The President’s Generals Did Not Agree With Him on Afghanistan

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Military news…

Quiet day in the military news today. That is probably good.

After years of development, the Air Force will try firing frickin’ laser beams from its deadly AC-130J Ghostrider gunships.


Leaked documents reveal just how concerned the Marine Corps was about Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller’s call for ‘revolution The Marine posted viral videos to social media in late August criticizing military leadership over their handling of the war in Afghanistan.


It’s time to stop awarding the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, writes Marine veteran and GWOT Service Medal recipient Austin Dahmer. In fact, that should have happened a long time ago, he says.


There seems there was a movement to try to change the mind of our president, and his lack of love for the military. Top Generals in the Military are starting to turn on him. They stated that remarks made by him as to how they left Afghanistan were wrong. They said they tried to convince him to leave some troops there and he refused. They questioned his closing of the military airport.

With all of this going on it is no wonder that the president’s approval rating is down to 38%.


I will be sharing a new excerpt for my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life, in my next post coming up in two days.

Be sure to come back to check it out. Better yet! Go up to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to you inbox.


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There is Never a Time That You Don’t Have a Choice

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Military news…

100 Year Old Veteran Fannie Griffin McClendon

Fannie served with the only overseas All-Black Women’s Army BN unit known as the Six Triple Eight. Listen as Fannie shares how the unit persevered through hardships while
unclogging the mail system in England so frontline troops were delivered letters from their loved ones back home, which was integral in the Allied Victory. She also discusses how the battalion will soon be honored with a congressional gold medal.


Fox News recently took aim at Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) in an apparent attempt at a “gotcha” story about how Duckworth, an Army veteran, does not pay property taxes on her Illinois home.

Turns out that she is legally able to do that.


A retired Special Forces soldier named Jeremy Brown was arrested last week for his alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol building that resulted in the injury of hundreds of police officers.


A former Army soldier who allegedly plotted an assassination of a Virginia lawmaker and conspired to break racist mass-murderer Dylann Roof out of prison could face several decades in prison.


It seems to me that President Biiden has decided to what ever he can to tear down our military. He has tried to “steal,” money from the military budget. He has said things bad about the military that are totally false. Maybe this why his approval rating is down to 30%.


Sean Hannity had president Trump on his show last night, and the president praised the military for all they do, and putting themselves in harms way. Compelete opposite of Biden’s.


Here is another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

There is Never a Time Where You Don’t Have a Choice

In the military you are faced with many orders. Go here. Do this. You expect that in the military, and since you decided to enlist, you should love the life that is given to you while you are there.

However, out in cililian life it is a different story. People will also be barking at you do this and that.

I have heard people say, “I had to do it becasue I didn’t have a choice.” They felt trapped and thought there was no way out.

There is always a choice! We never have to accept our fate becasue we feel there is no choice.

We need to acknowledge that we havethe same rights as others around us.

Have you had a boss threaten you if you didn’t do what he said? It is OK to give out directions, but never OK to threaten. The people in the private sector need to realize that they are all working together just like a unit in the military. They need to respect each employee, and have their back when they need it.

Jobs are important for the soldier, but they shouldn’t be degraded at any time just so they can keep the job.

When I came out, I was treated very badly by a boss who didn’t like any “youngsters,” trying to infiltrate his group of works he loved to work with. He did whatever he could to make my day miserable.

When there was a job that was somewhat dangerous, he would make me do it. When it was time for a break, he told to sit somewhere else.

I allowed it to happen. because I didn’t have any way to find another job quickly enough to provide for my family that was with me at the college I was going to.

So I fell for the trap,” I didn’t have a choice.”

In this day and age that type of leadership is not allowed anymore. Bakc in the 50’s there weren’t too many discrimination laws. There weren’t too many to go for help.

Today, you have choices. You have your rights. You can respectfully disagree and not fear of losing you job.

Going into the civilian life can be daunting, but you don’t have to let it ourcome you. stay strong and have courage, just like you had to do when you served your country.


I will have more excerpts in the future so keep coming back to check them out. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.


Time to check in with you…

How are things going? Did life give you a lemon after you were discharged? Does it seem like you are being pulled down like a huge magnate?


There are over 13,185 fellow veterans here on this site who have your back.

It it is just too much for you right now, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number to call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…Texting 838255.



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Deployment Can Be Very Hard on the Military Family

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Military news…

They finally released Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller from prison. However, he may still face a court marshell. He told the truth, and questioned the nation’s top military leaders about how we withdrew from Afghanistan. He shouldn’t be charged for telling the truth.


One-hundred percent of the soldiers who served under Brig. Gen. Amy Johnston, the recently-suspended Army Chief of Public Affairs, said she created a hostile work environment.


The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was recently guarded by an all-woman team of three sentinels for the first time in history.


The Navy and Marine Corps are testing out a new rifle scope that allows users to lock onto a target and bring it down, even if the target is a very small drone.


The Space Force is making changes to its service dress pants after people made fun of them for being too baggy.


I told you in my last post that I would start sharing excerpts again. My excerpt on Monday was very successful in that 24 new people subscribed to this site.

Here is my excerpt for today:

Deployment Can Be Very Hard on the Military Family

As parents get deployed in the military, there is a void created. The children a left without a mother or father to have for love and guidance. So, remember, it can be very hard on the children as well.

As for boys in the family there is a need for a father figure to help show them the way. A father can help them acquire knowledge and confidence they need.

There is a time when they need to seek out their father for attention. There is a need for someone to play catch with; to wrestle with.

I didn’t have a dad that came home each night to give me a hug and share my day with. My parents were divorced when I was about six years old.

My mother called me her “little one,” when I was very young.

However, I needed a dad to say, “Hi Ace, or How’s it going to today champ?” I never heard that. It was like my dad was deployed somewhere else, but he was never coming back.

My mother was my only comfort zone. She had to be the one that showed interest in me. She was the only one who could support me when I needed it. She was my protector, but I needed someone to show me the excitement outside the realm of our home. My mom worked long hours and was very tired when she came home each day.

My mother did teach me toughness. She allowed me to play with toy guns, beebe guns, and let me play with GI Joe figures. She did this becasue three of her brothers fought in WW 2.

I didn’t have a dad to go fishing with. That was probably the most glaring thing thing missing in my childhood. I loved to fish, but I didn’t have the proper skills to know how to do it. My uncle Paul taught me how to fish, but he was a farmer and didn’t have the freedom to go with during the summer months because that was the busiest time for him. So I grew up fishing by myself. I needed a dad to get excited with me as I pulled in a fish.

Today, I go fishing with my two sons often, and there is a special bonding there.

Daughters need their father or mother to be there for them as well. Sometimes it is the mother who is deployed, and the father becomes “Mr. Mom.”

He needs to find ways to give his daughter the love she needs without mom around. He needs to join her is fantasy tea parties. He needs to allow her to paint his finernails a special color. She may even want to give dad a perm.

No one expects a mother or father to be perfect in a military home, but you should do what ever you can to keep the family united and happy.


There is more to this chapter, and you will be able to read the rest of it if you aquire the upcomg book, Signs of hope for the military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I will share more excerpts in the future. Come back so you won’t miss them. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox.


Bed check… How are you days going? Some good, some not so good? Do you fear sleeping at night?


There are over 13,160 fellow veterans on this site who have your back.

If the nights are just too scary for you, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number to call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

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You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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