Top selling Books with Autographs Given Away Free.

5 Top Selling Books Given Away Free to Five Lucky People

I am going to try something totally different for the next few days. Starting now 12-11-09 until 12-14-09 I am going to give away five top selling books with the author’s autographs and personal notes in them. These will be excellent Charitmas presents or for yourself.

In the past I held a drawing to see who will get them. I am not doing that this time. These books will go to the first five people who sign up for my free newsletter.

I am going to describe each book to show you that they are not just any book, but top quality, and nationally known:

The Shack: Written by William Paul Young

Yes I said, The Shack. I met William Paul Young at a writer’s conference, and two other times after that. He not only wrote a personal to you the reader but he autographed it. I will be giving away two copies of this book. 

This book has sold over 7 million copies so far, and is still on the top selling list of many of the top selling lists.  This book started out as a book just written to his children and close friends. Some of those friends told him to send copies to some of the other friends on his list. He did and the rest is history. The book took off faster than Young and his partners could handle.

The book is about questioning God, and how to survive after you have lost a loved one. It has a very unusual approach as what God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit look and act like.

The Shack is a little cabin up by a lake, and the symbolism of the shack is that it has the door to your heart that you sometimes need to open to grow.

( I looked for the prices of  The Shack, in the stores, and the cheapist I could fine was $10.50 at Walmart. You can order it right off of this site by clicking the Amazon icon. It is only $6.00 here. Even with shipping it is cheaper than any store, and delivered right ot your door.  Great Christmas present.)

Three Cups of Tea: By David Oliver Relin.

Three Cups of Tea, is one of the top selling books for the last three years. It was number 1 on the New York Times best selling list for many months.

It is the story of Greg Mortenson, and his quest to build schools in Afghanistan. He felt that if the children had a proper education that there wouldn’t be many going into the Taliban terrorist camps as soldiers. He was doing this to promote peace one school at a time. The troubles and trail he went through to get this project started, and the burden of getting all the equipment need to the sites is well worth the read.

Not only did David autograph the book, he also wrote a personal note. I met him at a signing, and we had a nice conversation.

The Lord of the Films: by J. W. Braun.

This is the unofficial, official guide to the several movies about The Lord of the Rings. The author put in many hours of research, and study to give you everything about the background and making of the films.

It is autographed by J. W.  It is full of pictures from the sets during the film making, and statements by the actors, and producers. The forward is written by Clifford Broadway who played a soldier in the movies.

A must have for anyone who has followed these fun and exciting movies.

Creed of Old Montana: by Stephen Bly.

Stephan Bly has written over 100 books. He has won the prestigious Christy Award. It is even written in large print, so it will be easy on the eyes.

I met Stephan at a writer’s conference in Oregon. He is a great keynote speaker, and easy to sit and talk with.

Here is the exciting part. This will not be a drawing. These books will go to the first 5 people who sign up for my free newsletter. The first one to sign-up will have the choice of any of the five books, and then each one after that will choose.

To do this is very simple. Go over to the right sidebar, and click on the icon that speaks about signing up for the newsletter. Notice that it also says you will be able to download a free eBook, called, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World.

So, you will get a free book if you are one of the first five people to sign up; a free newsletter that has excerpts from my book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. Plus excerpts from my latest book, Becoming Famous Before you are Famous, and a free eBook called, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Trouble World.

Becoming Famous before you are Famous, is in process. I am writing it with Michael Clark from Jacksonville, FL. It is like a manual on how to build a platform, and get known long before you even consider approaching a publisher or an agent. It will speak about Facebook Twitter, My Space, Friendster, Linkedin, etc. You will be able to read each chapter as it is first written, and will help by making suggestions on how to improve it. It will be “our,” book.

Take time to sign-up, and receive one of these wonderful books. There is no obligation to stay with the newsletter. There is an opt-out area at the bottom of each issue.












Trying to be Macho, or Independent, can Lead to Trouble

I wanted to remind you about the exciting new book promotion that is going on.  Brandilyn Collin’s book, Eyes of Elisha, is now the book that will be given away in a free drawing. Brandilyn is one of the top Christian mystery, and suspense writers in the business. Brandilyn even graciously autographed the book.

To have a chance to win this book got to the right side bar, and click on the icon that talks about subscribing to my free newsletter. When you subscribe you are also in all future drawing for free books.

You will also see that when you subscribe you will be able to download a free eBook called,  The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World.

So you get a free newsletter with excerpts from my book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. You can download a free eBook, and you have many chances to win top selling books, with autographs in them.



Trying to Make it Without God


It is very interesting to me how we think they can go through their daily routines, and survive without the help of God. People have gotten to a place where they do not want to depend on anyone else during their crises, or troubled times.

Why is it that someone can look you in the eye and tell you, “I can make it on my own?” You do not need to worry about me. Is it some kind of macho thing with men, and a worry of losing control for women and men?

I have learned that it is impossible to do my work unless I use the power of Jesus. I fear the unknown. I often have to face physical challenges. I see doors closing. I am not sure what I am suppose to do next in my life. Who should I turn to?

It is now easy for me to answer that question. I turn ALL of my concerns over the Jesus. He is walking with me down my path of life. He looks ahead and clears things for me. He helps me make decisions on hard issues. He is there when I have a physical need. He gives me directions when I am at a crossroad.

It is so easy to get complacent, and think we are tough, and reseleant. The truth is we will walk into the muck and mire if we do not have Jesus there to tell us which ways to go and what things to do.

If you are floundering, and in a spot where you have no where to turn to. talk to Jesus. If you haven’t accepted Him as your persoanl Savior, do it right now.

All you have to do is say this short prayer: “Lord, forgive me for any sins that may keep me from your love. I know I have not been as good a person as you would like for me to be. Thank you for dying for me on the cross, and I accept you as my personal Savior. In your Holy name, Amen.”

It is that easy. BUT it is not that easy from this moment on if you accepted Jesus into your heart. Statan is one very upset dude right now. He had you under his skin and he wants you back. You will face many tough trials and temptations. Find a friend that can be your earthly guardian angel. Call them when you are tempted. Call them several times  a day if you have to.

Things that may cause you to falter are:

anxiety, fear, self doubt, depression, addicatons, hoplessness, low self esteem, and many more that I know you can think of that I have not mentioned. Turn every one of them over to Jesus. He will carry you the rest of the way.

If you have any commets, please feel free to let me know.




Slogans are Misleading and Head us Down the Wrong Path

  “God Takes Care of Those who Take Care of Themselves”

This is just one example of sayings or slogans people use to justify the daily lives.

I heard a wonderful sermon by Pastor Scott Nelson of Morning Star Church in Salem, Oregon this last Sunday. I will be quoting some of his thoughts to help you understand how dangerous it is to live by these sayings.


“God will take care of those who take care of themselves.”

Think about that. Is that saying that he will not take care of those who can not take care of themselves? God doesn’t choose who needs taken care of. He loves us all and helps each of us to live a life that is there to glorify His name. We shouldn’t be trying to convince pe0ple that if they only tried to take care of themselves, then God would help them more.

                                     “My God doesn’t judge!”

Really? Imagine a world were there is no judgment. Everyone doing what they want with no consequences.  Actually God is the perfect judge. He is the only supreme court judge, and disciplines out of love.

Am earthly father does the same doesn’t he? he loves his children, but if they do something wrong, he also disciplines them out of love.

                  “My God lets me do what ever I want.”

This is a like combination of several religions put into one pot of soup. It’s like a person in a school cafeteria, with a tray, going along and picking out what they want to eat. They will have a variety of choices.

             “Truth is in the eyes of the beholder.”

Many people like this one because they are saying that what I do may not be right for you but it is for me. We live in a very diverse world today. People are popping up with their own little ideas what their religion should be, and they live by it.

I have same very sad news. None of these choices will lead you to  Heaven. There is only one way to get to Heaven, and it is so much easier, and less confusing than all of these choices. All you have to do is confess your sins to God and ask Him itno your heart, and you have eternal life. Remember that is the opposite of eternal death. I will not go there. I will let you figure that out.


I made a big mistake with the last contest! I drew a name to be the winner, but I never sent him the book. Old age sure has its down moments.

My apologizes to Glynn Young of St. Louis, MO, for not sending him the book, The Missionary. He will receive an autographed copy in the mail this week.


The new promotion is a book called, Moments this Good: The Softer Side of Alzheimer’s, written by Bonnie Nester.

Here are a couple reviews written about the book:

“Reading the chapters was like eating potato chips–as I devoured them I kept saying, ‘Just one more!'”

                                                                                              Judy McKellar

“Nester offers the reader a path to gentle acceptance, and even moments of playfulness and joy–and always, always models profound love and respect for her mother.”

                                                                      Ellen Waterson

Author of the award-winning  memoir  “Then there was No Mountain and I am Madagascar”

All you need to do to have a chance to win this wonderful book is go over to the right side bar, and click on the icon that talks about subscribing to my free online newsletter, called, Signs of Hope Press. 

Not only will you start receiving the free newsletter, but you will notice on the icon that it says you can download the Free eBook I have written called, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World.

So…you get a free newsletter-free eBook- and are placed in a free drawing for not only this feature book, but for all the future drawings.


I have a new feature in the online newsletter. It has a new page called, Becoming Famous Before you are Famous. It will have actual rough draft chapters from a book of the same title. I will be sending out the first Chapter later today. Here is the fun part….sine it is a rough draft, I am asking each of you to proof read it, for typos, grammar mistakes, etc. Send me a message with your corrections. If you have something you think I should add to the chapter and it is used, you will be recognized in the book.