With God on Your Side, Who Can be Against You?

Can’t be too much going wrong today. The sun is shinning, and there is not a could in the sky.

I want to spend today just talking about perseverance.

Have you given up on something you once thought was your dream? Did a wall come in between you and a goal you have had for many years?

I went through that. Back in 2001 I was facing too many walls. I felt closed in and thought there was no where to go. On March 31st of 2001, I was sitting  in my Explorer and considering about checking out of this hotel called earth.

God stopped me, and reminded me of a book I was working on that I had given up on. It didn’t relate at all to the final work that I had published. My book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” was once called, “Close Encounters of the Cash Flow Kind.” It was a book written to help sales people to be better at their trade.

I had failed at several ventures that I tried, and thought this book would be a joke to readers since I wasn’t successful myself.

God opened my eyes, and showed me that this very same book could be altered and made into an inspirational book to help others who were struggling with, anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, low self-esteem, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.

It took me nearly ten years to complete the book, but I persevered, and now the book can be bought on this site, at www.amazon.com, www.barnes&noble.com, and www.chiristianbooks.com.

It is sold in many stores in the Northwest.

I could have given up, but God taught me patience, and perseverance. He  helped me to accomplish something that I thought wasn’t possible.

What about you? Got a dream? Do you have something that you always wanted to try, and thought you weren’t capable of doing it?

Get rid of those negative whispers in your ear from Satan. He wants you to believe that you aren’t worthy of doing anything worth while. It is time for selective hearing. Only listen to God’s gentle voice and follow His lead.

I would love to get a comment from one of you that tells me that you broke through those walls, and accomplished your dream.

With God on your side, who can be against you?


You can order, Signs of Hope Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” right now by going to the top, and clicking on the “Bookstore,” tab. There is a big special going right now.

The books has been  for sale for $19.99 and had $4.70 in shipping. Right now you can get the book for $15.99, and only $2.35 in shipping. That is over $6.00 in savings.

There is more… you will also get an autographed copy. Only if you order from this site.

Please check it out. There is a full description of the book in the bookstore above.


What do you Want to Accomplish in 2011?

I told you in my last post that I will be starting up a new series of posts that talk about, “Becoming Famous Before you are Famous.” It will be excerpts from my book of the same title.

I have been busy arranging signings for the new year. I just finalized a signing for April 16th at Border’s Books on Lancaster Drive in Salem, Oregon from 2-4 P.M.

I will also be scheduling two signings at Eola Hills Winery in Rickreall, Oregon for Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day. Those signings do not have times yet, so be checking this site for more information.

I will be signing books at the Oregon State Fair next fall for seven days in a row.

My book will be in many more stores in Oregon soon as well. That is the top priority for me in 2011. I will be contacting any stores that carry books or gifts.

You can order a book right from this site by clicking on the Bookstore tab above. It will direct you from there. If you order from this site, you will be mailed a copy of the book with a personal note, and autograph. That will not happen at any other outlet you can get books from.

I am also on www.Amazon.com, www.Christianbooks.com, and  www.Barnes&Noble.com sites.

The thought of the day….

It is a new year. What do you want to accomplish in 2011? How about finding new ways to serve the Lord? I know, you serve Him daily now, but what new things could you do to serve Him even more?