“Fear Not, For I am With You.”

I had a great time at the Oregon Coast over the weekend. I did absolutley nothing, but read books and watch old movies with a friend.

I was in Newport, Oregon. What a wonderful coastal town. Not too big, but big enough to have everything you need.

The weather was pretty good, and I enjoyed looking out the window at the ocean.


What things cause you fear? Why do you fear them?

Even Jesus Christ faced fear. He prayed so hard for God to take his cup away from Him that He sweat blood.

Many people’s fear is facing death. I have been close to facing death two times.

The first time was July of 2004. I went in for a routine stress test, and when it was done I was on a gurney being taking from my doctor’s office to the hospital. I had four arteries blocked in my heart. I was told by the heart surgeon that it was amazing that I hadn’t had a heart attack.

The second time was sometime int he last two years. They can’t pinpoint it because all they found on my last stress test was scar tissue from a heart attack I had since my last stress test. They said it was a moderate heart attack. It could have been my last heart attack, but I am still here to type this post.

Do I fear death? Only in the fact that I feel I have so many things I still want to accomplish.

I have written and published my first book, and have at least two others in the making.

But, fearing actual death is not my concern anymore. Why? Because I know I will be going to be with the Lord. I will be with the one person who cared enough to die for me.


My book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.” is on sale right now. It was $19.99. Now it is $15.99. The shipping is alos cut in half. A total savings of over $6.00.

The books talks about out fears and how to handle them. It talks about fighting anxiety, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.  

If you would like to see the cover, and read what the book is about, go to the top of this page and click on the “bookstore,” tab. There will be a description, and how to order the book.

I hope you will check it out. If you order one and like it, telling others is the best marketing tool and author has.


God Doesn’t Make Mistakes. He created you for a Purpose

I see it has been a month today since I last posted on this site. I have been spending most of my time posting at: www.dailysignsofhope.com. That is my blog. The response there has been tremendous. In just a little over one year the followers have grown to over 1380. Hope you check that out.

I hope you will start joining me here as well,  because I am back here spending much more time.

Just go the to the  “Networked Blogs,” icon and click on “Follow me,” below it. You will then be able to keep up with what is going on with my book, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, and my new book, “Signs of Hope: In Sports.” (Title may change)

Let me tell you a little bit about the new book. It is still floating in my head. (It is giving me a headache!)

I have grown weary of all the negative press that sports has been getting. Just this last week there was a national  news items about a Washington Red Skins lineman who was arrested for assault. Now I certainly don’t condon what he did, but I have heard about many more assault in my own home town and they don’t even make the local newspaper.

I prayed about this, and God seems to be leading me towards putting together a book that speaks to the positive side of sports. I want to talk to some Christian athletes in pro sports. I want to interview them, and let them tell their side of what it is like to be  a Christian in a not so friendly world of sports. There will be a chapter for each person written about.

God is opening some doors that I can’t mention yet, but for a teaser, there is a NBA retired player who has two championship rings that is interested in working with me on this, and I have a connection with a chaplain for a pro baseball team.

There are several other possiblities, that just happen to become known to me in just the last few days. I think that is God at work, and I look forward to working on this, all for His glory.

If you know of any pro athletes who are Chrisiatns and may be willing to share their story to help others who may be struggling in the sports world, please let me know, by commenting to this post.

Think on this:

  • God doesn’t make any mistakes. He created you for a purpose.
  • He made you in His own image. You are His son/daughter.
  • Never let Satan plant negative thoughts into your head. It’s time for selective hearing.