There Wasn’t Bad Days Every Day in the Military, Some Were Funny and Fun

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Military news..

An Air Force captain with top secret security clearance vanished. He resurfaced 35 years later
Former Air Force Capt. William Howard Hughes Jr. disappeared in 1983, and was found in 2018, but the exact details for why he deserted are still unknown.


Here’s how the US military can win a war against China
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‘What did our service mean?’ Taliban rout still evokes raw emotions for US veterans and Afghan refugees
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House Republicans blast White House for Afghanistan withdrawal, calling it a ‘strategic failure’

The Biden administration was at fault for the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan last year, according to a GOP report.


New study on tinnitus adds heft to findings on scourge of US vets

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New Iowa military memorial dedicated by former, active sailors from USS The Sullivans

On a weekend when sailors from both the decommissioned and active ships USS The Sullivan’s reunited at Iowa Irish Fest, a new memorial depicting the original Navy ship was unveiled in Waterloo.


Not every day in the military was bad for me. I am sharing and excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life, of one day that funny and fun.


I Hope I Can Swim!

There weren’t always serious times in the military.

One day after we were done with shooting at the range in basic training, the regular platoon leader had to go to headquarters, and he asked a Warrant Officer to march us back to the buses.

The Warrant Officer had never led a march before and it was very clear that he was not in control. The men whispered to each other that we needed to follow his commands completely, but only if they were Army regulated.

Well, the Warrant Officer had no idea what the Army regulations were for marching troops, so he just told us to start marching. We didn’t move. He shouted, “Let’s go!” We still didn’t move. Then a passer-by soldier told him the wording was “Forward march!” 

He said “Forward march!” We started marching. He wanted us to do a turn at a street corner, and said “Turn right!” We kept going straight. He was heading us toward a boat ramp leading down to the ocean. He saw what was happening, and yelled, “Stop!” We didn’t stop! He shouted “You’re going into the water, stop!”

By this time the front of the platoon was in the edge of the ramp and had water over their boots. He was again getting desperate. He ran over to some other soldier watching “the show,” and begged them to tell him what he is supposed to say. He said yell, “Platoon halt!” He did, but by that time there were some men swimming, and laughing I might add.

The platoon leader didn’t get mad when he heard what happened. He even chuckled to himself, and then he called the Warrant Officer to apologize.

Have you ever gotten confused with some orders you have received in the military? Were they in such a way that you had to question them? Let me tell you that it is OK to question a command or orders if you stay with the guidelines of the Army manual.

If an officer asks you to do something you aren’t comfortable with you could say, “No disrespect sir, but could you explain that order to me?” You could also say, “I would like to say “Respectively sir that I will do what you say, but I am not comfortable doing it.”

Any good officer will not chew you out for statements like that. My son, who was a colonel, had times when he had to give soldiers commands, and I am sure if they questioned him, he didn’t punish them or he didn’t become angry. I met many of his soldiers when I visited him on base, and every soldier I met said that my son was a soldier’s soldier. Meaning, they knew he was in charge, but they also knew that he would listen to them if they had a disagreement.

In your life it is wise to be open to others who may disagree with you. It may make you uncomfortable, but in the long run, the other person will respect you for listening to them even if you stick to what you first advocated.


It is so easy to demand things for yourself, but that approach may only lead to the loss of friends and family. The “my way or the highway,” philosophy doesn’t seem to fit well with most people.

Think about this

Isn’t it sad that when someone tries to “bully,” someone into agreeing with them, it only hurts them?

Checking in on you. How are you doing? Is everything going OK, or are you fighting back memories?


There are over 15,219 Veterans on this site who have your back.

If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.
1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.

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Soldiers Need to be Accurate With Their Rifles During Basic Training

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An Army chaplain faces court-martial after being charged with over a dozen counts of rape and child sexual assault. Capt. Jeremy Dunn, of the 3rd Chemical Brigade at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, is expected to plead guilty at his court martial hearing on July 14. (Today)


With just two months to go until U.S. troops are scheduled to leave Afghanistan, the Biden administration is still figuring out how to get Afghan interpreters out of the country. Despite those interpreters taking on unimaginable risks during America’s long stay in Afghanistan, U.S. officials still don’t know the answers to basic questions such as how many people they can move or what countries they can move them to.


A few good Marines will start training with the Army in Colorado soon to learn all about space operations. While they won’t be dropping into hell like the Colonial Marines in ‘Aliens,’ these space marines will get schooled in satellite intelligence, jamming enemy communications and other aspects of Final Frontier fighting.


President Joe Biden’s promise to rescue Afghan interpreters and their families before the Taliban kills them has rung hollow, because no evacuation plan has been finalized and most U.S. troops have already left the country, reports. Now an estimated 70,000 Afghans who worked for the U.S. are in grave danger as the Taliban sweep across the country.


A battalion of Black women who served overseas in World War II could soon receive Congress’ highest award for distinguished achievements. Hundreds of women served in the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, where they were instrumental in getting millions of pieces of mail to service members in Europe. In doing so, they reversed a huge backlog that was hurting morale, and now they could soon receive the Congressional Gold Medal for it.


Here is another excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Taking Aim On Perfection

One part of basic training was done on the firing range. We all had to learn how to properly line up the sights on our rifles, and shoot at the targets with some accuracy.

I had never shot a weapon before in my life. It was a little intimating at first. The loud noise each time you shot was one thing, but the kick from the weapon on your shoulder was another. You had to how to “hug” the rifle and keep it tight against your shoulder to keep it from kicking.

The first day was mostly learning how to lie down in the right position, and how to wrap the strap properly around your arm and keep the rifle steady. This got boring pretty quickly, but the leaders were determined to having all of us doing it perfectly.

The second day was more exciting. They had us actually shooting at targets. They targets were pop-up type targets. You waited until one popped up and then shot. It tested awareness and your quick judgment. The targets didn’t stay up very long.

I did my shooting and the soldier assigned to me said I was the fastest of hitting all the targets of anyone in my platoon.

Then they moved targets further away These were about 75 yards away. I again was done faster than anyone else and hit all of my targets.

Then we saw some of the men weren’t shooting any more. I was told they missed too many targets. The targets were moved to 100 yards. (The length of a football field.) You really had to concentrate because the targets went up and down pretty fast. I hit all my targets again.

There were only five of us left. They told us the targets will now be 150 yards way. At this time they taught us about “Kentucky windage. ” This is were you aim a little higher on the target and let the wind bring the bullet down to the target.

I had some miss hits, but the first round was just a practice to get us accustom to shooting at the distance. By the end that round I was hitting most of the targets.

The final round came and I was ready. The targets popped up and I shot them. I hit four our of five targets. The rest of the men didn’t do as well. I was named the champion of the shooting range for that day. From all of that I received an expert medal that I still have today.


This is a shortened version of this chapter of my book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. So come back often to see what the rest is. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will directly to your inbox.


Checking your pulse. Are you doing Ok? Have the dreams from your military time been driving you crazy?


There is toll free number to help you if you need extra help. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you. There is no shame to GETTING HELP when you need it.

Never face this world alone!

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1 For texting…838255.

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A World War II Veteran Speaks From His Heart About an Upcoming Book

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I did some research, (It gave me a headache) that showed what the pollsters thought were the best war movies as far as being authentic. Here is THEIR list:

  1. Saving Private Ryan
  2. The Best years of Our Lives
  3. In the Army now
  4. Platoon
  5. Black Hawk Down
  6. Apocalypse Now
  7. Full Metal Jacket

They chose them for how they got it right, whereas some military films are laughable how screwed up they were.


Here is one more endorsement for the book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

It is from a WWII veteran. George Woodruff. I met him on RallyPoint. Great guy. He was 94 and very ill when I connected so I am not sure if he is still with us.

George was on Hospice care when I first met him. He was at a special military assisted living facility in Alabama.

Here is his endorsement:

I know Doug. He is a good man. He knows the hearts of his fellow veterans. His book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and out of the trenches of Life is well written, and is vital for veterans.

He writes from the heart, and speaks of healing and soothing the souls of his brothers and sisters.

I highly recommend his book in that it especially reaches out to those who are suffering with PTSD, war wounds, depression, and many other problems.

George Woodruff

WWII veteran


President Biden is sticking to his decision to not pull out troops from Afghanistan. This is causing many angry family members of those troops. They thought their loved ones would be home by May, and now there is no definite timeline.

There is also a rumor that Biden will slash the military budget way down to help pay for his Trillion dollar fantasys. He is certainly showing that he doesn’t love the military like President Trump did.


How are you doing on the rollercoaster of life? I know there are many ups and downs. The ride is crazy.

Fear Not!

There are over 11.700 fellow veterans here who have your back.

If that rollercoaster is just too fast for you, GET HELP!

Here is a tool free niumber for you to call 24/7.

There are highly trained Counselors there to help you. They will not hang up until they know you are OK.

Never, ever, take on this rollercoaster world alone!

1-800-273-8255 Option # 1



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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