Do you worry when the End Times or the Rapture is Coming?

I just read some comments by some people who were wondering when the rapture will be coming or who the anti Christ will be and when he will come?

Is that part of your worrying process? Do you wonder when things will happen?

God often moves powerfully in ways that are not understood for a long time. Look at the Middle East. The whole area is in a state of Chaos. Dictators who have been in power for decades, are either being threatened, or are gone.

Is this God’s plan? Of course it is, but what it all means may not be known in our lifetime.

We do need to understand that all His ways are right.

God’s knows all the peoples of this earth distress and manages all events for their good. They may not see the good in their situation at this time. They must remember, however that all nations are under God’s control. he allowed those dictators to get into power, and now He has other plans.

Our God is the God of the past, present and the future. All we need to do is trust Him, and not worry about tomorrow.


I had a good week of selling my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.  A friend stopped by yesterday and bought one. She got home, and her husband saw the book and started reading it. He called me, and said that the book was written just for him. he had been through many of the storms I had been through.

The State of Oregon bought two books this week to put into their gift shop at the State Capital Building.

House of Representative Andy Olson, was given a free book, and he is sharing it with many of his colleagues.

You can order a book right from this site as well. Just click on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top, and go from there. Whe you order, you will get an autographed copy mailed to you.

The cost has just been lowered, this week, from $19.99 to $15.99, and the shipping cost has been cut in half as well. A savings of over $6.00 for you. Hope you check it out.





Is it OK to Disagree with Another Christian?

Is God Ready to Spit you Out of His Mouth?

Our luke warm devotion to God of the Bible makes Him upset and He is ready to spit us out of His mouth.

Are you even a threat to Satan? Is he even aware of You? He doesn’t bother with those who don’t resist him.  If you are resisting him he will work overtime to keep you and your love for Christ from threatening his interests.

Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees. William Cowper (1731-1800)

It is hard at best to be strong against the temptations that Satan sends our way. He keeps telling us it is Ok to have a little fun, or a small sin won’t hurt anyone. He likes to divide us and conquer us. 

It is a battle that can’t be taken on alone. What can you do? Who will help you?

You may feel very alone. You may even feel like a speck of sand on the beach of life when it comes to God caring for you. There are millions of people worshipping Him, but He still loves you as His own.  God wants us to plead with Him when he appears not to care.  When we feel the most sinking feeling that God is far away is when we should seek Him the most.

Actually God checks on us days, months, and even years after we have been saved to see how we have progressed.  He may not seem near, but He is and He does care enough to worry about how you are growing in the knowledge of Him, and in the love you should have for Him.

God wants to grow enough that we will come out of our comfort zone. It is easy to stay where we are and not grow. God made many people in the Bible come out of their comfort zone.

  • David was forced to hide in a cave until he realized that he needed to call on God to rescue him. Then he was brave and eventually became king.
  • Moses felt he wasn’t qualified to even speak to the people about God, but he led them out of Egypt into the promise land.
  • Jonah even tried to run from God because he didn’t want to do what God asked. A huge fish swallowed him and later spit him out. Jonah went on to speak for God to the people.
  • Noah was just and ordinary man that did an extraordinary thing.  He was ridiculed by all of his friends, but he still obeyed God and saved all the animals and his family.

What is your comfort zone? Are you staying where you are because it is much more comfortable for you?  

Don’t stay in just one spot. Come out of your comfort zone and take the step of faith, knowing God is there with you. Also realize that your comfort zone changes. What you comfort zone is now may be totally different a year from now. God will be helping you grow and you will seek new horizons down the road.  When God taps you on the shoulder, obey! Growing for God can be like peeling the layers of skin from an onion. There is a new layer each time you shed the old one.  Each new one is a new comfort zone. 

No matter what you think about yourself, God made only one you, and then He threw away the mold. You are one of a kind, and you are the child of God. He made you in His image.

I had another thought tonight…..

If I accuse you of being a sinner because you have a meal with one, then I am wrong. If I try to make you feel shameful because of whom you choose to spend time with, then I am wrong. If you and are threatened by someone’s success and say “They are of the devil,” then we are both wrong. If another Christian disagrees with me and I think he is not a Christian because of that, then I am wrong.

We are not to judge or choose our friends on what they do or think. We should be open to anyone, and try to share with them the love we have for not only them but for God. Then we shouldn’t condemn them if they choose not to agree with us at the time.

If we just reflect the love of Jesus in our faces, hearts and lives, people are going to want what we have.