In the Military the Best Ships Are Friendships

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Military news….

4 US Marines killed in Osprey crash in Norway


Legion of the damned: Inside Ukraine’s army of misfits, veterans, and war tourists in the fight against Russia

Every war has its own dynamics which can be equally lethal to veterans and beginners if not properly understood. 

Video appears to show Russian troops caught in ambush and doing everything wrong


Marine Corps to curtail usage of Amtracs in wake of deadly accident

The Marine Corps will no longer send its amphibious assault vehicles on regular deployments or training in water except in crisis response, the service said Wednesday.


The 13 U.S. service members killed in a bombing at Kabul’s airport as they worked to evacuate thousands of Americans, Afghans and allies ahead of the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan will receive the highest honor from Congress, the White House said Thursday.

Service members killed in Afghanistan evacuation attack will receive Congressional Gold Medals


Norwegian vessel teams up with US carrier strike group, maintaining trend toward cooperation

The Fridtjof Nansen and the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group sailed through the Strait of Gibraltar to enter the Mediterranean Sea on Tuesday, U.S 6th Fleet said Tuesday in a statement.


UK restores presence in Germany with hub for army vehicles

The United Kingdom is taking a page from the US Army playbook, sending hundreds of tanks and fighting vehicles back to Germany so its forces can maneuver more freely around Europe.


Here is another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.


The Best Ships are Friendships

After the rough ride on the ship on the way over to Korea, I kept some good friendships going. I had two weeks stuck in the hull of a ship full of sick people. I was lucky and didn’t get sick so I was constantly looking after the guys that slept around me in the bunks. They really appreciated me being there for them. There is nothing more terrifying than to be somewhere that no one knows you or seems to care, and be sickly besides all of that.

Once we landed some of the guys thanked me, even though some of them were going to other parts of Korea.  We remained friends at a distance.

I just happened to hook up with a couple of them when we had our R and R (Rest and recuperation,) time in Tokyo since we had the same length of time together.

It was a fun time going to see the Pagodas, the gardens, and seeing the nightlife while I was with them.

We came back to our companies refreshed and ready to work hard again.

Have you had a time when you wish you could find friends to be with you during an ordeal that you were having hard time facing?

Did you have to meet with a doctor to see the results of a very serious test they had done. I have.  Did you feel left alone when you had a divorce, and people frowned on it? I have. Have you lost loved ones and mourned the loss? I have. Have you been accused of something that wasn’t true? I have.

Through all of these trials and storms I had a core of friends and family around me to console me and hold my hand. Without all those friendships and a circle of love ones, I may not have been here today. 

I have battled depression, and self-doubt, but through the consistency of family and friends around me, I was able to realize I wasn’t walking the path alone.


Never take on a tough moment alone. Always lean on your family and friends. There is nothing shameful about seeking support for you when you are going through some horrific times. God is also there for you. He is never farther away than a prayer.

You will be surprised how well you can withstand the storms with an army of people, and God, fighting with you.

Think About This

Isn’t it interesting that if you have God on your side you can take on anything?


There may be more excerpts coming up in future posts, so keep coming back. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will directly to your inbox.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Did you battle some loneliness while in the military?


There are over 14,150 veterans on this site who have your back.

Here is what I am asking you to do…please share this site with as many other veterans as you can. It has helped so many.


If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will no hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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I Found Out That White Lightning Can Make You Blind, in the Military

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Military news…

The Army is developing a COVID-19 vaccine to fight all variants of the virus, including those that may not yet exist.


Russian forces could soon push deeper into Ukraine, and this time it may look more like an invasion than the covert campaign Russia has waged since 2014.

“When I opened the door, it didn’t even register at first who I was looking at, and when it finally clicked … words cannot describe the feeling.” That’s from Army veteran Adam Strick, who got a surprise visit on Saturday night from his old battle buddy Mike Fligg. The two spent every day of their 15-month deployment to Iraq together, but they had not seen each other in 14 years.


A private housing contractor that subjected military families across the country to mold, insect infestations, burst pipes and other problems agreed to pay more than $65 million in fines and restitution.


A Florida state Senator wants to bring back the old cliche ‘join the military or go to jail’ for criminals.


Everyone knows reindeer help Santa deliver presents, but did you know they also helped defeat the Nazis? That’s right, about 6,000 reindeer played a crucial role helping the Soviet Army beat the Wermacht back into Germany during World War II.


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Holidays are cherished times spent with family and loved ones. Sometimes, due to deployment, or situations outside of our control, we can’t spend holidays with the people we love.


Another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the MIlitary: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

This chapter was about my exposure to White Lightening


White Lightning in West Virginia

While I was stationed at Ft Bragg, North Carolina, we went on maneuvers in West Virginia. We were out in the country hills right in the middle of farm land.

We had time off on one of the days there so a couple of others guys and me went on a walk through the farm land. As we came around a bend, we saw some men sitting up on a hill in lawn chairs laughing and carrying on. We thought we might as well get to know some of the locals.

As we got closer we saw that the men had rifles leaning up against their chairs. I started thinking about the movie, Deliverance. They were all in overalls, and were smoking pipes with who knows what in them. Beards were the style for all of them. They would fit right in with the people of, Duck Dynasty.

We said hi, and they invited us to sit with them for a while. I noticed one of them was drinking out of a Mason jar. It looked like water, but I knew better. One of my friends asked what it was. “We call it White Lightning, here,” said one of the men who looked like he may be the elder of the group.

I was such a naïve young man, that I had no idea what they meant by the term White Lightning. They laughed when I asked them.

They said I should take a taste of it to see for myself. They handed me a jar, and I took a sip. I thought my insides were going to explode. I made some kind of noise, because all the Virginia guys laughed when it looked like I was going to heave.

However, the guys with me were “veteran,” drinkers and they tried a taste. They really liked it and drank the whole jar full. It wasn’t long before they started acting “silly.”

One of them liked it so much he asked for a refill. The “farmers,” had no trouble doing that. My friend sat there and drank another full jar of the concoction. He was getting very dizzy and incoherent about that time.

Then he started screaming, “I am going blind!” He said he couldn’t see. The hosts didn’t seem to get too worried. They said it is common to go temporarily blind for those who are new at drinking it.

It wasn’t funny for my group, and we helped our blind friend back to the camp area. He eventually got his sight back. It must have been interesting for him to explain how he was blinded in the first place.

In life we can start slowly doing things we maybe shouldn’t be, and think that it is OK. We keep doing the things we know we shouldn’t be doing, and then we see we are in too deep and fall.

It is no different than drinking White Lightning. It seems harmless at first, but then we are blinded by the force that has overcome us.

Be careful to always check out what is happening around you, wherever you may be. There things that look innocent, and yet can lead you down the wrong path.


All too often there are people in the private sector who try to take advantage of the soldiers when they come home. It could be a scheme to supposedly help you get rich quickly, or it may be people wanting to pilfer money out of you in other ways.  Never jump into any project or new venture without researching everything about it. Let others see what you may be doing and ask for their opinion. You will have many eyes to help you seek the truth for you.

Think About this

Isn’t it interesting that we always believe someone who says they are trying to help us be successful?


I will be sharing excerpts from time to time, so keep coming back to check this site out. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.


Bed check. How are you doing? Do you have dreams about your service time? Are they nightmares?


There are over 13,530 fellow veterans subscribed to this site who have your back.

If the dreams just too much for you right now, GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number to call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until the know you are OK.

1-800-272-8255..texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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A Marine saved Two of His Buddies and Had a Near Death Experience

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Military news…

The Army wants to make the question of “how the hell did this person make sergeant major?” 


As events in Syria, Kabul, Niger and elsewhere have shown, the military has a tendency to use its investigations to absolve itself rather than to hold senior leaders accountable for their mistakes.


A Marine got a tattoo based on the viral “He’s a Marine” TikTok video that ostensibly caused the entire Marine Corps to cringe in June 2020.


“I am disappointed by the lack of action taken so far to hold this Marine accountable. Sir, you know what he did to me.” That’s from Cybèle Greenberg, a Marine veteran who wrote to her former general, Maj. Gen. Francis Donovan, urging him to do more to hold accountable the Marine who a 100-page investigation confirmed had sexually harassed her.


Ever try coordinating 21 aircraft across 37 different radio frequencies in the dark over a firefight while flying your own aircraft? That’s what Air Force A-10 pilot Maj. Mike “Vago” Hilkert did in Afghanistan in 2011, saving several dozen ground troops in the process.


“We’ve raised our counterterror capability to an exquisite level. We’re going to sustain and protect that. The other side is harder to describe.” That’s from retired Army Special Forces Col. David Maxwell, who told about the U.S. special operations community’s post-Afghanistan identity crisis.


As He Leaves The Marines, a Navy Cross Recipient Finds Purpose Through Tragedy

Retired Marine raider Nick Jones end his 11-year career in the Marine Corps just before Veterans Day. In March 2020, Jones narrowly cheated death while trying to save two of his wounded teammates on a mountainside in Iraq.


Taliban Hold Military Parade With U.S.-Made Weapons in Kabul in Show of Strength

The Taliban recently held a parade of captured American weapons in Kabul, including dozens of MI-17 armored security vehicles and MI-17 helicopters.


Got some exciting news…I have a publisher who wants to print my new upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of life. Their name is Bookbaby. They are the leading publisher in their field.

I am starting to work with them as I type this. Keep coming back to hear about the progress of the process to getting the book published. Better yet… Go to the top of this page and click on”Subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will directly to your inbox.


What happening in your neck of the woods? Storms keep coming? Dreams aren’t fun?


There are over 13,400 fellow veterans on this site who have your back.

If the dreams are just too much for you, GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number your can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255..Texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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