down the I-5 freeway, and it even showed what you might see on either side of the road. It showed a lake coming up on the right, and sure enough there was a lake on the right when we got there. All the way home that device showed me the landscape on either side of the car. I didn’t check to see if it showed where we live, but I’m sure it could have. I definitely felt like “Big brother was watching”!

We also have aGPSsystem with God. It is called God’s Prophetic Signs. Just like we can trust theGPSsystem in our car, we can also trust God to guide us down the right path.

One example of God’s Prophetic Sign—His GPSsystem—is found in Hebrews 9:28: “He [Christ] will appear a second time … to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” It doesn’t say He might appear or that He’s thinking about appearing. It says He will appear—just like that lake appeared along I-5. This is a Prophetic Sign for us to cling to and be waiting for in excitement.

You want some more of God’s Prophetic Signs? Try this one: Numbers 24:6–9: “Like valleys they [the children ofIsrael] spread out … Water will flow from their buckets; their seed will have abundant water. Their king will be greater than Agag; their kingdom will be exalted. God brought them out ofEgypt; they have the strength of a wild ox. They devour hostile nations and break their bones in pieces; with their arrows they pierce them. Like a lion they crouch and lie down, like a lioness—who dares to rouse them? May those who bless you be blessed and those who curse you be cursed!”

As I type this,Israelis battlingLebanonbecause the group called Hezbollah kidnapped some of their soldiers. At the same timeIsraelis fighting the Hamas inPalestinebecause they killed some of the Israelite soldiers. There is a full-scale war going on with many people dying each day.Israelbecomes very aggressive when provoked. We were told this clear back in the Old Testament book of Numbers!

Romans15:12says, “And again, Isaiah says, ‘The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him.’”

Now let’s go way back to Isaiah and see that, yes it does say in Isaiah 11:10: “A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse [literally, the Root of Jesse]; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit”—or as another version states it: “will be a banner of salvation to all the world.” The prophecy is about Jesus, who came from the family (root) of Jesse. Certainly Jesus’ life bore fruit, and He became the banner of salvation to all the world.

How’s that for an easyGPSto follow? We will never get lost with such profound words to go by.

Hold on, I’m not done yet. Here are some moreGPSdirections for you from Matthew 24:6–8:

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”

Jesus is talking there about what is happening right now—today—in our world. There have been great earthquakes with deadly tsunamis killing thousands in one day. A record amount of hurricanes have pounded our nation, killing many people. There have been wars all over the world—not just between nations, but between political groups within a country. TheMiddle Eastis a battleground every day with conflict inIraq,Afghanistan,Israel,LebanonandPalestine. And there are countries where thousands of people are starving to death each day.

Let’s go back into the Old Testament again and read in Zechariah 12:3, where God says, “I will makeJerusaleman immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.”

As I write this, the whole world is trying to getIsraelto stop bombingLebanon.Israelis not listening. They will not stop until the enemy is destroyed.

Let’s switch gears a little and talk about false prophets and demons. All around us has been a sharp rise in Satan worship, and people who claim to be a messenger from God. Matthew 24:11–12 warned us about this two millennia ago: “And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.”

Sound familiar? Have you read this morning’s paper? Let me just give you some headlines and articles from my paper this morning:

  1. Snipers arrested and charged with two first-degree murders and 13 counts of attempted murder.
  2. A stepfather is charged in the death of a four-year-old boy. The boy had traumatic injuries and had signs of trauma on various parts of his body and head.
  3. Ex-police officer charged with sex abuse.
  4. Angry rioters started fires, broke windows, looted, attacked police and threw rocks. Why? Because a train was late.
  5. A three-year-old boy inTokyo,Japanwas left in an unwanted baby drop box.

I think that is enough to give you the picture. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see that sin is having a free ride right now. These incidents are often met with apathy because we hear these and similar stories every day. The laws so often seem to protect the guilty. Jails are full, so they let criminals free because of lack of space. A large segment of our population has no respect for the law.

People have a tremendous love for money, and we were told that would happen too. In 2 Timothy 3:1–5, it says that among other undesirable traits, people will be lovers of money.

All of the things that are happening in theMiddle Eastand toIsraelspecifically are fulfilling prophecy. God will intervene right at the time He has determined. He still loves His people, and He will not let them suffer more than they can handle. God does that with all of His children.

God has made it perfectly clear how we can become children of god. There are no secret meanings or clues—it’s right there in the open: “Believe in Me and you will be saved.” No further steps are needed.

Take that one step if you haven’t already. You don’t know the day or time that Jesus will come again, but with all of the prophecy that has been fulfilled and is being fulfilled as we speak, things seem to be nearing completion, so I suggest you take that step soon.


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;

the old has gone, the new has come!

2 Corinthians 5:17


Watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that

are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.

For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites.

By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naïve people.

Romans 16:17–18


Further Adventures

I suggest you read Revelation to understand more of the end times. It can be very hard to understand at times. There was a lot I didn’t “get.”

I found one of those “for Dummies” kind of books very helpful. (Yes, a retired teacher still needs education.) It is called: Revelation: God’s Word for Biblically-Inept, by Daymond R. Duck, Copyright 1998 by Starburst, Inc.1

My name could replace the term “biblically-inept” in the series title. Even though I didn’t see my name on the cover, I bought it anyway. It breaks down each chapter and verse of the book of Revelation and puts them into words you and I can understand. It gets very specific about theMiddle East, the Rapture, Armageddon and many other confusing things that will happen in the end times.

I learned a great deal by studying biblical revelation with this book by my side. I highly recommend doing so.


Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny how people search for meaning of life and what they are on earth for, but they don’t use the one book that tells them everything they need to know?

Show Others How Great a Christian you can be

It has been a while since I last posted. I’ve been traveling, and had lots of work to do. Things have happened since the last post.

I have a new book trailer to share with you. Just click on the link below to see it. It is for my book, “Signs of Hope! Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

This was done by Apex Reviews. I highly recommend them for your book trailer projects.


What does it take to be a good Christian? What changes when we are first re-born? Let me give you some thoughts:

Let’s pretend you are a new car. You have just been put together into a new frame and new engine. You look pretty to all that come to see you.

But what will you do when it is time to perform? What will people think when they see you running.

People will be testing you out everyday to see if you are really as good as you look. They will tempt you. They will wonder how you will do under pressure.

You may not be a Jaguar, but if you are truly a Christian, you will shine and perform beautifully.

Yes, there will be times when you will need a tune-up. That is called church. There will be times when you are not running as smoothly as you would want. That is called prayer time.

Rev up your engine and show others how great a Christian you can be. Win the race, and be the champion.


After you have looked at the book trailer, I hope you will check out the “bookstore,” and see some more about the book.

There is a special sale going on from now through Christmas. (Yes, it is only 55 more day until Christmas!)

In the stores, the book costs $19.99, but on this site it is only $15.99. The shipping has been cut in half as well. A total savings of over $6.00.

Finally, I want you to always remember:

Never, ever, give up!

Do the Dark Days Seem to Come More Often Than the Bright Days?

Thank you for those who have been signing up for the RSS feed on this site. It has been doing well lately. I hope you will sign-up if you haven’t already.


I also thought I would let you know that I will be at the Oregon State Fair in Salem, Oregon, from August 26th-September 5th this year signing my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” If you live close, I hope you will drop by and say hello.


It is raining outside here in the Willamette Valley of the State of Oregon. It is dark and dreary.

This is the 17th of July and it is suppose to be beautiful weather here in Oregon this time of the year.

Does your life seem that way? Do the dark days seem to come more often than the bright days? Do you feel there is too many trials and storms in your life?

You are not alone. I have been there and so have many of the people reading this post right now.

There are some things we can do about it:

  1. Never light the darkness overcome you. God is always there for you.
  2. It is time to stop the pity parties, and become the positive person in other people’s lives.
  3. By being a friend to someone, you can change their lives and help them to enjoy life.


I wanted to update you on the sales of my new book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” There are steady sales going on. I seel at least three or four every month. I just sold two yesterday.

The total now is over 300, in less than a year. It has been said that if a first time author sells 100 books, he/she should feel succesful. I more than feel successful, because my book is helping people cope.

I get emails, calls, and personal testimonies from people on how the book has helped them.

I would like you to check out the book by clicking on the tab that says, “bookstore,” at the top of this page. You will see a description of the book, and a picture of the cover.

If you want to read some endorsements you can click on “Endorsements,” at the top, and read them as well.

I hope you will take a couple of minutes and do that. I am sure you know someone who is suffering from anxiety, fear, self-doubt, depression, addictions, or hopelessness. This book speaks to all those issues and more.


Never, ever, give up!