The load of this World is Hard to Overcome. Time to Fight Back

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This old soldier is getting very tired. Very tired of all the crap that is going on around me. I struggle with shaky hands, bad back, and getting tired very easily.

So now that I whined at you, let me cover what I am doing about my problems:

  1. I am a member of It is a social network just for veterans. There are over 1.8 million veterans there to talk to. I get about 40 emails every day from veterans I have become friends with there. They give me virtual hugs, and give me hope through their advice. The site is
  2. I reach out to help others who are hurting. I help them smile, and they help me smile. A win. win!
  3. I get involved with military non profits to help my brothers and sisters. My favorite military nonprofit is Please check it out and see all the good they do.
  4. My son is a retired Colonel in the Army. We spend a lot of time talking about our times in the service. There is some laughing and some sadness.


I am going to share another excerpt with you today. It is gut wrenching one to say the least:

Sgt. Michael Thorin was a SGT who was in charge of a “shot gun,” company that was accompanying a caravan that was heading to a new area.

The day was going fine when all of a sudden the rig right in front of him caught on fire. There were huge flames quickly. There were four soldiers in it.

SGT. Thorin ran to the rig but it was too late. The flames had ingulfed it. Four min died in a matter of minutes.

I asked him, “How did you handle that? He said, “I haven’t yet. I have PTSD because of it.”

SGT Thorin is a Christian man, and he feels that it is the only thing that is keeping him alive, since he had a pistol pointing at his own head twice.

There is so much more to his story.

Be sure to get the book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life, to read his story and many more. Most of the stories had their dark moments, but most also come out good. The book will come out in early January.


So wat’s happening in your world?

Are you struggling PTSD, TBI, depression, or war wounds?

You are not alone.

There are over 10,150 fellow veterans here to talk to and find hope.

If it is just too overwhelming right now, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number to call 24/7 and it is free,

There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved,

And above all…never, ever, give up!


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from the site, please let them know about it.

Am I afraid of What is Going on? What Me worry?

I am so amazed! Since I have come back and started posting more often the subscriptions are growing very fast. Two days ago I told your we had gained 25 new people in one day. Today we jumped from 8,125 subscribers to 8,153. I have finally figured out what you want in a site, and I am concentrating on that. Please subscribe by clicking on the subscribe button at the top of this page if you are a veteran, or a family member of a veteran. When you do the posts come directly to your inbox.

Another day another dollar. That is what my mother always said, only she meant it. Times were tough when I was a child. My mother only cleared about $38.00 a week from her job and she was a single parent. However, my brother and I never went hungry. We had clothes to wear and a roof over our head. I still marvel when I think back to that time.

Because of my up bringing, I value the little things. I still have the teddy bear I had as a child. It’s in pretty good shap, and I have fond memories every time I see it. I never had roller skates, toys, or other things most kids had. We couldn’t afford them. How I got new clothes every year was to go to work on my Uncles farm.

Why am I telling you all this? I have a different outlook on much of what is going on right now.

Am I worried about the virus? Oh ya! I have several underlining problems and probably wouldn’t make it if I caught it. But, God has spared me so far so I am very thankful for each day.

Am I upset with what is going on in our cities with the rioting, looting, and arson? Certainly. What worries me the most is that the National Guard is being used, and they are in harm’s way. There are even thoughts of bringing in the regular military.

I never once thought we would ever need the regular military in our country to try to help clean up a mess.


Let me share some military news to catch you up on what is happening. Most of what I get is from the military magazines, and daily emails from the VFW and The American Legion.

  1. Senate Holds Veterans Affairs Budget Hearing: This week, the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs held a budget hearing to discuss funding requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The VFW, along with Independent Budget(IB) co-authors, Disabled American Veterans and Paralyzed Veterans of America, provided written testimony advocating for more VA funding. Due to the strain on the VA health care system, the IB recommends increased funding for staffing, PPE, and infrastructure upgrades.
  2. Veteran Employment Bill Introduced: This week, congressional leaders introduced the VFW-supported bipartisan, bicameral bill to help curb veteran unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Reps. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-TN), and Mike Levin (D-CA), along with their colleagues Sens. Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Jon Tester (D-MT) introduced the Veterans Economic Recovery Act of 2020which would provide much needed support for veterans who recently lost their jobs due to the pandemic. This proposal would offer eligible veterans one year of Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to be used at approved high demand programs to get them back into the workforce as quickly as possible. The VFW applauds our congressional leaders for swiftly introducing this legislation to help curb unemployment among veterans. 
  3. VA Resumes In-Person C&P Examinations in Some Locations: VA has announced that it will resume in-person compensation and pension (C&P) examinations at 20 locations across the U.S. VA will continue to conduct telehealth examinations at locations where in-person exams have not yet resumed. If you live in one of the locations where in-person appointments have resumed, but you are unable to make your appointment or do not feel comfortable with an in-person C&P exam, please contact your service officer to reschedule. Find a VFW service officer near you to file a claim for disability benefits.


How are you doing? Have there been tough days? Are you battling PTSD, TBI, Depression, etc?

You are not alone my friend. There are over 8,000 fellow veterans here in this site. They know what you are going through. They have been there and done that. Never feel you are alone!!

Here is a hot line to call if you just aren’t able to cope right now. It is NEVER wrong to seek help. If you need it get it.: 800-273-8255 (option #1) Call 24/7.

Again, thank all of you for subscribing to this site. It encourages me to dig even deeper to find things to help you. Please subscribe if you haven’t already. Just go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do you will get all future posts right in your inbox. Please tell other about this site as well, who you think can benefit from it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

The Countdown has begun on the Release of a New Book

It is only a matter of days now before I can officially start letting you buy the book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.”

We have the “bookstore” all set-up and ready to go. Check it out.

I want to share with you what other people are saying about the book. What follows are the endorsements that have been coming from all over the nation:




“Plentiful in wisdom and experience, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, offers a lifeline to anyone adrift in the challenges of everyday living. Concentrated and easy to apply, Doug Bolton has smoothed the road for the weary traveler with Scriptural counsel that touches on the most paramount matters of life.”

-Chris Coppernoll, author of Screen Play and a Beautiful Fall

 We all love a story–especially one that leads us to answers for problems we may be struggling with. “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” is filled with encouraging and inspiring stories that lead us to God’s answers for all those personal struggles.

Sally E. Stuart, author of the Christian Writers’ Market Guide,

“Sometimes it is only after we go through the darkest of valleys that
the light-beams of wisdom can shine through and illumine our path.
Doug Bolton has walked through that dark valley and, by the grace of
God, has discovered some wonderful lessons for life. You will enjoy
his ‘bumper sticker’ nuggets of wisdom.”

Pastor Scott Nelson

Morning Star Community Church 

Are you trying to make sense of your life?  Do you long for purpose and meaning in your heart?  If so, Doug Bolton’s masterpiece Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, is a must read for you.  Doug is passionate about his relationship with Jesus Christ and he wants everyone to know about it.  The words he writes on the pages of this book paint a beautiful picture of the truth from Scripture that God loves you and created you for a personal relationship with Him.  Just as Doug testifies in his book you too can find purpose, love, and hope by living your life all for Jesus!

International Evangelist Reid Saunders

Reid Saunders Association

‘Kind words make good echoes’ is a good bumper sticker to describe Doug Bolton’s book. The simple truths he has written echo the truths we know and love from the Word of God. It is a good reminder of God’s constant love and care for us who are seasoned Christians and an encouragement to those just beginning their walk with their Savior.

Stacey Womack, Founder and Executive Director of Abuse Recovery Ministry and Services (ARMS


This book that Doug has written is one to have on your shelf so that you can pick it up and read it time and time again. It could be used as a daily devotional. He gives us wonderful messages using his humor and personal experiences to make them real to each of us.  Doug’s use of Bible verses is so very relevant to each subject he is discusses.  I found myself writing them down to hopefully memorize later. The book ends with chapters challenging us to be witnesses of God’s salvation and then gives us tools and references to help us be fruitful. I will have this book on my shelf and I know I will give it as a gift to Christian and non-Christian friends.

Bonnie Nester, Author of “Moments this Good,” the story about a caregiver of a family member who has Alzheimer’s.

To anyone who hasn’t been able to experience a personal, intimate relationship with God, Doug Bolton’s book is a must read.  To the person who is exhausted from doing it all alone, who has lost their way, Doug’s beautiful journey to new levels of his purposeful life, will help you feel a most loving connection with a loving Father.  You will discover that you can never fail when following God’s quiet, most directive guidance.

-Mary Reynolds, Author of Make a Difference with the Power of Compassion


Doug’s collection of sayings from bumper stickers and other sources provides delightful—and usually profound—insights into the spiritual truths he draws from them.

 Sue Miholer, owner of Picky, Picky Ink, her freelance writing and editing business


Douglas Bolton is more than just an author – he is a fresh of breath air and beacon of hope to a hurting world. He addresses issues he’s struggled within his own journey -the journey we call life. His speaks openly and honestly about his own struggles with anxiety, hopelessness and depression that brought him to the end of himself. He brings a personal perspective into his story while weaving the truth he has found in God’s word as his means of finding a purpose that is larger than himself. He has an amazing ability to connect with and motivate individuals from all walks of life and provides them with a vision that leads to life-altering breakthroughs in their own life.

Chaplain-Addiction Counselor

Michael Clark


Although this book conquers tough topics about why we must suffer, why loved ones leave this earth so soon, or why circumstances out of our control prevent us from helping someone in need, it is truly a book of hope. Doug’s insights, devotional-style encouragement, practical suggestions, and even his sense of humor, will guide you toward to a more intimate relationship with Christ, regardless of the complex circumstances you may be facing.            

I am delighted to recommend this book to anyone who needs encouragement, but especially those who live with chronic illness or pain.

Lisa Copen

Founder of Rest Ministries, joyfully serving those with chronic illness or pain