I Came Across a WWII Veteran, That I Found Out I Knew For Over 65 Years.

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Military news…

Six Killed After Vintage Military Aircraft Collide at Dallas Air Show

Emergency crews raced to the crash scene at the Dallas Executive Airport, about 10 miles from the city’s downtown. News footage from the scene showed crumpled wreckage of the planes in a grassy area inside the airport perimeter. 


Army Sgt. Maj. James O. Schmidt Served in 3 Wars. Now He’s Sharing His Stories with the Next Generation.

“I always felt that serving in World War II was my duty as an American,” Schmidt says. “The country needed us to do a job, so we did it.”


US To Sanction Military Procurement Network Aiding Russia, Yellen Says

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the sanctions would target 14 individuals and 28 entities, including financial facilitators, but she declined to provide details on where they were located.


Marine Vet Gifted With Brand-New Vehicle for Service to Disabled Veterans and Local Children

U.S. Marine veteran Len Johnson drives to other veterans’ homes in Philadelphia to support them in any way he can—so people at the TrueCar website saw an opportunity to honor him.


Daughter Honors Memory of Her Dad, Who Lost a Leg Shooting Famous Photos of D-Day Invasion in WWII

“I thought my father was Superman. Isn’t that what many little girls believe?” Katherine Wall Panatone wrote in the book’s introduction. “In the end, he was truly a super man, whose life and work will inspire anyone who reads his story.”


I was at a meeting where my son was the MC. He did a tremendous job leading the meeting. I was sitting behind all the people to try to stay out of the meeting. Then someone asked who I was, and my son said, “He is my dad.” Then a women shouted, “You were my fourth grade teacher.” Sure enough I met with the lady and she in my fourth grade class many years before that. We had a special relationship as I was her tutor during the summer.

She reminded me that my helping her put her on track to be an outstanding student.


I am sure you have many people you didn’t know where veterans. They seem to hide. They aren’t sure they want to share their time in the service. Be free to ask anyone if they are veterans. You will be surprised to find how many are.

I will share one story where I found out a person was a veteran, that I knew for over 65 years.


I was shopping for groceries, and came across an older man who had on a WWII veteran hat on. I thanked him for his service and moved on. I kicked myself for not asking him if I could interview him for my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. Well, I came up to the cash register, and there he was checking out ahead of me. (Accident? I don’t think so.) . I approached him and asked him if I could interview him and he said sure. He gave me his business card, and I stuck it in my pocket.

When I got home I looked at the card, and it was his business card from where he worked. Actually he owned it. The business was “Bob’s 19 cent hamburgers.” I almost fainted.

In 1957 there was a new hamburger joint that opened up. It was his place, It was on the way home from school. I stopped there everyday, and bought a hamburger. Bob came up to me several times to thank me for being there. We developed a friendship.

So 65 years later he was back in my life. I had the interview with him and it was fantastic. He was a Captain in Okinawa, and had a near death experience.


Keep coming back to read about other people I will have in the book. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.


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