Good advice for veterans to Read

+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. You may be saving a life. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.


Very slow today. Helped my wife clean the house yesterday. Mistake! Injured my back. The reason we had to clean the house is that our cleaning lady came down with COVI(D-19. We told her we couldn’t take the chance of using her again, because of underlying problems I have in my health.


Speaking about health. I came across a good guide of what to ask your doctor when he is suggesting surgery, or a procedure:

  1. If testing, what is the test for?
  2. How many times have you done the surgery/procedure?
  3. When will I get the results?
  4. Why do I neded this treatment?
  5. Are there any alternatives?
  6. What are the possible complications?
  7. Which hospital is best for my needs?
  8. How do you spell the name of that drug?
  9. Are there any side effects?
  10. Will this medicine interact with medicines I am already taking?

Do not assume the doctor will tell you everything if you don’t ask.


Some intersting military Stats:

  1. 3% of veterans who are unemployed, down from 3.5% from last year.
  2. 490,000 information technology jobs that go unfilled due to shortage of people with IT backgrounds.
  3. 31,000 Veterans and spouses who have obtained employment opportunities through Hiring Our Heroes since 2011.
  4. 44 percent of veterans who leave thier initial post-military job in one year.
  5. 40 Million-Amount that USAA will contribute to militay causes this year.
  6. 32 Donors who participated in this year’s one-day blood drive. 27 pints were collected.
  7. There were 12 first time donors who gave.


OK…More interesting facts:

  1. 20.4 million living veterans in the United States. representing less than 10% of the population.
  2. 7.1 million living veterans who served in the Gulf war.
  3. 6.8 million living veterans who served in the Vietnam era.
  4. 771,000 living World War II veterans.
  5. 1.6 million living Korean veterans.
  6. 77 percent of the living veterans who served in war time.
  7. 9 percent of the living veterans who are women, projected to increase to 18% by 2045.
  8. 75% of Americans who said they would increase funding for veterans and services.


How is your world turning? Do you want it to stop and let you off? You are certainly not alone. There are over 9, 560 fellow veterans here, and they have your back. Do not let the drk side win. Go towards the light.

If it is just too overwhelming GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number for you to call that has highly qualified counselors to help you 24/7.

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. You may be saving a life. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.



You are nevr alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unoved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Do You face More Than Your Share of Ailments?

We have had a big increase in subscribers lately! We just passed 1,100 subscribers! That number jumped from 800 just since January. Time for a celebration! Time for new goals. We would love to make it to 1,500 subscribers by the end of this new year. Please help us to continue to grow in 2014 by subscribing. You can do this by clicking on the icon right after the title.


Exciting news! We have a new book on the way that I am writing with Dennis Booth, from New South Wales, Australia. It will be called, “Signs of Hope: For the Weak Days.” (Working Title.) It is a compiling of posts that Dennis and I have been doing on my blog at: There are 0ver 57,000 followers on that site, and it is because so many people are seeking hope and it is provided there.

*Update: 4-4-14. 

We have a big delay in writing our book right now. Dennis and I have been going through some physical ailments. I have had to have a defibrillator placed in my chest, and I am struggling with a viral infection. Dennis had surgery last Wednesday on his hip and will down for a while. So the writing process has been slowed a great deal. 


I have had quite a ride since I last posted here. I have received some awards for my book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World:

  • I have received six new 5 stars awards for my book. Check them out on Amazon.
  • I received a national award from the Reader’s Favorite Awards.
  • I was a runner-up in the MARsocial Author of the Year Awards. (This is like American Idol, except it is for authors.)

All this can be done by anyone of you. It is just doing the hard work of promotion, and persistence. (Like….go to the top of this page and click on bookstore to find out about the book that is receiving so many awards.)


I mentioned above about having some health issues. I seem to have new ones every time I post here. I have had a bad couple of months.

I started feeling exhausted all the time, about two months ago. My cardiologist was seeing me and I told him it was getting worse. he tested my pacemaker and it seemed to be working fine. I continued to feel too tired to even get up each day.

Finally the doctor did a scan of the heart and he had to inform me that my heart was only working at 30% capacity. he felt there need to be something done right away to correct that.

He decided that I need to have a defibrillator placed in my chest. It would function in a manner that would surpass the pacemaker, and would provide a shock treatment if the heart stopped.

I had it put in and the energy went up quickly. I thought we had finally found what I need to enjoy life, and live it on my terms.
Then two weeks later I felt pain going down my left arm. I made an appointment with my cardiologist and he discovered that I had a hematoma forming in the surgery area of my chest. He said it wasn’t life threatening, and It would be OK in a couple of weeks.

I went home and the next day I cam down with a viral infection, and I am just getting over that.

Why am I telling you all of this?

Because I have found that when I start feeling sorry for myself, I go into depression, and battling the usual demons of anxiety, fear, self-doubt, etc.

I give all my pain and agony over to God, and I am able to withstand all the storms and trials that come my way. Is it that simplistic? Yes, it is. God is a very loving God. He cares. He is always there for you. If you ask Him for help he will be there walking with you.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above ll…never, ever, give up!



I Find Joy in All The Thorns I Receive

We have had a big increase in subscribers lately! We have had 95 since the first of this year. We now have a total of 298, and rising fast. That is close to 300. We will have a celebration when that happens! This is wonderful for our site. Please help us to continue to grow by also subscribing. You can do this by clicking on the icon right after the title. 


We have a huge announcement to make. The book “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is now in eBook form.  That’s not all! We just lowered the price of the eBook from $4.99 to $2.99! This won’t last very long. Check it out by clicking on the Amazon icon on the right. You can also buy it at any eBook outlets! You can order the hard copy at the Amazon site there as well.


Be sure to check out the book trailer for “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” It is on the right side right below the Amazon icon. It gives you a clear picture of what the book is about.


How much can a person take? What is the breaking point?

I have been asking myself that lately. Since 2004 I have had many afflictions. In 2004 it was quadruple by-pass surgery. Then what followed over the years were two back surgeries, a gall bladder surgery, an Achilles tendon surgery, pace maker surgery, and a partridge in a pear tree. 🙂

It hasn’t stopped. Just a month ago I started having strong AFIB action with my heart. I became very tired quickly. I had an angiogram done, and it was decided that not only had I had a heart attack in the last few years, but my AFIB was out of control. It was active 90% of the time. They will be doing a “Flutter Ablasion,” on May 1st.

Then I started having tremors in my left arms. I can’t even hold a glass without spilling the contents. I found out that I may need surgery on my neck vertebrates to correct it.

So, I am a walking medical gem. The doctors know me by my first name! They may name a ward of the hospital named after me. I support a lot of people.

How could I be so cheery? How could I find humor in all of these afflictions I have had in the past and continue to have?

This may be hard to comprehend, but I find joy in using all these “thorns,” to witness to others who are going through the same things.  I use my afflictions to comfort others.

God doesn’t promise us a rose garden. He knows that there will be storms in our lives. Sometimes He will allow the storms to help us grow in strength when we overcome the storm. God won’t stop the storms, but He will help calm them.

God loves us and doesn’t really like seeing us going through pain, or hardships, but think on this:

He sent his only Son to die for us. What pain that must have caused Him! What agony He went through seeing His Son hanging on that cross, and yet He allowed it. Why? Because He loves us so much He felt He had to sacrifice His only Son to save our lives.

For those who believe, it is easy to understand why we go through some of the storms we go through. All we have to do is think of the pain and agony that Jesus went through so that we may have eternal life.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!