Discussions of Drugs, Alcohol, and Alzheimer’s

                             How to Face the Demons that Chase us

I am happy to announce that my blog, www.dailysignsofhope.com has a new partner. Michael Clark has joined me to share his battle with drugs and how he turned to God to help him conquer it.

I met Michael through Facebook. We built an instant friendship through sharing our hurts, defeats, and how we over came them. We are very similar, even though we went through a different channel. We both fought, anxiety, self doubt, low self esteem, depression, and even hopelessness.

I invite  you to mark www.dailysignsofhope.com as a favorite and check back often. Michael and I will be taking turns posting. Our different writing styles will reach out to different people, and hopefully help others to find help.


I have good/? news. I put the question mark there because it could be bad news, but not yet. I have been lucky enough to have an agent, and a publisher be interested enough in my work to have me send a proposal to them.

That was six weeks ago. I was told it takes up to three months before they answer back. Patience is not my best virtue, and this waiting game is hard.

You will be the first to know when I find out the results.


Today I am launching another free book give away. The new book to be given away is called, Moments This Good: The Softer Side of Alzheimer’s, by Bonnie Nester. I have read the book, and it tears at your heat and makes you laugh at the same time.  Moments This Good: The Softer Side of Alzheimer’s, is somewhat like a diary of special moments in the lives of  Bonnie and her mother Ruth. It will help the many people of today who have aging parents who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s. I know because I have a 92 year old mother who is still with me that battles dementia, but she is still my loving mother.

Moments This Good: The Softer Side of Alzheimer’s is autographed by Bonnie. I met Bonnie at a Northwest writer’s conference. I have enjoyed her friendship a great deal.

To have a chance to win this wonderful book, you just go to the sidebar, and look for the icon that talks about subscribing to my newsletter.

When you get there, notice that you will also be able to download my free eBook called, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World. It is a very timely book that shows ways to cope in this not so friendly world.

So….. You get a free newsletter-free eBook- and a chance to win a free autographed book,  just for signing up for the newsletter. It won’t give you hives, and you gain a lot.

You can opt out of the newsletter any time you want at the bottom, and still keep the eBook.

Have a blessed day!!


Discussion of Drugs, Suicide, etc at www.signsofhope.com

                             There is Hope at www.dailysignsofhope.com


Talk about a dreary, depressing, title! However the words used are ones that are getting to common in our world today. I didn’t even mention battles we face like: self doubt, depression, fear, low self esteem, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.

www.dailysignsofhope.com just started up three days ago and it reaches out to those who suffer with all of the afflictions I just mentioned.

There will post there by: David Brown,  Michael Clark, and yours truly, Doug Bolton. We will take turns posting our thoughts on how to cope in this not so friendly world. Go there and check it out.

That is what my book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, is all about. It is a book that talks about my own battles with all of these demons and how I conquered. I also share how you can conquer them too.

Go to the right side bar and sign-up for my online newsletter, and you will receive excerpts from, Signs of Hope:Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. 

The newsletter has a total of four pages:

  • A front page that talks about my book, and thoughts of the day.
  •  Another page that is a sports page that talks about Oregon State University sport, and any other sports I think might be interesting.
  • A resource page where I share ways to cope in a troubled world.
  • The last page is a travel page for now, but in the near future it will be transformed into a writer’s page. It will have thoughts on,  How to Become Famous before you are Famous.

It will cover all the things you should be doing before you even approach and agent of a publisher. It will talk about the social networking. What to look for at conferences. Groups to join to have a good platform, etc.

I am very excited about this new page. It will be coming out in about a month  so tell all your writer friends to get signed up for the newsletter so they will be ready when it starts coming.

* Please remember that you can always go directly to the page you want and skip all the rest. Many people wan’t subscribe because they do not like one of the pages. Skip that page if you don’t like it.

You can also opt out any time you want. There is a spot at the bottom of each newsletter to do that.

I am still doing my free book give aways. Just have been too busy to keep them going on a regular bases.

Just had the 500th person subscribe!! That person will win a book if they respond to my email that I sent them.

Befefits of subscribing:

  1. Free newsletter
  2. Free eBook
  3. Free books in a drawing

Did I say they were all free?

Please tell everyone about this site. Word of mouth is the best way to have growth.




The is Corruption, Sadness, Death, and Self Doubt in Iran

Before we discuss the post for today, I want to remind you that you can get a free eBook just by subscribing to a great free newsletter. You can do that by going over to the right side bar, and clicking on the icon that says, “Sign up for my free newsletter and get instant access to the free eBook, The Top 25 Ways to Survive in a Troubled World. It is very timely with all the pain, and suffering there is in our world today. It also shows ways for you and me to cope during this time.

By subscribing you are also put in a drawing for books. They are top selling books, like the current one that is available to win called, “Three Cups of Tea,” By David Relin. He even autographed the book. It has been # 1 on the top selling list for 150 weeks straight! It is about Greg Mortenson trying to have schools built in Afghanistan, and Pakistan. There were many trials, and disappointments in countries controlled by the Taliban, who do not want the schools built. This is a wonderful read that will give you hope in a world that is not so friendly.

The deadline to subscribe to win this particular book is July 13th. There will be a drawing that evening. Don’t wait. I find when I do that I forget about it and don’t do it at all.

Now for the post that is about as current as you can get. Much of the information was on CNN.com this morning:

There is Corruption, Sadness, Death, and Self Doubt, in Iran.

In the Book, The Shack, By William Paul Young, there is talk about “The Great Sadness.”

This term relates to the awful time that Max, the lead character, goes through when he fears his daughter has been murdered. In this story the timeless question is asked, “Where is God in a World so filled with unspeakable Pain?”

Max found the answer. (I suggest you read the book to find out what answers he found.)

How do we find the answer?

We can look at Iran and see many things that need answers. There is corruption, great sadness, death, self doubt, depression, and living Hell.

The people of Iran are desperately seeking answers. They are living in their own great sadness. They are rioting. They are defying the government. People are dying because of their strong will for change.

Why does God allow all this to happen? Can’t He come down to earth and wipe out the bad guys, and give the good guys peace? Yes, He can.

Does it do that? No. Why???

God allowed us to make choices. He gave Adam and Eve free choices. Their choices cost them dearly. They would now have to go through death to be with the Father.

We see examples of bad guys causing pain and anguish everywhere.

How about Hitler? He murdered millions of innocent people just because he didn’t like them. They weren’t an enemy that he needed to fear. They were outsiders in his mind, and he decided to try to exterminate them.

How about Stalin? He must be in the Guinness Book of records for killing the most people. His total was over 42 million. He killed because he didn’t like them, and because they were trying to dethrone him.

More recently we had Saddam Hussein. He was a dictator that loved to poison, shot, rape, and imprison anyone who looked at him wrong.

Now we have Iran with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, winning a corrupted election, and the people are fighting back. Many are dying. Neda Agha-Solton was one of the people who died and she was a peaceful protester.

Her name Neda means voice. She may have died, but her voice has been heard all over the world. Ahmadinejad, the leader of Iran claims that there was something very wrong with her killing, and there needs to be an investigation. Another leader claims that it was the CIA that killed her!

The Iran government has become desperate. They have arrested more than 230 students, professors, journalist, and reformists. This is a calculated push to eliminate any opposition to the government. Even the main opponent Mir Hossein Mousavi is under constant police surveillance.

Among the most prominent reformist detained was Ebranim Yazdi, 78, who was a key aide to the Islamic Republic’s founder, Ayatollah Khomeini, and served as the foreign minister after the 1979 revolution.

He was hospitalized when he was arrested. They came right into his hospital room took out the intra-venous tubes and took him to the notorious Evin Prison.

So why doesn’t God step in there and clear this mess up?

He is a loving God. He let us choose our destiny. He gave the people choices, before Noah built the ark. He gave the people of Sodom and Gomorrah choices before He destroyed them. He gave Pharaoh choices before his own son died.

This is and will be the pattern while there is still an earth to live on. We make our own choices. You make your own choices. Think about those choices. Do you know for sure that you are making the right ones? God loves you the way you are. He just doesn’t want you to stay that way.