The Government is Crossing the Line as to What They feel the Military Should do.

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Military news…

“I’ve read Mao Zedong, I’ve read Karl Marx, I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist.” That’s from Gen. Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who’s had it up to here with everybody accusing the military of being ‘woke’ for teaching classes and recommending books about racism. Milley told federal lawmakers what he thought of their accusations at a hearing on Wednesday, and boy was it spicy.


The Navy’s also under fire from Republican lawmakers for trying to be less racist, in this story about Adm. Michael Gilday, the chief of Naval Operations, who testified before Congress on Tuesday about why he included Ibram X. Kendi’s “How To Be An Antiracist” on his recommended reading list for sailors. Other books cover artificial intelligence, guides on China’s rise, and profiles of historic Navy leaders.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin supports taking the decision to prosecute sexual assault and domestic violence cases out of commanders’ hands, marking a major shift toward a change that military leaders have long opposed. Victims and activists say leaders fail to take action against offenders, but Austin’s top generals are more cautious, especially about opening up the change to other crimes beyond sexual assault.

I am dumbfounded to see the two reports above about Congress pushing for the learning on how not to be racist. I shared last week that from a survey that showed that the military is the lowest for racism compared to the private sector. There are not black, yellow, brown or white soldiers in the military. They are all brothers.

I have been sharing many excerpts from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life. Come back often to see the progress. Better yet…Go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do that all future posts will go directly to you own inbox.
Friday bed check. How are you doing in this not so friendly world. Is it spinning too fast. Do you want it to stop so you can get off?


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And above all…never, ever, give up!


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A Second Lieutenant, in Uniform, Was Dragged Out of his Car and Pepper Sprayed

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Another beautiful day outside. Going to have to go on a walk to build my strength back up.

Whenever I think of walking, I think of our brothers and sister who don’t dare go on a walk. They are hunkered down for fear of being shot. Never forget them.


I can’t list all the things I think our country is doing wrong right now. The list would be long. I pray for our president, because to be honest with you, I do not think he is even in charge.

The far left is dragging him down like a huge magnate.


I read an article where a second Lieutenant, in uniform, was dragged out of his car and pepper sprayed. The video doesn’t show him doing anything wrong. He told the officers he was afraid to get out of the car. Their answer… “You should be!”

He has sued the police department and I hope he wins.


We still have more National Guardsmen in the nation’s capital than there are in Afghanistan. That is appalling. What are they afraid of?


While in the military I found that the more you accept orders the less strain you will be in.

Some of the guys I knew tried to “buck,” the system, and it didn’t work out well for them.

The discipline I learned for the military has helped me in my civilian life.


Up date on my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I have added another person to interview. I spoke to him while at the Oregon Coast. He has some funny, and yet sad sharing to do and I know it will help other veterans.

Everything else is in the final stages of preparation.


How are you doing today? Is your world OK, or do you think it is spinning too fast?

Fear not!

There are over 11,830 fellow veterans here who have your back.

But! If the burden of life is too much for you right now, GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number to call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors, there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.

Never, ever, let the this dark world pull you down!

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Our Country is Racing Into the Wrong Direction Fast

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May 1st is approaching fast, and President Biden still is refusing to get our troops out of Afghanistan. He is breaking many hearts of loved ones who thought their loved one was coming home.

Yesterday, President Biden laid out his plan to get rid of guns. One of his starling comments was that no amendments of the Constitution are free from changing. He is going to use some more of his executive orders to make guns laws that no one will agree to.


I am impressed with our new Defense Secretary. As of today I feel he doing some good things. We will see.


Another step closer to getting my new book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and out of the Trenches of Life, published.

I have been cleaning up several interviews with veterans, and they are looking good. There are some shocking stories, and near death experiences.

I have four WWII interviews that are amazing. In all of them death was close.


I am going to be short today. I had a huge physical testing time yesterday and it has left me deflated. I had a nuclear stress test. It wasn’t terrible, but it zapped my strength.


How about you? Do you feel deflated from you daily routine? Does the world seem to be spinning too fast?

Fear not!

There are over 11,780 fellow veterans here who have your back.

Of course if your path is just getting too rough, GET HELP!

Here is a toll free number to call 24/7.

There are highly trained counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until the know you are OK.

Never, ever, take on this,not so friendly, world alone.

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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