Finnish test pilot flies first mission with the Air Force after his country joins NATO.

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Military news…

Japan gets ready to shoot down N. Korea spy satellite debris

Japan’s defense chief on Saturday ordered troops to activate missile interceptors and get ready to shoot down fragments from a North Korean satellite that may fall on the Japanese territory.


President Joe Biden announces 2024 reelection bid

President Joe Biden on Tuesday asked voters to give him more time to “finish the job” he began when he was sworn in to office and to set aside their concerns about extending the run of America’s oldest president.

Finnish test pilot flies first mission with the Air Force after his country joins NATO
That didn’t take long.


Famed Calypso singer, Navy veteran, and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte passes away
Harry Belafonte joined the Navy in 1944 one day after his 17th birthday.


On Basco Island South of Taiwan, US Military Prepares for Conflict With China

Part of the largest-ever annual drills with the Philippines focuses on defending strategic Bashi Channel. 


The continuing saga of my latest health issue, will get some help tomorrow. I will be getting a steroid shot in my right hip that is supposed to cut out the pain. I will let you know on Friday how that turned out.


It seems to me that a few of us older veterans are getting forgotten. There is lots of news coverage about the current military personnel.

I am not whining, but we need to never forget those who forged the path we are now on in this country.

God bless all veterans.


I feel like I am back in basic training! I have been assigned to a PT specialist, and an occupational therapist. One of them is coming at 2:00pm today. Still sore from yesterday’s workout.

I am wanting the help, but it is just the beginning, and that is the hardest part.


Update on my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. I had three interviews to do when I Iast posted, but now I am down to two. Getting close! Check back often to see the progress. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.


Checking in on you. How are you doing? Is everything going OK, or are you fighting back memories?


There are over 15,219 Veterans on this site who have your back.

If you are battling mentally, but you are losing, GET HELP!!

Here is a toll free number that you can call 24/7. There are highly qualified counselors there to help you, and they will not hang up until they know you are OK.
1-800-273-8255…texting 838255.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.

+Now there is an easier way to get help. Just dial 988, and you will have help ready for you.


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Latest Military News that May Affect Us

There are 21 new subscribers since I last posted. Welcome to each of you! Amazing things are happening here lately.


I decided to make this Military news day. The following is the latest news about what may affect us:

 PREVENTS Roadmap Released: On Wednesday, VFW Washington Office Executive Director B.J. Lawrence attended the release of the President’s Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide (PREVENTS), which is a nationwide plan for ending suicide. The PREVENTS Task Force calls for a number of steps to be taken, including a nationwide public health campaign to change the culture around suicide and mental health, launch a National Research Strategy for effective solutions for the prevention of suicide, and build partnerships among organizations to share best practices. 

VA to Host Virtual Women Veterans Event June 23: Next week, the VFW will join VA Acting Deputy Secretary Pam Powers who will host an event for women veterans on June 23 from 12:30-3:30 p.m. EST. VA Secretary Robert Wilkie will kick off the event to include presenters from all three VA administrations, as well as the Center for Women Veterans, and the Veterans Experience Office. The discussion will focus on how VA responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, address how VA has changed as a result of it, and the post-pandemic environment.

MIA Update: The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced three new identifications for service members who have been missing and unaccounted-for from WWII and the Korean War.

TRICARE Dental Program Increasing Annual Maximum: United Concordia, the TRICARE Dental Program contractor, announced it will be raising every enrollee’s annual maximum an additional $300. For the contract year that runs from May 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021, the annual maximum will be $1,800. The change is automatic. Enrollees do not need to take any action for this to apply. 


How are you doing? Things aren’t exactly rosy right now. It is hard to watch the news anymore.

There is tension now in the Philippians. The United States, and the Philippine armies are training together. This does not make China happy. Apparently the Chinese have been trying to frighten the Philippians by having hundreds of war ships pass by their country. We will see what happens there.


Many of the Generals seem to fighting back against President Trump and his wishes to use the regular Army to clean up the rioting areas. I can see both sides here.

What really has to happen is this:

If you notice that every place there is rioting, burning of businesses, and looting, is run by the democrats. Coincidences? I don’t think so. Those “leaders,” need to get tough and take charge. Clear out their own mess!!

We really do not need the National Guard. We need strong people who live there to step up.


How are you holding up during this storm we are going through? Is it getting overwhelming?

I know your pain. I have been struggling. The main thing I cling to is that no one can intimidate me. I will not back down. I will remain strong, and reach out to others who need help.

If it is getting a little dicey for you and your need help. Call the crises line below:

1-800-273-8255 Do not delay. It could be your life line.

You should never feel you are weak if you seek help. Do not let people think that since you are a veteran, you should tough it out. I needed help and I got it.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Being meek and Mild will get you Farther Than Being Tough

Before I share an excerpt from the book: Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, I have some exciting news:

On Friday the 15thof January, I signed a publishing contract with Winepress Publishers. The book will be coming out at the end of August or the first of September.

Much of the success is due to you my followers who have been telling others about the book on the social networks. The word is spreading, and now my dream is coming true. Follow the posts here to see the progress of the publishing of the book. You will be the first to know. Now for the excerpt. It is Chapter 64:



Compassion Is Difficult to Give Away Because It Keeps Coming Back


Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:5


I was warming up one day before playing a round of golf. I had been looking forward to a relaxing day, a chance to get away from it all, and was hitting a few balls at the driving range. I was hitting the ball well when a young man in his 20s to my right also started hitting balls. He was hitting the balls very far, which was distracting to me. I felt intimidated by his skills.

I continued to hit, but my shots started going in all directions. I was so distracted by this young man’s abilities that I couldn’t concentrate! I tried to regroup, and stepped up to the tee, saying to myself: I have to ignore the person to my right and hit the ball straight. I took a big swing, and the ball went directly right, hitting the young man on the outside of his left knee. He went down to the ground, grabbing his knee in pain. I was horrified!

I ran over to him, repeating how sorry I was, to ask if he was all right. He looked up at me.

“I’ll be OK,” he said. “And don’t feel bad—you weren’t trying to hit me.”

I could see he was in a great deal of pain, but his first action was to try to calm me down. Here was young a man who had every right to be really mad. God had given this young man the right things to say. That was another of my close encounters with God!

I couldn’t believe how calming his answer was. I was very upset, and I bet it showed! He, the injured party, calmed me by his loving spirit! He could have cursed at me, but he used the moment to show his Christian attitude toward another person.

How do you know he was a Christian? you wonder. Well, I really don’t know because our conversation never went to that subject, but if I were a betting man (and I’m not!), I’d say he was a believer because he never hesitated to show compassion for someone in spite of his own discomfort.

Can people look at you and tell you are a Christian by your actions?

I’ve always felt that you don’t have to grab a Bible and “preach” to a person to have a large effect on them. This young man had a tremendous effect on me, and he didn’t do much. He just forgave me, and let it go at that!

Have you had the opportunity to be a witness to someone by your actions, and let it pass you by?

We can be a witness to someone without trying to impress them with what we know about the Bible. It’s wonderful if you have that knowledge, but most people don’t care how much you know; they want to know how much you care. Many times a people will say, “I want to be like that person,” just by what they see us do. A calming spirit will win more people over than an angry, hateful spirit.

Aim straight for the heart with your love, and the feeling will become a part of those around you.


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3


Further adventures

The next time someone is angry, try the gentle approach. You may be very surprised to see that it will calm them down much faster than yelling back at them. Your friends or family will really look up to you if you are consistent in your approach to stress and pressure. Your example may help them to also be meek and therefore be an example for the next person.


Something to ponder

Isn’t it funny that the more we show kindness to someone, the more we get back in return?


 * Excerpt from: Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World