The American Legion is Reaching Out to Help

The American Legion, which I am a member of, does a lot of things that do not make the news. Here are some things I found about some Legion posts across our country.

  1. 5,300 diapers distributed by Post 760 in Oceanside California.
  2. 10,000 pairs of latex gloves and 1,000 masks. They also sent gallons of hand sanitizers and many surgical gowns at Post 1.
  3. Post 405 in Philadelphia set up a Zoom meeting for many veterans to connect and share their worries, and just having someone to talk to who cares.
  4. 100 pounds of food collected by children of Legionnaires to give to those in need.
  5. $5,000 dollars donated to the food bank in Pennsylvania, by post 104.
  6. 1,600 Buddy Checks made by Post 83 in Merced, California. This is a way to check on your veterans friends to make sure they are OK. Here is a link to see how it works.

I will be sharing more as I compile them from reading and searching the internet.


Active Older Veterans Fall More, Get Hurt Less.

Physically active veterans are more likely to fall, but less likely to get hurt, compared to inactive older people.

The take away from this is when you are more active you have less chances of getting hurt.


Joke of the day:

With High-Definition TV everything looks wider and bigger. Kind of like my 62nd class reunion. (My actual reunion time for me. Yes I am old, but I am good!)


I am excited to report that we have had 35 new subscriptions since I last posted. Welcome to all of you. We now have 8,324 subscribers. All veterans who are seeking hope, and wanting to stay up on what is happening for Veterans. This is the place for that.


How are you doing brother/sister? Everything going OK? I have heard from some that are not doing well. PTSD, has raised its ugly head, and trying to control some of you.

DO NOT let that happen.

Get help! You are not a sissy if you get help. I know, people think you need to be tough if you are a veteran. That is not true! I needed help and I got it. I WOULD NOT be here today if I didn’t get help! I was a breath away from checking out of this hotel called earth, and I was saved.

I am sure you have many other demons chasing you like, depression, anxiety, fear, self-doubt, etc.

Stop the madness and call for help. Here is the connection line to get that much needed help.

1-800-273-8255. call now if you need it!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken,

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Our Veterans Need Help!

Wow! Very impressive my friends. In just the last week we added 30 new subscribers. Welcome to all of you!

There is a reason this is happening. This site reaches out to all veterans and their families to give them hope. Every post will be directed to sharing thoughts and ideas on how to cope in this not so friendly world.

I have been reaching out for months and the response is fantastic. Keeping joining me here to get help for veterans with PTSD, TBI, Depression, anxiety, war wounds, etc.

What is on your plate? Do you have days when you wish you could stay in bed? Are there times when the storms seem too strong? Do you feel uncomfortable around other people? You are certainly not alone.

I am a member of a social network called RallyPoint. It is a network just for veterans and their families. There are over 1.8 million members there. I love RallyPoint. I have made so many new friends there. I have helped some who are hurting, and some have helped me through some dark times. Totally support them and please check them out yourself.

Remember that you are a special person. There is no one else like you. You are unique.

You are capable of doing anything you attempt. Don’t let the naysayers tell you that it can’t be done.

If you buckle up and ride the world in the terrible way it is now, you will be a winner. You will stand above all the noise, and turmoil.

I have been near death!

Back in 2001, I was a basket case. I couldn’t function properly. I was driving my Ford Explorer one day and I was crying. I didn’t know why. It was getting pretty bad, so I turned into a high school parking lot and stopped. I was getting worse. The windows were all fogged up from my sobbing.

I was sitting there thinking of checking out of this hotel called earth.

I finally cried out to god, “ I can’t take this anymore!” Instantly I stopped crying and the windows started clearing up. It was if God said, “It is about time you came back to me . Now let me carry you the rest of the way.”

My life completely changed that day. I am not saying everything was rosy right away. I still had some struggles, but knowing that God was there with me, gave me strength to carry on.

I went home and opened my desk drawer, and saw some journals I had been writing. They were full of my hurts, but also some days that were good. I realized that this needed to be written. I wrote a book called, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” I was able to get it published. It went on to win a national award from the Reader’s Favorite Awards.

So now, I am on my second book that I started about three years ago. It is called, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.” It reaches out to all veterans who are seeking hope.

I will be updating you on the progress of this book, and share some excerpts from time to time. If you would like to read those excerpts, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says “Subscribe,” When you do all future posts will directly to your inbox.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give!

What is Life Like as a Sniper?

On Tuesday I wrote about one of my adventures while in the military. I will do that from time to time, but this site is for you. Today I will speak directly to you.

I assume many of you were deployed during your time in the military I was sent to South Korea. I had many adventures there which I will be sharing from time to time.

I came back a different person, like many of you, I am sure did too. I lost a buddy, and saw some things that will be hard to share. However, I will wait until later on.

Some of you may be battling PTSD, TMI, Depression, or war wounds. I feel your pain.

I would love it if you would share your story in the comment section. You do not need to share your name. Tell us your story so we can understand you more.

I have done many interviews of veterans for my book. I will share one of them with you knowing that there are many others that will be in the book.

A Sniper

I interview a veteran from Texas. I got to know him through RallyPoint. This is a social network for only veterans. I highly recommend it. You will find many fellow veterans who are the same boat with you.

The veteran from Texas was a sniper in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Here is the exchange:

I was honored to be able interview a veteran who was an Afghanistan/Iraq veteran.

Here is the rough draft for the book:


What did you do while you were in the Army?

William I was a sniper.


You are in El Paso. It can be very cold there.


Yes it can.


So, do you have family?


I am divorced, but I have three children.


When did you go into the service?


Right out of High school. I was seventeen.


You mentioned that you had a couple of buddies that were killed?


Actually, twelve of my buddies were killed.


How were you able to handle that?


You don’t allow yourself to think about it


Were you very close to any of them?


I was close to all of them.


I had close friends in Korea as well.


Why did you enlist in the first place?


It is a family tradition. My Brothers and my grandfather enlisted. I was honored to serve my country.


Interesting, I also had a family tradition. My three uncles served in WWII. My brother and I Served, and my son just retired as a Colonel from the Army.


If you could would you go back in again?


Oh ya!! I wouldn’t change anything. 22 years


If there was one thing you could change about the Army, what would that be?


I would spend more time with family. My job came first back then.


What would be your advice to soldiers who are struggling?


Don’t give up. If you are deployed, or getting ready to be deployed you don’t think about it. 


Do you have PTSD?


Yes, and because of this I recommend that it be mandatory to get counseling when you are discharged from the military.


This is an on going interview. I want to get back to him and ask more specifc questions about being a sniper.

What does it feel like to kill someone?

What did you think of when you have an enemy in the cross hairs?

Did you ever regret shooting someone?

There will be many other questions. Stay tuned as I get more information.


If you are struggling get help. It is not something to be ashamed of if you need help. Got to get the tough military guy/girl out of your head and find help.

*If you like what you are reading just go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. Wen you do you will get each future post directly to your inbox. Please let other veterans know about this site. It may help them as well.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And…never, ever, give up!