A Lot of Kneeling Will keep you in Good Standing

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My book, “Sings of Hope: Ways to survive in an Unfriendly World,” is an ideal Christmas present for those on your list who may be battling anxiety, fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects.  

There is a special Christmas sale going on right now. In the stores the book is $19.99, but is you order from this site, it is only $15.99. The shipping is cut in half as well. You will need to order by December 17th to make sure you get the book in time.


Today’s excerpt is Chapter 14. Prayer is one of the keys to survival in a troubled world. Read how it can help you through the storms and trials.


Chapter 14


A Lot of Kneeling Will Keep You in Good Standing


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door

will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives;

he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7:7–8


Have you ever heard someone say, “I will pray for you,” and then never even spend one second doing so? This is a phrase that is used over and over again that too often doesn’t involve much follow through.

In my Bible study group, we have prayer requests at the end. I asked for prayer for a good report at an upcoming doctor’s appointment, and a friend asked for prayer about his friend who was going through a crisis. My prayer was answered when the doctor told me I did not have leukemia. But I never heard anyone tell me they had prayed for me. I had to assume they did.

As for my friend who also asked for prayer, I did pray for his friend. And when I saw him again, I let him know I had prayed. He expressed great comfort in knowing that, and he told me the story of how his friend made it through his crisis. He thanked me for praying for his friend.

Two different situations in one group, two different outcomes. One person didn’t know if the group of men had prayed for him or not. The other person knew that someone had prayed for his friend and he was grateful.

Two opportunities for people to pray and let someone know they cared enough to pray for them, but many did not follow through.

I am not telling you this so you think I am better than another Christian brother. It is an example to show you that letting someone know you care does wonders for the other person. Knowing there is someone praying for you is a tremendous encouragement.

Every time I hear from fellow Christians about something wonderful that has happened to them, their explanation is that they had prayed. This has happened so many times that there must be something to it, don’t you think? It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see that if this happens so often, you just may want to try it!

I have had many experiences like this myself. I told you in my introduction about my desperation prayer to God onMarch 31, 2001. I have had other experiences that are on the same level. There were times during my younger years when I was a little worried about how I was going to pay the bills at the end of the month. I’d receive a check in the mail or got some money I wasn’t expecting.

Just the other day, I was completely out of cash when I got a call from a car dealer to help them move cars from their lot to the local fairgrounds for a weekend sale they were having. They paid me at the end of my time there. The day I ran out of cash a short-term job showed up for me. A coincidence? Of course not!

The real exciting answered prayer was when I prayed for God to use me for His purpose. It led to the writing of this book.

Prayer can change your life too. Prayer is powerful. God is close. God wants to listen to your prayer no matter how unimportant it may seem in the larger scheme of things. He loves to talk to you! Steady prayer is not only a way to inner peace; it will help you through many trials.

There are ways to have a productive prayer life:

  1. Thank God for who He is. It is God you are praying to—not some golden calf. Acknowledge Him, and thank Him for answered prayer.
  2. Be realistic. Don’t just go through the prayer time and say, “Well I did my prayers today. I guess I can go on.” Be earnest in your prayers to God. Be genuine in your requests to Him. Don’t just recite a prayer. Cause some blood, sweat and tears to come to you, and really talk to God in a way that He knows you mean it.
  3. Ask for forgiveness. You need to have a repentant mind. Always ask for forgiveness of your sins. It is good to do this in the first part of your prayer when you are also praising God for His love for you.
  4. Be unceasing. Continue to pray for a need, even if it isn’t answered right away. God has His own timing. He doesn’t always answer a prayer the first time. Remember that time means nothing to God. A few hours here, a few years there. God wants us to be patient and wait for His timing.
  5. Expect an answer. You must trust that God will answer. This may be the most important factor. You can pray all you want, but if you are not sure He will answer, He may not.

Start praying today and every day to God, and you will be amazed how you are able to cope with your daily life—no matter how tough it gets. God will help you know the purpose that He has for you.       


This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything

according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—

whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

1 John 5:14–15 (emphasis mine)


Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it,

and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.

Mark 11:24–25 (emphasis mine)


Further Adventures

  1. Ask people from your church how God answered prayer for them. Have them share how it changed their lives. Write each testimony down. Keep them in a safe place. Look at those testimonies any time you doubt that God will answer your prayers. What I have learned is that sometimes God is saying no to your prayer for now. He has His own timing, and He may be waiting for the right time for you.
  2. Read more in the Bible about prayer. There are many more passages in the Bible besides the ones I have suggested. I also recommend that you acquire a book that is full of Bible promises. This type of book lists verses that pertain to any subject, like prayer. They are great for speeding up your search.

One example that I have used through the years is The Bible Promise Book from Barbour Publishing. The copy my daughter DG gave me many years ago has a 1985 copyright date and Barbour now has several different editions for teens, graduates, nurses, men, etc. I have used my copy many times to help me when I need reassurance.


Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny how turning to God in prayer gives you a peaceful mind, and a grateful heart?

Man’s Ways Leads to Hopeless End-God Way Leads to Endless Hope

Today I am sharing Chapter 5, from “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” which speaks on how we need to rely on God when we face trials, instead of trying to go through life on our own.

If you want to see more about the book, just click on the “Bookstore,” tab at the top of this page. There is a special Christmas sale going on.


Thank you for those of you who have been signing up for the RSS feed. That helps in our Google Search Rankings. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do now.



Chapter 5


Man’s Way Leads to a Hopeless End.

God’s Way Leads to Endless Hope


A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper.

He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is safe.

Proverbs 28:25–26


There are times when I think I am doing fine and do not need to worry about tomorrow. I will be strong against the sin that I may face. Every time I feel that way, I fall flat on my face, and I let Satan creep in inch by inch. You give Satan an inch, and he will become the ruler. (Another great bumper sticker!)

God has a plan for me, and I need to understand that He already had my life planned before I was even born. A plan was begun for mankind before God put the first breath into Adam. God knows my every move. Wherever I go, He will be there with me.

I sent a saying to my son when he was stationed in Iraq. It said, “I know your name, and I will be with you wherever you go.” That is true for everyone. He knows your name. He is wherever you go.

God cares for you.

And God even cares for “little people.” What I mean by little people are the people who come into your church—the ones you don’t want to sit next to them because they need a bath. They need help because they don’t know where their next meal is coming from. They are the hungry. Their clothes look like they came from a charity store.

Let me make sure you understand! God always hears and loves those who seek Him—little people or not. He doesn’t care what they wear. He doesn’t care if they smell. He does care that they are hungry. He does care that they need love—just like you do.

I realize that to love these people you are going out on a limb, taking a risk. They could take advantage of you. They may want to steal the church offering. But you should embrace them as people of worth and welcome them into your church. God cares about them—and you need to as well.

Speaking of taking a risk: Don’t you take a risk when you let your daughter go to her first dance alone? Don’t you take a risk when you give the car keys to your son for the first time? You worry about them, but you love them enough to let them stretch their wings a little. They are a little person in your eyes yet. They are still your little girl or boy, but you trust them enough to let them enjoy increasing independence.

Our heavenly Father takes a risk with His children every day. He lets us stretch our wings. He trusts us to do the right things. We don’t always do the right things, but God loves us just the same as you would still love your children if they didn’t make the right decisions.

We often try to make decisions without God’s help. But as the bumper sticker says, “Man’s way leads to a hopeless end.”

Try to remember the risk takers from the Bible. Think of David and his sling shot, Mary washing Jesus’ feet, Abraham raising his knife to kill his son. They took the risk, but they relied on God to help them. They had a heavenly Parent to trust them and protect them. He let them stretch their wings because, “God’s way leads to endless hope.”

Stay with God’s way, and the narrow path you walk will lead to endless hope. The wider path leads to destruction, disappointment, shame and despair. You may stretch your wings if you wish, but stay the course that God has in mind for you, and you will receive the final reward—the eternal love of your heavenly Parent.


And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.

God is love. Whoever lives in loved lives in God, and God in him.

1 John 4:16


Further Adventures

Man’s way does lead to a hopeless end. We have all been there. You think everything is going great and that you don’t need God to help you during that time. Like clockwork, something knocks you to your knees, and you are praying (crying) to God to help you through it.

Let me suggest an alternative: Pray without ceasing! Let God know every day about your day. If it was a good day, thank Him for it. If it was a bad day, ask for His loving care. It is so easy to get in touch with God. It is much better way to communicate than any electronic invention man has come up with. It is similar to e-mail, except you would call it knee mail.


Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny that if God is for us, no one can be against us?


Man’s Way Leads to A Hopeless End-God’s Way Leads to Endless Hope

I hope you will take time to sign-up for the RSS feed. This helps us climb up the ladder on the Google Search Rankings. It only takes you a minute. By doing this you  are able to know each time I post.


I will be sharing another excerpt from, “Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World,” after to tell you how to get it for a very good price.

Right now you can order the book on this site for only $15.99. It is $19.99 in the retail stores. The shipping has been cut in half as well. A total savings of over $6.00.

The book reaches out to those who suffer from anxiety, and fear, depression, addictions, self-doubt, hopelessness, and the many other usual suspects. You may not relate to any of these afflictions, but know of someone that may. Start thinking of Christmas. (I know it is very early, but I went to J.C. Penny yesterday and they already had their Christmas stuff out!)


Today’s excerpt is chapter 5. It teaches us that we cannot make it in this world without God.




A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the LORD will prosper. He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is safe. 

—Proverbs 28:25–26 

THERE ARE TIMES when I think I am doing fine and do not need to worry about tomorrow. I will be strong against the sin that I may face. Every time I feel that way, I fall flat on my face, and I let Satan creep in inch by inch. You give Satan an inch, and he will become the ruler. (Another great bumper sticker!) 

God has a plan for me, and I need to understand that He already had my life planned before I was even born. A plan was begun for mankind before God put the first breath into Adam. God knows my every move. Wherever I go, He will be there with me. 

I sent a saying to my son when he was stationed in Iraq. It said, “I know your name, and I will be with you wherever you go.” That is true for everyone. He knows your name. He is wherever you go. 

God cares for you. 

And God even cares for “little people.” What I mean by little people are the people who come into your church—the ones you don’t want to sit next to because they need a bath. They need help because they don’t know where their next meal is coming from. They are the hungry. Their clothes look like they came from a charity store. 

Let me make sure you understand! God always hears and loves those who seek Him—little people or not. He doesn’t care what they wear. He doesn’t care if they smell. He does care that they are hungry. He does care that they need love—just like you do. 

I realize that to love these people you are going out on a limb, taking a risk. They could take advantage of you. They may want to steal the church offering. But you should embrace them as people of worth and welcome them into your church. God cares about them—and you need to as well. 

Speaking of taking a risk: Don’t you take a risk when you let your daughter go to her first dance alone? Don’t you take a risk when you give the car keys to your son for the fi rst time? You worry about them, but you love them enough to let them stretch their wings a little. They are a little person in your eyes yet. They are still your little girl or boy, but you trust them enough to let them enjoy increasing independence. 

Our heavenly Father takes a risk with His children every day. He lets us stretch our wings. He trusts us to do the right things.We don’t always do the right things, but God loves us just the same as you would still love your children if they didn’t make the right decisions. 

We often try to make decisions without God’s help. But as the bumper sticker says, “Man’s way leads to a hopeless end.” 

Try to remember the risk takers from the Bible. Think of David and his sling shot, Mary washing Jesus’ feet, Abraham raising his knife to kill his son. They took the risk, but they relied on God to help them. They had a heavenly Parent to trust them and protect them. He let them stretch their wings because, “God’s way leads to endless hope.” 

Stay with God’s way, and the narrow path you walk will lead to,endless hope. The wider path leads to destruction, disappointment, shame and despair. You may stretch your wings if you wish, but stay the course that God has in mind for you, and you will receive the final reward—the eternal love of your heavenly Parent. 

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. 

—1 John 4:16 

Further Adventures 

Man’s way does lead to a hopeless end. We have all been there. You think everything is going great and that you don’t need God to help you during that time. Like clockwork, something knocks you to your knees, and you are praying (crying) to God to help you through it. 

Let me suggest an alternative: Pray without ceasing! Let God know every day about your day. If it was a good day, thank Him for it. If it was a bad day, ask for His loving care. It is so easy to get in touch with God. It is a much better way to communicate than any electronic invention man has come up with. It is similar to e-mail, except you would call it knee mail. 

Something to Ponder 

Isn’t it funny that if God is for us, no one can be against us?

Remember: Never, ever, give up!