What Does Having the Same President for Four Years More Mean

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The election is over in the United States, and we have another four years of the same  president. What does that mean to you? Are you happy or disappointed?

I personally had the worst time deciding who to vote for in my many years of being able to vote. It was difficult at best. The person I voted for didn’t win, but this is what I suggest to both sides:

  • It matters who wins, but it matters more that we pray for whoever wins. I will be praying that our president tries very hard to work with both parties, and come up with some solutions. The last four years have been fighting and bickering amongst themselves, and haven’t accomplished much of anything.
  • I  will pray for open minds, and understanding listeners. People who want what is best for their country and not what is best for their party.
  • I will pray for a president who seeks union amongst all people, and leads the fight to what is best for those forgotten in the trials and storms of life.

Think about what you feel you need to pray about and “just do it.”


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And above all…never, ever, give up!


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