I need to write this post to apologize for the delay of getting your subscriptions in. The subscription form has gotten tired, and went to sleep. It was very frustrating to say the least. I have had over 91 hits so far this weekend and no one is able to subscribe. I figure that about 80% of you tried to subscribe and failed. That is a loss of about 72 people. That really hurts!!!
Please hang in there with me! I will send out emails to those that have tried to subscribe, when it is up and running again. I hope ASAP. My website guy will not be available until tomorrow.
In the mean time I want to tell you some of the features I now have on the site, and what I am adding this week.
As you look over the site you will see:
1. A calendar that lets you know when I have posted.
2. A nice color and lay-out scheme.
3. Language translations for 23 different languages.
4 Rotating quotes, (at the bottom.)
5. Categories of topics such as:
A. General Stuff: That is where I will put announcements, and something about the site.
B. History: I have three posts there aleady. There I have my travels to places that bring back the memories of our (America’s) past history, or the history of where I have been
C. Discussion of my new book: I will slowly tell you about my past, and how it caused me to write the book, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Through Bumper Stickers.
D. Photography: I will put images from time to time of my travels, family, landscapes I love, etc.
E. Rules of Posting: You need to read this each time you come to the site. I will not let spam into my site. I censor every post before it can be posted.
F. Prizes and Awards: This catagory will have announcements about new contests, give aways, prizes, and awards. Check it often.
G. Sports: Of course, my first love is sports. This catagory will be full of thoughts, and observations from me as I watch sports. It will mostly be Oregon State University sports, but I will not hesitate to comment if there is something else that needs to be addressed.
6. “Share this post” this is at the end of each post. If you like the post and want to send it to a friend, you can click on “share this post,” and send it on its way.
7. All my favorite blogs, and websites, which I encourage you to check out.
8. Comments: At the end of each post, there is a place to comment. Even if it says, “No Comments,” Click on it, and there will be a way to comment. This is the weakest part of the site. No one seems to comment. Let me know how I can make it easier to comment. ( By commenting of course)
9. RSS Entries: This is where you can sign-up to get notices when I post something new. Just sign up there, and you will find my new posts by clicking on the RSS sign above your favorites at Explorer, or Explorer Express. I am not sure where you are able to do it in other programs.
New Stuff coming soon:
1. Surveys and polls: I love to have surveys and polls. This is your chance to give your opinion by voting for what you believe in or can see the results of what other people have voted for.
2. Amazon: I am adding a Amazon search form. You can go to Amazon, and order what ever you want. There will two ways to do it when it comes. (More later)
There may be more goodies, but I do not want to clutter up the site, and make it overbearing. I have seen some like that.