We Live in a Depressing World with Few Ways to Cope

We Live in a Depressing World with Few Ways to Cope

Now how is that for a positive start? My heading probably scared off more people than it attracted. However our reality check shows that this is not far from the truth.

I have written a book that tells my story about trying to cope. I was at the end of my rope is it was unraveling. Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Life beyond Bumper Stickers is a journey I took from deep depression back to a life of joy and happiness. It wasn’t an overnight journey and there were many road blocks along the way, but I gradually took one step after another and conquered the mental demons that were attacking me.

It wasn’t done alone. God was with me each step of the way. Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Life beyond Bumper Stickers starts with my life in the muck and mire to where I enjoy each day with excitement.

It can be your story too. The whole book is directed towards those who have also been in the trenches like I have. It is a guide for those who are seeking a way to get out of the quicksand, and move on to better things.

I am now going to give you a small outline of what the book is about. I am putting a couple chapter titles that are in each part of the book. Notice the progressions from dooms day, to happiness. That is the format. I slowly progress your thoughts from “I hate this world,” to “Thank you God for another day.”

Part I- Fighting through the trials and tribulations of life

• Stop the world and let me off. I am tired of going round and round.
• Everything can go wrong probably will.

Part II- Try it you’ll like it.
• A lot of kneeling will get you in good standing.
• Don’t cross your fingers; fold you hands.

Part III- Keep marching on the right path.

• Are you standing on Whale fishing for minnows?
• Don’t wait for six strong men to finally take you to church.

Part IV- The next step

• God promises a save landing not a calm passage.
• If you are going the wrong way, God allows U turns.

Part V- I feel God holding my hand.

• A small stumble could lead to a big fall.
• Suffering from tooth decay? Brush up on the Bible.

Part VI- Congratulations you made it!

• Be fishers of men, you catch them and he will clean them.
• If we evolved from monkeys and apes, why are there still monkeys and apes?

Conclusion- It’s been a long journey.

You can read actual excerpts from these chapters by subscribing to my free newsletter. You just go to the right side bar and click on the icon that says; Sign up for my free newsletter and get instant access to the free eBook: The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World.

What you read is true. You will get a free eBook juts for signing up for the free newsletter. The newsletter has gotten many great endorsements. It has sports, travel stories, excerpts from Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Life beyond Bumper Stickers, and resources on how to cope in a not so friendly world.

But wait! There is more. (Sounds like an infomercial!) There really is more. By subscribing you also are automatically placed in a drawing for books that are top sellers and have the author’s autograph and personal notes them.

Some of the books that will be given away are:

1. The Shack, by William Paul Young. It has been # 1 on the New York Times best selling list for 60 weeks straight. I met Paul and had a nice conversation with him. If you win this draw, I will also add my conversation I had with him for free. He autographed the book and made personal comments.
2. Three Cups of Tea, by David Relin. It has been # 1 in its category for 155 weeks straight. I also met David. I will also share some of the things he said with the person that wins this book.

There are many others that are excellent books that will be giving away the coming weeks. The only way to get one is to subscribe to that great newsletter I told you about.

You will not get hives if you subscribe!! As a matter of fact I guarantee you will like it or you can opt out by going to the bottom of the newsletter and click on opt out.


New Promotion Beginning; win a Controversial, Autographed Book

The promotion of giving away an autographed book written by William Paul Young, called The Shack, has been completed. If you are now thinking. ” Oh no…I didn’t win one!!” Hang in there. My apologizes to you who WILL be the winners.

I have been sidelined with yet another adventure with a physical problem. I will be fine by next Monday, when I have surgery. I will walk home with a new positive attitude. It is nothing serious. I may or may not tell you more about what it is about. I do not like to hear about other people’s surgeries myself. Just know that it is an in and out procedure, and I will be healthier when I leave.

I will complete the drawing for the free books later tonight. I will notify the winners right away. I will be asking you if you will be willing to share your name and what city you are from, so that I can prove to others that we did have winners. You will have your 15 minutes of fame! I do not need more than what I asked above. I do not want anymore information about you get out than what is necessary.

The new book give away will be the New York Times best selling book, What’s so great About Christianity, written by Dinesh D’Souza.  Some questions he attempts to answer are:

  • Is Christianity obsolete?
  • Why does Christianity explain how the universe was formed?
  • How did Christianity created the farmework for modern science?
  • Does evolution actually support the “argument from design?”
  • Why atheists fear the Big bang theory?

There are many other provocative and enlightening subjects that Dinesh D’Souza speaks to.

This book has the author’s autograph in it. How am I able to get all these autographs? Do I have a special charm, or have I been in the right place at the right time? If you met me you know which one is true. In other words, I am still working on the charm thing.

Dinesh D’Souza is a former White House domestic policy analyst, and is the current Research Scholar at the Hoover Institute at Stanford. He has other best selling books: What’s so great About America, Ronald Reagan: How and ordinary Man became and Extraordinary Leader, and many other books. 

The rules for this new promotion are the same:

You will be asked to become a subscriber to my online newsletter to have a chance to win the book. That is all you have to do. I will then do a drawing at the end of the promotion.  One of you will have the book sent to you free, and the shipping covered.

How do you subscribe? Good question! Just go over to the right side bar and find, “Sign up for my Free Newsletter,” and click on it. Then you will put in your email address. You will be all set. You will get about two newsletters a month.

Remember those of you that are already subscribed, will get credit for every new person you have register. If you get 10 people to register, you will have 11 chances to win the book. Tell your friends that when they do register they also will have a chance to win.

I will explain later in the promotion how I will know who you had register. The promotion will end at 5:00 p.m., on May 22nd. That is the start of Memorial day weekend for us yankees. This means you have a month, as of today, to get those people to sign-up. You will have many more chances to win. 

Join over 340 other subscribers that have joined me in the short time I have had this website up and running.

AND!! Good Luck on winning the book!!




Walk Away with a Free Book Called, The Shack, That is Autographed!

Have a chance to win the book called, The Shack that is  autographed! This is the hottest book on the planet right now!


(This is a long post, but you will be glad that you read to the end.)


I had the privilege of sitting with the author William Paul Young recently. What I heard and learned while I listened to him was amazing. Paul should write a book just about his own life. Who is William Paul Young? Don’t feel too bad if you don’t know his name, but you sure should know his book called, The Shack!

(BTW….. You can order a copy of The Shack, through Amazon.com for only $8.24 by going to the right side bar and selecting the The Shack, book  in the I recommend, icon. You can’t get much cheaper than that.)


The story behind the story is that Paul just wanted to write a story for his children. He wrote his book and just published 15 copies at Office Depot to give to his friends and family. How basic is that? You are published out of Office Depot?


Some of his friends that received the book liked what he wrote so they sent his book to several friends through email. The friends also liked the book, and they sent it to many of their friends. Within a month, Paul was getting thousands of emails from people wanting him to publish the book for real this time.


He contacted 26 publishers and they all turned him down. Their excuse was that if a niche (topic area) wasn’t popular right now, they wouldn’t publish it. If the niche was too popular right now, they wouldn’t publish it.


They had a printer put their book together.


They didn’t know how many books to print so they had the printer print 10,000. The printer sent 11,000 and charged them for the extra 1,000. Within another month they were close to selling those books. They had another 20,000 printed. The printer sent 22,000 and charged for the extra 2,000.


It happened again. They sold out within a month. This time they ordered 30,000 books. The printer sent 33,000 and charged for the extra 3,000.


They decided that they didn’t like giving that much money to a printer who was trying to make an extra buck off of them. They started their own publishing company called, Windblown Media.


The growth kept escalating. They couldn’t keep up with the orders.


That was less than two years ago. They have now sold over 6.2 million books! (As of this writing.) The book has been the # 1 selling book on the New York Times top ten list for over 40 weeks straight! It has been written in 43 languages. (That must cover everything but Pig Latin.) It is the # 1 best seller in China, Mongolia, Britain, Canada, Australia, and many other countries.


It is also the # 1 book in the prisons. Why is that?  The prisoners relate to the villain in the book and seek forgiveness. This book helps them to feel forgiveness. There is a tremendous revival in the prisons. This book has sold more books to prisoners than most books have sold in a lifetime to the regular public.


You can see how much money is flying into Paul’s hands. Let’s say he gets 50% royalties from the book. (I know this is very high, but remember he is part owner in the publishing company.) So most hardback books sell for $25-29 dollars. Let’s just go with the low figure of $26.00. Paul gets half which would be $13.00. Now multiply that by 6.2 million books! That is over 63 million dollars just for Paul.


Why am I telling you all these details about how much money Paul is making? Because just two years ago he lived in a 900 sq. ft. home with his wife, six kids and only one bathroom!!! He didn’t know if he was going to get the bills paid at the end of the month. He worked three jobs, and one of his sons also worked just to pay the bills.


Isn’t that a great story??? Well, I haven’t even gone into Paul’s past yet, and there is a lot more to tell you about how the book got started. That will come in the next few posts on this site. I will give you some key words like I do for Google to entice you, and I bet you will come running back looking for the next post: sex abuse, non-caring father, an affair with another woman, suicide.


Now try NOT to come back for THE REST OF THE STORY!!


I had an talk with Paul, and I will have quotes I received from him that I was able to write down. I also have a side story about talking to Paul about my own book, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Life Beyond Bumper Stickers.


I suggest you bookmark this site and also sign-up for the RSS feed so that you know when I have posted.


You may want to read the newsletter I write that will have other stories like this plus excerpts from my own book, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind: Life Beyond Bumper Stickers, (that Paul Young is reading.)  I will explain that to you later in my next post.  

To be able to read the newsletter go over to the icon in the right side bar and click on, “Sign up for my free newsletter.” Then put in your email address. You will then receive about two newsletters a month. This will also give you a chance to win one of the free autographed books. Each book has a different personal note, and his autograph.


NOW!!! Here is the way you can win a free book called The Shack, and is personally autographed by William Paul Young, the author.

  1. Everyone one who has already subscribed is eligible to win a free autographed book.
  2. Everyone who subscribes between now and the drawing date for the books will be eligible.
  3. Everyone who refers another person to subscribe will have their name put in the hat again. If you refer 20 people you will have 21 chances to win a book.
  4. The drawing date will be selected later. I will announce the date about a week ahead of time. So get out there and find those friends to subscribe. Be sure to tell them that they will have a chance to win a big name authors book and autograph.
  5. I have one easy way to know that you referred people, and who they are. Send me the emails addresses of all the people that you had subscribe, to doug@dougbolton.com. I will then check in my subscription roster, and if they there, you will receive more chances for the drawing. 
  6. There are only ten books to give away. Each will have a different inspiring statement and an autograph from William Paul Young. That isn’t very many, so subscribe and get your friends to subscribe quickly.
  7. Again, it is easy to subscribe. Just go over to the right side bar and click on, “Sign up for my free newsletter.” Then put in your email address, and you are set.    

 Now go for it!! Subscribe yourself, and go out there to find a ton of other people!! Be sure to let them know that they have a chance at winning a top selling book. You should get a lot of people if you tell them about the book, The Shack, that is autographed, and that they could own one.


* I want to thank Randy Engermanson for his help and advice. He has to be the top marketing guru on this planet. Got to his site at: http://www.advancedfictionwriting.com/blog, and see some pretty amazing thoughts; ideas on marketing; how to write fiction, and some just plain hilarious commentary. You will be glad you did.


Doug Bolton

