How Tough do we Need to be to Survive in the Military?

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Military news..

China is considering arming Russian forces in Ukraine, US says
Cold War 2.0.


Russia says it will fast-track testing of tank-killing robot in Ukraine
Russia warns that western tanks should be “prepared for their destruction.”


Black Hawk Helicopter Crash Kills 2 Tennessee National Guard Members in Alabama

The UH-60 helicopter, more widely known as a Black Hawk, crashed in the unincorporated community of Harvest along Alabama Highway 53, killing two members of the Tennessee National Guard during a flight-training mission. The helicopter crashed around 3 p.m. and caught fire.


Wounded Military From Around World Headed to Camp Pendleton for Adaptive Sports Invitational

The 13th annual event, known as the Marine Corps Trials, is expected to draw more than 200 injured Marines, sailors, veterans, and international competitors from Colombia, Estonia, France, Georgia, Italy, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.


US Military Investigating Leak of Emails From Pentagon Server

It is not uncommon for large organizations to inadvertently expose internal data to the internet, but the fact that this is a Department of Defense email server will give U.S. officials cause for concern. It is unclear if any malicious outsider accessed the exposed SOCOM data.


I remember my time in Korea, and one of the times I was injured while doing my job. I was a member of the Army Security Agency, and my job was to monitor airway for breaches of security. I was attached to the 321’s ASA company.

One night up on hill 468, things went bad. The lights went out, and I figured that the generator was out of gas.

I went out to check and I was right. So I climbed up on the huge generator and started pouring in the gas. About half way through i slipped and was falling off of the generator. I grabbed what ever I could the break my fall. Unfortunately it was the hot manifold.

I severely burnt my hand. I still had three hours on my shift. What should I do?

I was told by my sergeant that no matter what you need to stay at your post. I went back inside and put ointment on my hand and continued working with one hand.

When my shift was over I went to the medics and they doctored me up.

Have you had an incident like this? Let me know about it.


Update… Got a couple more interviews and it’s off to the publisher BookBaby. Signs of Hope for the Military: IN and out of the Trenches of Life, will be full of my experiences while in the service, plus a lot about how to survive after being wounded, burdened with PTSD, etc. Keep coming back to see the progress. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Is everything going OK, or are you fighting back memories?


There are over 15,219 Veterans on this site who have your back.

If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.
1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.

+Now there is an easier way to get help. Just dial 988, and you will have help ready for you.


Vietnam Veteran Tragically Loses His Best Friend in The War

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Military news…

UN Command to probe North Korean drone flights into South Korea

The U.N. Command is launching an investigation into the North Korean drone incursion that prompted South Korea’s military to reassess its defensive capabilities.

Japan tests all China arrivals for COVID amid surging cases

Japan on Friday started requiring COVID-19 tests for all passengers arriving from China as an emergency measure against surging infections there and as Japan faces rising case numbers and record-level deaths at home.


Biden pardons 6 convicted of murder, drug, alcohol crimes

The pardons, announced Friday, mean the criminal record of the crimes is now purged. They come a few months after the Democratic president pardoned thousands of people convicted of “simple possession” of marijuana under federal law. He also pardoned three people earlier this year and has commuted the sentences of 75 others.


Evidence of Russian crimes mounts as war in Ukraine drags on

As Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, told the AP, “Ukraine is a crime scene.”


Putin, unaccustomed to losing, is increasingly isolated as war faltersWith the Russian president refusing to back down in Ukraine, Russia’s elite is split between those who want the war to end and those supporting further escalation.


I am sitting in my den and typing this post. I am watching a bowl game between Tulane and USC. The game was just tied by Tulane, 14-14. This is my way of working. Love it.


I am going to share a story about a Vietnam soldier that lost his best friend. He asked me to not share his name which I always honor.

I decided to stop at a hamburger place on my way home one day. I got my food and was walking to my table, when I saw a Vietnam vet. I knew that, because he was wearing a Vietnam hat.

I thanked him for his service, and sat down. I could see him eating. He was in pain. He finished his meal and got up to throw his garbage away. He walked right by me.

I asked him if he could sit and talk for a little bit. He looked like he didn’t want to do that, until I told him I was a veteran. He sat down.

We talked idly for a few minutes, and then I started asking him questions.

I asked him what he did in Vietnam. He said he was on a ship off the coast of Vietnam. Their job was to send supplies to the troops, and bring out the wounded in helicopters.

I asked him what was his worst moment. He said that lost his best friend who was a pilot of one of the helicopters. On one takeoff the engine died and the helicopter went straight down into the water. There was another soldier on the Helicopter. They never recovered the bodies, because the water was too deep.


I had many other question to ask him, and You can see the full interview in my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Keep coming back to see more what is happening for the book. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Is everything going OK, or are you fighting back memories?
There are over 15,219 Veterans on this site who have your back.
If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!
Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.
1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.

+Now there is an easier way to get help. Just dial 988, and you will have help ready for you.


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know.

The Flu Bug Has Caused Me to Miss Several Military Postings

+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know.


Military news…

The Russian military continues its drone blitz on Kyiv
Just like London in 1940 and 1941.


The Air Force’s top enlisted leader wants to ‘take away the stigma’ of beard waivers
“We are working to take away the stigma attached to airmen who have a medical need or a religious accommodation for facial hair.”


Pentagon to raise military housing allowances in US by 12% on average

The new rates take effect Jan. 1 and reflect the largest year-over-year jump to housing allowances in many years. Housing allowance payments totaling an estimated $26.8 billion will be paid.


Long-range missiles for Okinawa should come with local buy-in, experts say The Japanese Ministry of Defense by 2026 plans to base Type 12 surface-to-ship missiles at three Japan Self-Defense Force bases in the Ryukyu Island chain.


War in Ukraine has decimated a once feared Russian brigade The bloody fate of Russia’s 200th Motor Rifle Brigade in Ukraine is emblematic of Vladimir Putin’s derailed invasion plans.


It has been six days since I last posted here. I am in the final stages of battling the flu. It knocked me down last Friday. I am still very weak. However, I just didn’t think I wanted to miss you for another post.


One thing I Iearned while in the military is that you can’t give up. There were times when I was not well, Other times I had injuries. The military motto is, “Do not leave your post, no matter what.”

I am sharing a chapter from my upcoming book to address that thought:


Do I Need to Be Tough in the Military?

I spent twelve hour days on hill 468 in Korea. (That’s the number I remember. Each hill was numbered.) You were up there alone to run the whole operation. I worked in a 2 ½ ton truck with a radio shack placed on top of it.  You were closed into a little area where you could reach both walls from where you sat. The shacks were only about eight to ten feet long.

If you had trouble with claustrophobia, this was not the job for you.

One night everything came to a stop. The generator had stopped. I went out to check and it was out of gas. I had to climb up on the generator to put more gas in. I was doing just fine until I slipped. I started to fall off the generator. I grabbed the first thing I could. Unfortunately it was the extremely hot manifold. It burnt the whole palm of my hand.

There was not one person to take my place, as the soldier who was my replacement was on leave. I had to operate the radio system with my hand wrapped in a cloth, and I was in severe pain.

I could have radioed down to the base, but you were supposed to be a soldier first and a cry baby later. I finished the night. Luckily I only had about three hours to go when I had my accident. I was off duty for over a week while my hand recovered.

Have you had a sudden incident change your path? Did you feel like crying out for help, but didn’t think you should because of how tough we as soldiers are supposed to be?

I am sure many of you have while you were in the service, or are still there.

What do we do about this?

I am convinced now that there is no shame in seeking help. There is no time when you should ever feel that your integrity will be hurting if you seek help for something.

It could a minor injury or it could be harassment. It could that you need to see a counselor for some issues you are going through.

The tough guy/gal theory has no place in the military. It is good to be tough when you are in a trench fighting for your country, but when you need some special help, get it.   

Don’t let the rigors of daily military life drag you down like a huge magnate. Seek help for whatever you think you need help with. 


So many soldiers go on with their lives in pain, because they have too much pride or fear they will be looked down on for seeking help. Never allow this to happen. Get help and this will make your time in the military, or in the private sector, go much smoother.

Think About This

Isn’t it sad how those who pick on us, for what they perceive as a weakness, have many of their own weaknesses?


Keep coming back to see other excerpts, or updates on my upcoming book, Signs of hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. when you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.

+ Just found another veteran to interview. He is a submariner. Not just any submariner, a nuclear submariner. Should be a fantastic interview.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Is everything going OK, or are you fighting back memories?
There are over 15,219 Veterans on this site who have your back.
If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!
Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.
1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.

+Now there is an easier way to get help. Just dial 988, and you will have help ready for you.


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know.